
January 2025

Pi and some of it’s Secrets

Pi and some of it’s Secrets
The number Pi is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.
It can be proven that Pi is an irrational number.
Being an irrational number, Pi cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction (equivalently, its decimal representation never ends and never settles into a permanent repeating pattern).
We have known since the 18th century that we will never be able to calculate all the digits of Pi because it is an irrational number, one that continues forever without any repeating pattern.
Mathematicians and computer scientists have been able to calculate the decimal representation of Pi to many trillions of digits after the decimal point.
We typically think of Pi as approximately 3.14 but, at November 2016, it’s value was worked out to 22.4 trillion digits after the decimal point.
3.14 is 99.9493 % of the value of Pi while the fraction 22/7 is 100.04025 % of the value of Pi.
The fraction 355/113 is incredibly close to Pi, within a third of a millionth of the exact value [3.141592920354].
The number Pi may be compared to Eternity – it never ends but just goes on and on.
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name [is] Holy; I dwell in the high and holy [place], with him also [that is] of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. [Isaiah 57:15]
Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. [John 6:68].
That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. [Romans 5:21].
For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. [Romans 6:23].
In the value of Pi, has God revealed to His people a hidden message?
So back to Pi and let us now look in detail at this irrational number.
Section 1
Pi within Pi
3141597876 1655537226 3016164233 5345100237 4635368298
6780512705 4386580977 3836608455 7141592231 3112507699
Remember – The value of Pi is 3.141592653…..
Numerically of interest
9956069913 4012345566 1866002723 8644091295 7768174567
The first 7 numbers appear in their correct order within 9 integers – further proof of God’s involvement in the value of Pi.
Section 2
So is the value of Pi just a never–ending collection of random numbers?
Certainly not. Consider the first 22 digits of Pi:
Pi = 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 535 8 97 93 23 84 62 …..
Jesus born on Earth for us on 3.11.9 [3 BC September 11]
4 = God’s Absolute Control over His Creation & World / Earth (directions, winds, empires) – Universal Truth – Creative Works including All Things Terrestrial – Message (hear).
5 = Power & Divine Grace – God’s Goodness – Pentateuch – Redemption – Human Weakness (life, child).
2 = Union – Division / Divide (break) – Separation – Witnessing – A Difference – Double Portion – Duality – Contrary (light/dark, good/evil) or Complimentary (spiritual/material; divine/human).
6 = Man (conscience, flesh) – His Weakness – Manifestation of Sin – Evil – Satan (& his influences) – Something Incomplete or Imperfect.
At the very beginning of Pi, we see that God so loved the world [4], that He gave His only begotten Son [born on 3 BC September 11] that through His Grace [5], Man [6] may find salvation from sin. By accepting and believing Jesus we become married to Him; thus He forms a union [2] with His believers.
The decimal integers of Pi continue with the integers 535 representing God’s Grace flowing out in all directions.
3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God)
5 = Power & Divine Grace – God’s Goodness – Pentateuch – Redemption – Human Weakness (life, child).
It is then followed by the decimal integer 8:
8 = New Beginning / Birth – New Order / Creation – Circumcision of the Heart – Resurrection – Eternal Life – Holy Spirit – New Man (eyes).
Then the decimal integers 97:
97 = Fire Burns Enemies.
Then the decimal integers 93:
93 = Might of God.
Then the decimal integers 23:
23 = Death.
Here we see, through the Might of God, that God’s people commence Eternal Life while those others are completely destroyed.
The decimal integers of Pi continue with the digits 84 and then 62:
84 = Court of the Lord.
62 = Jerusalem the Royal City.
Both of these having reference to the new Jerusalem:
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, [which is] new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and [I will write upon him] my new name. [Revelation 3:12].
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. [Revelation 21:2].
Summary: In the very first 22 digits of Pi [the unit digit plus the first 21 decimal digits of Pi] God has marked out what has happened from the birth of Jesus to what will happen in the future.
22 = Spiritual Knowledge – Light – Insight – Making Manifest – Revelation.
Note: The number 22 was and still is significant.
The Hebrew alphabet is made up of 22 letters, these were used to compose the Word of God.
There are 22 books in the Aaronic (Levitical) Old Testament, which is the light of God for Israel.
The 25th psalm contains 22 verses, each of which begins with a different letter of the alphabet, from aleph to tau.
The 119th psalm is divided into 22 parts, designated by the names of the letters, aleph, beth, gimel, daleth, etc..
The book of Revelation concludes the Bible and ends on the 22nd chapter.
Jesus quoted part of verse 1 of Psalm 22 while in agony on the cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”
Section 3
Consider the first 144 decimal digits of Pi.
1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359
Adding these numbers:
Gives 666.
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains.
In addition, the following is worthy of note:
There are 13 0’s, 11 1’s, 18 2’s, 16 3’s, 14 4’s, 14 5’s, 13 6’s, 10 7’s, 18 8’s and 17 9’s.
When the numbers 1 to 13 are added together and then their sum is added to each of the numbers 1 to 11 and then that total added to each of the numbers 1 to 18 etc. the then final sum is 1,144.
When each of the numbers 1 to 144 are added together then the sum is 10,144.
144/1144 = 0.125874 125874 125874 125874
Taking the decimal digits 2 at a time:
12+58+74 = 144
10440/1144 = 9.125874 125874 125874 125874
Note that the decimal part of these ratios is exactly the same; therefore
12+58+74 likewise = 144
Also, note that the unit part of both of these ratios are 0 [the lowest digit that we use] and 9 [the highest] in our base 10 numbering system.
The prime factorization of 125874 =
2 × 35 × 7 × 37
[2 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 7 × 37]
where numbers 3 and 37 relate to the Godhead / the Trinity.
3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God)
37 = The Word of God – The Godhead – God’s Attributes – Chosen Servant – Exaltation.
On a lesser note, the average of the numbers 0 to 9 is 4.5.
You would expect the first 144 numbers to add up to [144 x 4.5 =] 648 rather than 666.
The difference is 18 – which is also a factor of 144 [18 x 8].
Section 4
Does 666 occur within the decimal part of the value of Pi?
Considering Pi up to 10,000 decimal integers – yes it does.
The first time occurs at decimal integers 3151–3; then at integers 4435–7 and then at integers 5403–5; and there are many more times that 666 occurs beyond the first 10,000 decimal integers.
Focus now upon the first occurrence of 666:
This is interesting because within the decimal integer 3151 we have the digits 153; the remaining digit being 1.
153 = Tribe of Believers – Fruit Bearing.
1 = Unity (Lord) – (New) Beginning(s) – Singleness – No Other(s) – Monotheism – Supremacy – The Uniqueness of God – Unity for Humans.
Without going into detail, the number 153 in God’s Gematria is the “Bull’s-Eye” of all numbers.
The number 153 has several mathematical properties. It is the sum of the first 17 integers and is also the sum of the first five positive factorials, 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5!. The number 153 is associated with the geometric shape known as the Vesica Piscis or Mandorla. Archimedes, in his Measurement of a Circle, referred to this ratio (153/265), as constituting the “measure of the fish”, this ratio being an imperfect representation of 1/square root of 3.
As a triangular number, 153 is the sum of the first 17 integers, and is also the sum of the first five positive factorials: 1!+2!+3!+4!+5!.
The number 153 is also a hexagonal number, and a truncated triangle number, meaning that 1, 15, and 153 are all triangle numbers.
The distinct prime factors of 153 add up to 20, and so do the ones of 154, hence the two form a Ruth-Aaron pair.
Since 153=1^{3}+5^{3}+3^{3}, it is a 3-narcissistic number, and it is also the smallest three-digit number which can be expressed as the sum of cubes of its digits. Only five other numbers can be expressed as the sum of the cubes of their digits: 0, 1, 370, 371 and 407. It is also a Friedman number, since 153 = 3 × 51, and a Harshad number in base 10, being divisible by the sum of its own digits.
The Biggs–Smith graph is a symmetric graph with 153 edges, all equivalent.
Another feature of the number 153 is that it is the limit of the following algorithm:
1. Take a random positive integer, divisible by three
2. Split that number into its base 10 digits
3. Take the sum of their cubes
4. Go back to the second step
An example, starting with the number 84:
8 x 8 x 8 + 4 x 4 x 4 = 512 + 64 = 576
5 x 5 x 5 + 7 x 7 x 7 + 6 x 6 x 6 = 125 + 343 + 216 = 684
6 x 6 x 6 + 8 x 8 x 8 + 4 x 4 x 4 = 216 + 512 + 64 = 792
7 x 7 x 7 + 9 x 9 x 9 + 2 x 2 x 2 = 343 + 729 +8 = 1080
1 x 1 x 1 + 0 x 0 x 0 + 8 x 8 x 8 + 0 x 0 x 0 = 1 + 0 + 512 = 513
5 x 5 x 5 + 1 x 1 x 1 + 3 x 3 x 3 = 125 + 1 + 27 = 153
1 x 1 x 1 + 5 x 5 x 5 + 3 x 3 x 3 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153.
We have already seen the number 153 in the short-fall of the 6000 years when in AD 1844 Jesus entered the Heavenly Sanctuary. In the Bible this number is found just once:
Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. [John 21:11].
Down through the ages people have tried to understand this number and have put forward many theories, such as a miscalculated 150.
No one really knew until God’s use of Biblical Numbers and Gematria was more fully understood.
There is a massive amount of information upon the number 153 – it rightly deserves to be treated as a separate subject. See Gematria – Part 2.
Section 5
So there are triple occurring integers within the value of Pi – anything more than a triple?
Look, for instance, at Pi commencing at decimal integer 762:
5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859
800 – General Note: The italic numbers being the last decimal integer in the above string of 5 batches of 10 integers.
This hextuple after just 766 decimal integers cannot be by chance – there must be a Divine Hand at work.
The re–occurring integer 3
8932303148 9589916006 8542287957 8929481590 0068735373
3333338638 1390842099 4872551172 6171087294 4088868447
At decimal integer 710,100 we find the first 3 of 7 consecutive 3’s.
According to chance and in a million integers, a repetition of 6 3’s would be expected only once.
Here we find 7 consecutive 3’s and another 4 very close by.
According to chance any one integer would be repeated every 10 integers.
Here we find all the other 4 3’s in only ten integers around the bank of the 7 consecutive 3’s.
11 3’s in 17 decimal integers.
17 = Overcoming the Enemy – Complete Victory (sword of the Lord) – Perfection of Spiritual Order – Goodness and Sacrifice.
According to Bible numbers and their meaning:
3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God)
33 = Promise – Scattered Remnant.
333 = Sign of God.
Consider the integers in between the 3’s:
5 = Power & Divine Grace – God’s Goodness – Pentateuch – Redemption – Human Weakness (life, child).
7 = Spiritual Completeness / Perfection – Sanctification – Resurrection – Covenant – Holy Spirit – Finished – Totality – God’s Seal – The End (sword).
86 = Nations Worship God.
81 = Holy Angels.
Section 6
Now look at decimal integer 153,153 and it’s surroundings:
2496761584 3963471143 5324714370 3922148617 8438282611
3866885521 5984613445 0580330263 6914394174 3559917537
8716668814 0045296893 4351987652 7230084584 6550156565
9895211301 1048528816 9394156867 0635178319 2218559553
0500029864 8325444777771995501 6508265889 6713964088
9880567958 0669160658 0609404851 3928010222 7697615613
At decimal integer 153,153–153,155 we find 666.
But also notice what is going on – there are the numbers 4004 and 2300.
There is one near miss quintuple / pentadruple.
There are five treble integers and four near miss trebles.
Altogether, there are a total of 37 double integers that occur within 274 integers of Pi.
37 = The Word of God – The Godhead – God’s Attributes – Chosen Servant – Exaltation.
The integers 688 also occur and then again 52 integers later.
688 = Everlasting Kingdom.
52 = Gospel Worker.
This is the way that God works – this is further proof that God is the author of Pi and that we should search harder for His hidden messages.
Section 7
General Awareness
James Ussher (or Usher; 4 January 1581 – 21 March 1656) was the Irish Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland between 1625 and 1656. He was a prolific scholar and church leader, who today is most famous for his chronology that sought to establish the time and date of the creation as “the entrance of the night preceding the 23rd day of October… the year before Christ 4004”; that is, around 6 pm on 22 October 4004 BC according to the proleptic Julian calendar.
This day is interesting – it reminds Seventh–Day Adventists of 1844.–times/two–great–disappointments/the–great–disappointment “The Great Disappointment” refers to the grief experienced by the 100,000 Millerites who expected Jesus to return on October 22, 1844.
This date was the end of the longest time prophecy in the Bible, found in Daniel 7 and 8. The prophecy begins in 457 B.C. and continued 2,300 years later until 1844. The prophecy includes the exact dates of the beginning of Christ’s ministry at His first advent, of His death upon the cross, and the commencement of His High Priestly work in the Most Holy Place in the Heavenly Sanctuary, as Paul writes about in the book of Hebrews.
The Adventist Church calls October 22 the “day of disappointment.” Far better, however, to remember October 22 as the day of Christ’s appointment. Even as on the road to Emmaus when Jesus had come to disappointed disciples, so He once again came very close to earnest but puzzled believers in the months following the “the great disappointment,” when He revealed to men and women what did happen on October 22, 1844.
A small portion of the BC year 4004 + 4003 full BC years + 1843 full AD years + a large [residual] portion of the AD year 1844 = 5847 full years. 6000 years less 5847 years = 153 years. 1844 + 153 = 1997.
Therefore in 1997 AD the 6000 years were complete and we could expect Jesus to return. This date has passed – so what has happened?
Lift Him Up [1988]
The angel of God pointed to those who profess the truth, and in a solemn voice repeated these words: “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” {LHU 351.3}
In consideration of the shortness of time we as a people should watch and pray, and in no case allow ourselves to be diverted from the solemn work of preparation for the great event before us. Because the time is apparently extended, many have become careless and indifferent in regard to their words and actions. They do not realize their danger and do not see and understand the mercy of our God in lengthening their probation, that they may have time to form characters for the future, immortal life. Every moment is of the highest value. Time is granted them, not to be employed in studying their own ease and becoming dwellers on the earth, but to be used in the work of overcoming every defect in their own characters and in helping others, by example and personal effort, to see the beauty of holiness. God has a people upon the earth who in faith and holy hope are tracing down the roll of fast–fulfilling prophecy and are seeking to purify their souls by obeying the truth, that they may not be found without the wedding garment when Christ shall appear. . . . The signs foretold in prophecy are fast fulfilling around us. This should arouse every true follower of Christ to zealous action (Testimonies, vol. 4, pp. 306, 307). {LHU 351.4}
So God in His mercy has extended our Probation.
Section 8
The 144,000:
6414362032 1098749717 2990814400 0371573928 1891528408
According to Bible numbers and their meaning:
8 = New Beginning / Birth – New Order / Creation – Circumcision of the Heart – Resurrection – Eternal Life – Holy Spirit – New Man (eyes).
37 = The Word of God – The Godhead – God’s Attributes – Chosen Servant – Exaltation.
157 = Chosen People.
3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God)
9 = Fruits of God’s Holy Spirit – Hour of Prayer – Divine Completeness from the Father – Finality – Unchangeableness – Judgement (Spirit of truth).
28 = Eternal Life.
All relevant to the 144,000 ! – Further proof that within the integers of Pi there is God’s message.
4022754356 1095303877 7070121200 0289803251 7901049232
Here we find integers 12 followed immediately by integers 12000 – this represents the 12 tribes which gives the 144,000.
But note nearby the integers 777.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
Interlinked with this is the first set of integers 70 which is immediately followed by the second set of integers 70.
70 = Elder(s) – Israel’s Captivity and Return.
Immediately after integers 12000 are integers 28.
28 = Eternal Life.
Section 9
Creation occurred around 6 pm on 4004 BC October 22 which was a Saturday.
Jesus was conceived 4 BC December 23 which was a Sunday.
The number of days between these 2 dates is 1720319 days.
Although this is a 7 digit number it is found within Pi.
0325136902 0883958608 5467504777 3229290628 4648172031
9507281491 1800959505 1258134475 7157055467 8484436237
Jesus was conceived 4 BC December 23 which was a Sunday.
Jesus was crucified on 31 AD April 27 which was a Friday.
The number of days between these 2 dates is 12178 days.
2460226985 8671745423 1097729730 6019504557 5021217866
7292686336 6512580710 5050017472 1336920726 9807192779
The integers 12178 occur with the integers 667 immediately afterwards.
In Gematria, a near miss is sometimes regarded as a hit – and especially so with larger numbers.
The integers 667 are a near miss to integers 666.
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains.
Jesus was born on 3 BC September 11 and was crucified on 31 AD April 27; his lifespan was 11,916 days.
0904860172 4376419814 2270431480 3738452936 8743600536
3912672650 7615680781 3142004122 4119594940 3929770163
267 = Man of Sorrows.
594 = Precious Sacrifice.
4281240787 2080852166 6306459230 5670320709 8161722529
0269602306 3081292602 2797817743 5716138102 9192980622
102 = Destitute and Abandoned.
5097290234 2140272119 1693803271 3298320083 7285066796
There are 190 integers between the the two underlined integers.
190 = Kingdom Comes.
The death date of Jesus is also found at:
4168626435 2270431372 3804662598 5568603693 9297507794
626 = Prophecy Fulfilled.
625 = Suffering Glorified.
0012505326 5954906591 1585793127 0481659345 6876477106
125 = Multitude of Holy Angels.
250 = Devouring Fire.
0872150984 6232270743 1627761529 4128040427 3173876699
627 = Saints Are Honoured.
6042731264 2890214401 8734759285 4707425670 3449969176
144 = Jesus is Lord.
The death date of Jesus occurs 5 times.
5 = Power & Divine Grace – God’s Goodness – Pentateuch – Redemption – Human Weakness (life, child).
The lifespan of Jesus was 11,916 days.
Integers 11916 are found many times:
5505064197 7215319293 5487537119 1630262030 3285886585
153 = Tribe of Believers – Fruit Bearing.
620 = No One Cares For My Life.
7388771483 5384248129 3119168316 0601354302 9978483686
6217724063 4791781191 6200629577 7701399370 9343944321
621 = Cry to God For Rescue From Death.
620 = No One Cares For My Life.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
9659885042 0411916153 3208988567 2380926018 1428117623
153 = Tribe of Believers – Fruit Bearing.
3586699908 5256828346 1799920448 4921582868 2554266066
525 = God is King of All the Earth.
6948065905 5883754767 4778900630 3076397732 0119162644
There are 40 integers in between the 666 and the 11916 days of Jesus.
40 = Trials – Probation – Testing / Severe Test – Days of Jesus’ Temptation – Time of Proving – Closing in Victory / Judgement – A Very Long Time – Tribulation.
626 = Prophecy Fulfilled.
7980430500 1576612206 8591071191 6447836787 7552875557
5097290234 2140272119 1693803271 3298320083 7285066796
3176366538 8968320511 9163622399 6373640065 0624218691
242 = Saints Go To Heaven.
9627957493 3052201119 1610842080 2369961389 0043993283
627 = Saints Are Honoured.
574 = Judge of All the Earth. 
111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God.
9283312184 7175212958 0119166422 7393514437 6698375199
144 = Jesus is Lord.
2008974502 5270519397 9698125296 8831191645 9045209756
125 = Multitude of Holy Angels.
6976748511 9161178393 4195142162 6343457280 6939369671
674 = Behold Your King.
 626 = Prophecy Fulfilled.
4117508944 4791191621 7455169709 6484476204 6174128154
621 = Cry to God For Rescue From Death.
620 = No One Cares For My Life.
4863086316 0817753099 3431356826 1193911313 1975531178
7891831559 9227750248 4615967066 4664052848 8092119285
183 = Deadly Blow.
3256995495 7327013366 2891020185 2959715102 0987318184
102 = Destitute and Abandoned.
6394428005 2695190904 3300223556 7601977870 5309066426
190 = Kingdom Comes.
4844723116 5417685422 2119167486 2350821405 5524163362
674 = Behold Your King.
The birth date of Jesus represented by integers 1193 [English layout] is repeated along side the birth date of Jesus represented by the integers 9113 [American layout].
There are 187 integers from the centre of the these birth dates to the integers 11916 relating to the lifespan days of Jesus.
187 = Ascension to Heaven.
2358747744 6622427362 1281109257 9582876119 1662541536
242 = Saints Go To Heaven.
625 = Suffering Glorified.
153 = Tribe of Believers – Fruit Bearing.
7501763136 2943127796 0119164305 0971695953 2112992045
7615770729 7860282642 3169895661 6215364150 6119169118
157 = Chosen People.
577 = Second Coming of Christ.
602 = Saved By The Lord.
621 = Cry to God For Rescue From Death.
153 = Tribe of Believers – Fruit Bearing.
8679649061 7533288038 3375925188 0213557889 3511916333
578 = Reborn People Reign.
Two near miss integers followed by integers 333 directly after the integers 11916.
888 = Jesus Christ / God’s Holy Spirit – The Sum of the Tree of Life – First Resurrection of Saints.
333 = Sign of God.
The lifespan of Jesus was 11,916 days = 33years 7months 2weeks 2days.
5898907810 5843337220 3975442049 8618992145 3439457001
333 = Sign of God.
2816155616 1166585331 6284726372 8589024423 3722087246
1232099717 8133722888 6015363032 8005321283 4939228219
123 = Power of the Godhead – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Devoted to the Lord.
81 = Holy Angels.
888 = Jesus Christ / God’s Holy Spirit – The Sum of the Tree of Life – First Resurrection of Saints.
153 = Tribe of Believers – Fruit Bearing.
800 = Good Shepherd.
8503524638 3065776401 6522973204 7089201146 9171337228
657 = Sudden Destruction.
The integers 776 are a near miss to integers 777.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
3119292686 3383238674 4633518113 3083074391 3035433722
674 = Behold Your King.
577 = Second Coming of Christ.
3741846243 2155337224 0565412149 4232234673 4100328640
565 = Holy Mountain Zion.
The lifespan of Jesus was 11,916 days = 33years 7months 16days.
6062228705 5994233716 3102127845 7446463989 7381885667
310 = Keep the Faith.
102 = Destitute and Abandoned.
The integers 667 are a near miss to integers 666.
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains.
7313456277 3585605235 8236389532 0385340248 4227337163
456 = Wicked Will Perish Forever.
627 = Saints Are Honoured.
0781753972 3371640969 8626492055 7668761564 4577446446
626 = Prophecy Fulfilled.
577 = Second Coming of Christ.
6568598020 7253371656 1353350992 1885956010 7881521955
253 = Spiritual Battle.
0449359189 9500930070 1806172333 7167982022 3173261954
333 = Sign of God.
2199830805 8834058367 2047301059 3371645853 7773337382
6188199786 0740674509 0629225548 8990834435 8447071868
19 integers in between the lifespan 33y7m16d of Jesus and the 6,000th year of 1997.
19 = Faith – God’s Perfect Order in regard to His Judgement.
 333 = Sign of God.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
674 = Behold Your King.
In Gematria, a near miss is sometimes regarded as a hit – and especially so with larger numbers.
The integers 889 are a near miss to integers 888.
888 = Jesus Christ / God’s Holy Spirit – The Sum of the Tree of Life – First Resurrection of Saints.
1511351983 9061241596 4633398239 0087897387 9933716728
333 = Sign of God.
6560337168 6438855279 4908372296 7271505859 9839020073
3196337759 7452108914 2064262107 7337168716 2905791090
621 = Cry to God For Rescue From Death.
6699397374 4418533716 3250635583 9050047644 0504318465
9674369298 5516832037 8541867742 2376337169 5145553084
674 = Behold Your King.
555 = Walking with God – Scared Speechless.
0062273433 7169764549 9882868235 5302327643 5037635204
7487197078 9455908633 4217056537 6911559913 3716964152
The lifespan of Jesus occurs 37 times.
37 = The Word of God – The Godhead – God’s Attributes – Chosen Servant – Exaltation.
Section 10
7540222219 0958440508 7230662326 8888497042 2345670001
2 quadruple numbers, 1 triple number, 3 23’s, a consecutive string of 6 numbers and 7000 all in 45 integers.
Something has to be going on here !
22 = Spiritual Knowledge – Light – Insight – Making Manifest – Revelation.
88 = Righteous Afflicted.
The above numbers are then repeated – so this means that it’s importance is at a much higher / amplified level.
23 is Probation Extended before God does His strange act and implements Death to all but His children.
45 = Preserved Life.
67 = Gentiles Praise God.
7000 = Final judgement – Zadok.
Zadok (Hebrew meaning “Righteous”) or Zadoq was a priest, said to be descended from Eleazar the son of Aaron [1 Chronicles 6:4-8]. He aided King David during the revolt of his son Absalom and was subsequently instrumental in bringing King Solomon to the throne. After Solomon’s building of The First Temple in Jerusalem, Zadok was the first High Priest to serve there.
49 = Time of the End – The Wrath of God.
70 = Elder(s) – Israel’s Captivity and Return.
66 = Idol / Image Worship.
Note that this occurs between two 23’s – isn’t this implying that Idol Worship is occurring during the time of the Extended Probation? It is precisely at this time that God’s people should have been seeking sanctification by perfecting their Christ-like character. Between the second 23 and the 8888 we find 26.
26 = The Gospel of Christ; surely this should be our true Worship.
42 = Evil Man.
23 = Death.
456 = Wicked Will Perish Forever.
Section 11
1809377344 4030707469 2112019130 2033038019 7621101100
According to what we are finding from the value of Pi, then, in what could be, the last full year before Christ’s Second Coming [2019] we find two integers [11 and 13] working hard to prevent the return of Jesus; here they are either side of the integers 2019 trying to hold / restrain and prevent the soon return of Jesus.
11 = Disorder – Chaos – Judgement – Disorganization – Lack of Fulfilment – Imperfection – Incomplete.
13 = Apostasy – Depravity – Rebellion – Lawlessness – Sin – Satan.
In this age of computers, Binary Code is prevalent, and hence we find 7 integers in the form of 1101100.
This binary number 1101100 = 108 [by 64+32+8+4].
108 = Shameful Lusts of the Pagans.
However, there is no way that Satan can restrict / constrain the Second Coming of Jesus and so the 11 and 13 either side of the 2019 has an end result of absolutely nothing.
Now reverse the roles and see what Pi offers:
Section 12
When Jesus returns Satan and his angels will be isolated and bound on this earth for 1,000 years.
1590728828 7007123136 6630872275 4918661395 7737305460
4523903570 2010736523 2835276920 6772213666 3585746080
574 = Judge of All the Earth.
608 = Israel is Redeemed.
7612941570 7070662032 8918110723 8915527538 3366638170
157 = Chosen People.
81 = Holy Angels.
1535572880 2481958656 5693666305 4699706295 1144220612
153 = Tribe of Believers – Fruit Bearing.
144 = Jesus is Lord.
3055757014 5071286487 7603721671 3666399647 9516812181
603 = Covenant Peoples Gathered.
1079082794 2664487820 3528015749 8477771873666388687
574 = Judge of All the Earth.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
187 = Ascension to Heaven.
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains.
He is constrained / held on each side / Bound by number 3.
3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God)
This occurs 6 times in the first million decimal integers.
6 = Man (conscience, flesh) – His Weakness – Manifestation of Sin – Evil – Satan (& his influences) – Something Incomplete or Imperfect.
7495897010 7287350127 0788980481 6350456766 6769320755
456 = Wicked Will Perish Forever.
4989036478 2505006075 6527667766 6730181427 9834629978
250 = Devouring Fire.
With Satan and his angels captured then idolatry will also end.
66 = Idol / Image Worship.
1228413844 6463087410 2798782095 5877346176 6677933200
8127769334 1113336407 0227666786 1050716885 0450924177
Two near miss integers and two hits.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
333 = Sign of God.
111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God.
688 = Everlasting Kingdom.
0401784980 2110317627 8778875030 3630226361 6097666758
627 = Saints Are Honoured.
4378031370 8952520766 6717572718 2998614393 6555118371
525 = God is King of All the Earth.
555 = Walking with God – Scared Speechless.
183 = Deadly Blow.
4242700277 3032472938 1969579912 7666762690 2535976229
242 = Saints Go To Heaven.
626 = Prophecy Fulfilled.
253 = Spiritual Battle.
2733976667 4091486139 7456145254 5275688380 5182285266
148 = Elect of God.
456 = Wicked Will Perish Forever.
525 = God is King of All the Earth.
688 = Everlasting Kingdom.
526 = Mount Zion, City of God.
3964005743 9589934451 2407081002 3107666728 3429860057
574 = Judge of All the Earth.
310 = Keep the Faith.
2478775779 0528799614 2480968537 5809766676 3701569484
577 = Second Coming of Christ.
7666777689 0217764906 2193699589 6546765996 9428721801
One hit and one near miss.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
7 = Spiritual Completeness / Perfection – Sanctification – Resurrection – Covenant – Holy Spirit – Finished – Totality – God’s Seal – The End (sword).
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains.
This occurs 11 times in the first million integers.
11 = Disorder – Chaos – Judgement – Disorganization – Lack of Fulfilment – Imperfection – Incomplete.
599 = Divine Protection.
Now a search for integers 06660:
2711172364 3435439478 2218185286 2408514006 6604433258
111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God.
3217986345 2161110666 0883931405 3226944905 4555278678
111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God.
555 = Walking with God – Scared Speechless.
9926769946 8701922308 8148390348 1460666095 4452470388
This occurs 3 times in the first million integers.
3 = Godhead (3 Powers) – Divine Completeness / Perfection / Holiness – Resurrection – Holy Spirit – Completion of Divine Will – Wholeness / Inner Sanctity – Binding (Spirit of God)
The number 0 = Symbol of Nothing, the Empty Absolute – does not form part of Gematria / Numbers.
In the above we see that Satan and his angels will be bound [for a thousand years] in an uninhabited world where there will be absolutely nothing for him to attack.
In the typical service the high priest, having made the atonement for Israel, came forth and blessed the congregation. So Christ, at the close of His work as mediator, will appear, “without sin unto salvation,” to bless His waiting people with eternal life. As the priest, in removing the sins from the sanctuary, confessed them upon the head of the scapegoat, so Christ will place all these sins upon Satan, the originator and instigator of sin. The scapegoat, bearing the sins of Israel, was sent away “unto a land not inhabited;” so Satan, bearing the guilt of all the sins which he has caused God’s people to commit, will be for a thousand years confined to the earth, which will then be desolate, without inhabitant, and he will at last suffer the full penalty of sin in the fires that shall destroy all the wicked. {FLB 213.4}
A few, yes, only a few, of the vast number who people the earth will be saved unto life eternal, while the masses who have not perfected their souls in obeying the truth will be appointed to the second death. {FLB 213.5}
While the sins of penitent believers are being removed from the sanctuary, there is to be a special work of purification, of putting away of sin, among God’s people upon earth. {FLB 213.6}
7322882719 9257271519 9660002166 6938956050 3827951906
190 = Kingdom Comes.
6233710710 2964526112 5354820180 8162340593 1612383383
526 = Mount Zion, City of God.
The last full year 1996 occurs; then immediately after [the partial year of 1997] is the conclusion of the 6000 years since creation.
Then we have integers 21 which, by adding to the [1997] / 6000, implies the year 2018.
Right next to the integers 21 are the integers 666.
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains.
2018 – is this the year that Satan, especially through the Papal powers of Rome, will focus upon agitating God’s Commandment keeping people? The mother of harlots, has already reclaimed and has control of all her daughter churches – and she is aware that only one denomination remains beyond her grasp – the Seventh-day Adventist Church – who elect to follow the Word of God.
So what is God’s message to us?
27 = Preaching of the Gospel or Prophecy – Holy Truth.
37 = The Word of God – The Godhead – God’s Attributes – Chosen Servant – Exaltation.
123 = Power of the Godhead – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Devoted to the Lord.
Those “Devoted to the Lord” [123] continue “Preaching the Gospel” [27] through “The Word of God” [37].
Section 14
2018420196872557983 4858927941 1579165489 8418079655
The integers 2018 are followed by integer 4.
4 = God’s Absolute Control over His Creation & World / Earth (directions, winds, empires) – Universal Truth – Creative Works including All Things Terrestrial – Message (hear).
Then the integers 2019 are followed by integer 8.
8 = New Beginning / Birth – New Order / Creation – Circumcision of the Heart – Resurrection – Eternal Life – Holy Spirit – New Man (eyes).
Next you have a reflection of the above by the integer 6 which is followed by integers 87:
6 = Man (conscience, flesh) – His Weakness – Manifestation of Sin – Evil – Satan (& his influences) – Something Incomplete or Imperfect.
87 = Saints Assembly.
157 = Chosen People.
Section 15
1333546325 4004046653 5717316673 2386520784 5030801661
333 = Sign of God.
9577080902 7132411891 6546201980 7089554609 1872385437
577 = Second Coming of Christ.
620 = No One Cares For My Life.
Could this be a reference to God’s people in the year 2019?
Between the two underlined integers [date years] 4004 and 2019 there are 60 integers.
60 = Pride – Earthly King.
The addition of the 60 integers gives:
0+1+6+6+1+9+5+7+7+0+8+0+9+0+2+7+1+3+2+4+1+1+8+9+1+6+5+4+6 = 250.
250 = Devouring Fire.
We have two near miss trebles – for integers 666. Satan has promoted himself to be the earthly king between 4004 BC and, what could be, the last full year 2019 AD. He will be permitted to reign until the return of Jesus when his earthly kingship will cease.
4004 BC to 2020 AD = 6023 years.
Separating 6023 into two halves:
60 = Pride – Earthly King.
23 = Death.
Incidentally, the digits of the sum 6023 = 6 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 11.
11 = Disorder – Chaos – Judgement – Disorganization – Lack of Fulfilment – Imperfection – Incomplete.
This sums up Satan’s reign very well !
Section 16
4444669225 8358776454 1076542454 4616023777 8278842301
44 = Judgement of the World – Murderers (secret plots).
The above integers are then repeated – so this means that it’s importance is at a much higher / amplified level.
66 = Idol / Image Worship.
22 = Spiritual Knowledge – Light – Insight – Making Manifest – Revelation.
After one near miss treble we find integers 6023 and immediately integers 777 – then we find integers 88 and 23 with integer 4 in between.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
88 = Righteous Afflicted.
4 = God’s Absolute Control over His Creation & World / Earth (directions, winds, empires) – Universal Truth – Creative Works including All Things Terrestrial – Message (hear).
23 = Death.
602 = Saved By The Lord.
Section 17
4594203986 8966162227 5489436550 7600023458 1410708961
Another example of 6023 are given by integers 6000 being immediately followed by integers 23. Again, this could imply the Extended Probation time period that God has given His people to fully reflect the character of Jesus His Son.
550 = Millennial King Reigns.
Section 18
1385700510 1721639010 2814006199 6402955555 1092051482
The difference between the 4000 integers [4029 – 4006] is 23.
These integers are immediately before and after the integers 1996 – they therefore appear to have a direct relevance to the last full year of the 6000 year period.
Remember that God extended Probation as an act of His mercy.
Mercy and grace are often confused. While the terms have similar meanings, grace and mercy are not the same. To summarize the difference: mercy is God not punishing us as our sins deserve, and grace is God blessing us despite the fact that we do not deserve it. Mercy is deliverance from judgement. Grace is extending kindness to the unworthy.
Perhaps the last full year 1996 + 23 = the last full year 2019; implying that Jesus could return in 2020.
Whenever Jesus returns, we shall see God’s grace in it’s fullness.
The integers 55555 occur after the integers 4029 i.e. there implication being after the 23 years of extended probation.
5 = Power & Divine Grace – God’s Goodness – Pentateuch – Redemption – Human Weakness (life, child).
When 5 lots of 5 occur then this represents a measure of God’s grace far, far in excess of man’s usual interpretation of God’s Grace.
This can be represented by Grace being raised to the power of Grace.
Also worthy of note are the following integers 10, 92 and 148:
10 = Testimony – Law and Responsibility – Ordinal Perfection / Completion – God’s Law – Trial – Testing.
92 = Wicked Destroyed.
148 = Elect of God.
Section 19
1237085873 2629402433 9098198386 8089791860 1274620818
123 =Power of the Godhead – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Devoted to the Lord.
33 = Promise – Scattered Remnant.
620 = No One Cares For My Life.
Could this be a reference to God’s people in the year 2020?
9395020988 7488319592 0209202041 9914311024 3288618404
102 = Destitute and Abandoned.
3867214698 4472180588 2747761188 5531433454 7759499157
The integers 2020 are followed by the integers 2020 with only 1 integer in between which is integer 9.
9 = Fruits of God’s Holy Spirit – Hour of Prayer – Divine Completeness from the Father – Finality – Unchangeableness – Judgement (Spirit of truth).
When Jesus returns, His decision on each person will be unchangeable.
The meaning of Finality is “the fact of being final and irreversible”.
123 = Power of the Godhead – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Devoted to the Lord.
594 = Precious Sacrifice.
157 = Chosen People.
A count of the integers between the above two numbers gives 144:
144 = Jesus is Lord.
There are 15 double integers between the above two numbers.
15 = God’s Promises – Spiritual Rest – Law Fulfilled – Covenant (peace).
The integers 18404 also occur.
Is this a reference to the year 1844 given that there is no zero in Gematria / Numbers?
Section 20
5619852375 2744722359 9272020602 3891671879 0814708867
Integers 2020 are linked with integers 6023 and this time preceded by two integers of 23.
23 = Death.
The integers 20206023 are enclosed by the integers 27 and 89:
27 = Preaching of the Gospel or Prophecy – Holy Truth.
89 = Son of David [= Jesus Christ].
Typical quote:
And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, [thou] son of David, have mercy on me. [Mark 10:47].
602 = Saved By The Lord.
187 = Ascension to Heaven.
Section 21
2197011130 4665871005 0008328517 7311776489 7352309266
6123458887 3102883515 6264460236 7199664455 4727608310
111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God.
Again, we find the integers 23, 6023 and 1996.
Between the integers 666 and 888 we find the integers 12345.
Notwithstanding it’s obvious rendering it may be divided up as 123 and 45:
123 = Power of the Godhead – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Devoted to the Lord.
45 = Preserved Life.
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains.
888 = Jesus Christ / God’s Holy Spirit – The Sum of the Tree of Life – First Resurrection of Saints.
102 = Destitute and Abandoned.
626 = Prophecy Fulfilled.
310 = Keep the Faith.
88 = Righteous Afflicted.
Between the integers 6023 and 1996 we find integers 67.
67 = Gentiles Praise God.
602 = Saved By The Lord.
608 = Israel is Redeemed.
Section 22
1267979286 8141836179 4529381147 4383459113 0494949062
267 = Man of Sorrows.
5457775739 6574482504 1893661050 1567223911 4063379044
50 integer space between the two birth dates of Jesus.
50 = Fire (purify / persecution) – Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost – Israel’s Jubilee.
49 immediately repeated 3 times.
[The integer 0 = Symbol of Nothing, the Empty Absolute – does not form part of Gematria / Numbers.]
49 = Time of the End – The Wrath of God.
577 = Second Coming of Christ.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
574 = Judge of All the Earth.
250 = Devouring Fire.
Jesus was born 3 BC September 11 between 6:18 pm – 7:39 pm [Jerusalem time].
8011653320 7925455196 9851910384 2815726835 1201092367
9952429068 6799545683 0838859301 3667218521 1353641724
4228370492 0603648154 4497177998 8618739061 9701265066
The centre of the two pm times occurs after the decimal integer 140,044 – this is the only time occurrence in the first million integers of Pi and has a similarity to the number 144,000.
100 integers before the integer 6 in the integers 618739 the integers 81 [6:18 pm to 7.39 pm = 81 minutes].
Between the integers 81 and the integers 618739 we find the birth date of Jesus [09 11 03].
Section 23
As the precise value of Pi can never be computed [it is like trying to find the end of a circle or the end of eternity] we may well ask are there other messages hidden within it’s value.
In searching out any hidden messages within Pi, we know that each specific number has a particular meaning. See Bible Numbers Explained – List Format.
When we focus upon one of those numbers – number 30 – we find this:
30 = Adoption – Blood of Christ – Blood (children) – Dedication – Consecration – Maturity for Ministry.
These attributes appear very interesting as:
1. When Jesus returns, He collects His loyal children – in other words, our earthly home ceases and, through Divine Love, we are adopted into the family of God.
2. It is only through the Blood of Christ that atonement for our sins is obtained: “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission” [Hebrews 9:22]. The Blood of Christ and it’s significance is one of the main points that has been removed from all modern regularly used Bible translations [hence the importance of using the King James Version] – the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins has purportedly been replaced by Mary and the wafer – the importance of Jesus being made insignificant – His death being merely “symbolic” or that of “murder”.
3. God’s people were not ready in 1997 and God, in mercy, extended the time of probation so that His people would have a chance of perfecting their Christian character. So how long will God give us. The age of readiness for the priesthood within the tribe of Levi occurred at the age of 30. Jesus Christ, although not from this tribe, started his preaching “about thirty years of age” [Like 3:23]. As we are called to reflect His character in all attributes, then God could have extended probation by this amount.
1997 + 30 = 2027.
Is there any supportive evidence for integers 2027 within the value of Pi?
The integers 2027 are found many times within the first 1,000,000 decimal places of Pi.
In particular, they seem to have a nearby connection with the integers for the birth of Jesus [ 3 BC September 11 ] and the integers 2210 / 1022 [ 22nd October ].
Connections with 3 BC September 11:
8893126031 5285758716 4242119033 3798725775 8742901290
The integers 889 are a near miss to integers 888.
888 = Jesus Christ / God’s Holy Spirit – The Sum of the Tree of Life – First Resurrection of Saints.
242 = Saints Go To Heaven.
190 = Kingdom Comes.
333 = Sign of God.
577 = Second Coming of Christ.
3759362697 2723431489 3572572418 8379418627 6864566775
626 = Prophecy Fulfilled.
148 = Elect of God.
627 = Saints Are Honoured.
456 = Wicked Will Perish Forever.
8686920276 0143980501 6387143520 4776738809 0057892836
Integer space of 76 between the two underlined integers.
76 = Prophet(s).
578 = Reborn People Reign.
2556348547 4406162027 3938350356 2785615295 8894681701
620 = No One Cares For My Life.
Could this be a reference to God’s people in the year 2027?
627 = Saints Are Honoured.
The integers 889 are a near miss to integers 888.
888 = Jesus Christ / God’s Holy Spirit – The Sum of the Tree of Life – First Resurrection of Saints.
6999401433 2311095287 2124482704 7206054602 5850066704
602 = Saved By The Lord.
Integer space of 41 between the two underlined integers.
41 = Rule of Man – Deception.
8908104623 7699070132 2935328445 0081408941 5189311098
7965407214 6182757480 5585802435 3816151391 8772004445
574 = Judge of All the Earth.
8506579847 9202545694 4114779663 9922979053 2027713023
657 = Sudden Destruction.
456 = Wicked Will Perish Forever.
Integer space of 91 between the two underlined integers.
91 = Wicked Judged – Casting Out.
4997864403 4421824961 6320189181 1804326478 3111515946
496 = Lord Comes Down.
111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God.
8111481647 2645477617 6349787130 8668875695 2976260303
111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God.
148 = Elect of God.
Integer space of 101 between integers 2027 and integers 6030.
101 = Rebellious Cast Out.
Integer space of 68 between integers 2018 and integers 6030.
68 = Victorious Disciples.
688 = Everlasting Kingdom.
626 = Prophecy Fulfilled.
603 = Covenant Peoples Gathered.
5592833694 8611903239 4925359441 5836595816 1383912185
190 = Kingdom Comes.
253 = Spiritual Battle.
594 = Precious Sacrifice.
4119515199 2655070437 2224511063 3671266896 2567275866
Three times the integers 51 occur.
51 = Praise the Father.
550 = Millennial King Reigns.
7738823879 0791336450 9386511722 0139628594 4786544296
594 = Precious Sacrifice.
2183266784 5170020278 1884192400 9364903662 7235744372
183 = Deadly Blow.
The integers 667 are a near miss to integers 666.
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains.
574 = Judge of All the Earth.
Integer space of 148 between the two underlined integers.
148 = Elect of God.
1376710185 1048288345 8475911298 5991132618 0631166520
101 = Rebellious Cast Out.
599 = Divine Protection.
The integers 665 are a near miss to integers 666.
666 = The Mark / Number of the Beast – The Antichrist – Hands in Chains.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. [Revelation 12:4].
9771093260 2545777664 0478113979 8120273962 7905217807
577 = Second Coming of Christ.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
Integer space of 46 between the two underlined integers.
46 = Reconstructed Life (resurrection) – Second Death.
7053125210 0924188140 3331109803 4325447218 7535643394
125 = Multitude of Holy Angels.
333 = Sign of God.
3220404659 5402692850 4488556461 4251052654 7958472166
88 = Righteous Afflicted.
The integers 556 are a near miss to integers 555.
555 = Walking with God – Scared Speechless.
46 = Reconstructed Life (resurrection) – Second Death.
526 = Mount Zion, City of God.
3057299456 3578827156 0772802148 2175044787 0011247793
456 = Wicked Will Perish Forever.
578 = Reborn People Reign.
148 = Elect of God.
6570705673 0989211387 2193059290 5808649783 9863194346
657 = Sudden Destruction.
6325792242 8340202752 0796201076 6746046940 7170560953
Integer space of 187 between the two underlined integers.
187 = Ascension to Heaven.
242 = Saints Go To Heaven.
620 = No One Cares For My Life.
Could this be a reference to God’s people in the year 2027?
674 = Behold Your King.
2049114096 2045858292 2554357490 0902717114 3100562027
620 = No One Cares For My Life.
These integers are repeated. Could this be a reference to God’s people in the year 2027?
The integers 554 are a near miss to integers 555.
555 = Walking with God – Scared Speechless.
574 = Judge of All the Earth.
900 = Judgement Day.
310 = Keep the Faith.
7966427328 2036840883 5142189973 6766128515 4174170155
0559669295 4335533849 8868702324 9020610644 5807169228
6334339185 5394434659 7418310331 5453291025 9130360646
2266687977 9455734904 5467488232 7531737599 5937232273
[ In the Hebrew calendar, Tishri [or Tishrei] is the first month of the civil year (which starts on 1 Tishri) and the seventh month of the ecclesiastical year. On 3 BC September 11, this was Tishri 1 in the Jewish year 3759, which gives the digits 173759. ]
Integer space of 183 between the two underlined integers.
183 = Deadly Blow.
310 = Keep the Faith.
102 = Destitute and Abandoned.
674 = Behold Your King.
599 = Divine Protection.
Connections with 22nd October:
0269544275 0564803847 8887943295 6556048443 3918406020
888 = Jesus Christ / God’s Holy Spirit – The Sum of the Tree of Life – First Resurrection of Saints.
The integers 556 are a near miss to integers 555.
555 = Walking with God – Scared Speechless.
602 = Saved By The Lord.
2704514682 7824231514 0650702210 4851959207 2312004933
Integer space of 24 between the two underlined integers.
24 = The Priesthood – Heavenly Government & Worship of God – Christian Number for Completion / Restoration – Priest.
242 = Saints Go To Heaven.
8520270053 7114712389 7974701015 8547538626 8028132317
0286201290 3865851442 3644864928 6552358171 3720293880
1752941010 2252028569 1187186079 6450108765 2984253297
Integer space of 102 between the two underlined integers.
102 = Destitute and Abandoned.
Besides integer 2027, the integers 2028 and integers 2029 also occur.
123 = Power of the Godhead – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Devoted to the Lord.
101 = Rebellious Cast Out.
626 = Prophecy Fulfilled.
620 = No One Cares For My Life.
Could this be a reference to God’s people in the year 2027?
144 = Jesus is Lord.
101 = Rebellious Cast Out.
187 = Ascension to Heaven.
253 = Spiritual Battle.
6976251070 3048920279 4525915565 0048553046 6782494374
625 = Suffering Glorified.
525 = God is King of All the Earth.
565 = Holy Mountain Zion.
1234171084 5111272716 0221094193 1455401579 9975257597
123 = Power of the Godhead – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Devoted to the Lord.
111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God.
The integers 554 are a near miss to integers 555.
555 = Walking with God – Scared Speechless.
157 = Chosen People.
999 = 666 Reversed – Divine Justice – Imperfection – In-completion (being 1 short of 1000) – Completion of a life sequence.
525 = God is King of All the Earth.
Integer space of 52 between underlined text.
52 = Gospel Worker.
1301004261 4046121856 2027290863 5851705705 2077500603
603 = Covenant Peoples Gathered.
3082951809 0619335033 6573369268 8723114598 6400466223
657 = Sudden Destruction.
7348473629 8028779881 0214710192 4585493748 7774531159
101 = Rebellious Cast Out.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
6289792540 5501780747 4919647784 0674655279 0393195565
550 = Millennial King Reigns.
The integers 778 are a near miss to integers 777.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
674 = Behold Your King.
565 = Holy Mountain Zion.
8138966925 4392861168 1270286078 0164924717 5794769004
0713838418 7102292173 3518989407 6408089714 3188308922
Integer space of 237 between the integers 2027 and integers 1022.
237 = God’s Spirit Fills a New Priest.
Integer space of 166 between the integers 4004 and integers 1022.
166 = Detest Idol Worship.
7169726545 2265465106 1440382027 4351610225 4601111621
Integer space of 5 between the first two underlined integers.
5 = Power & Divine Grace – God’s Goodness – Pentateuch – Redemption – Human Weakness (life, child).
144 = Jesus is Lord.
102 = Destitute and Abandoned.
111 = Fear of the Lord – Oneness of Almighty God.
621 = Cry to God For Rescue From Death.
2636916212027595476 3575092735 6103375651 7976994657
621 = Cry to God For Rescue From Death.
565 = Holy Mountain Zion.
657 = Sudden Destruction.
7949596114 4911621311 6791600460 7234256813 4822109174
621 = Cry to God For Rescue From Death.
Integer space of 78 between the two underlined integers.
78 = Miracles.
9264902695 1120275026 3095436740 5801647213 1592679453
674 = Behold Your King.
267 = Man of Sorrows.
7943694975 2610184466 0858000783 1271913160 2123509138
101 = Rebellious Cast Out.
Integer space of 46.
46 = Reconstructed Life (resurrection) – Second Death.
Note that the integers 1844 is linked directly to integers 10 [ October ]; the integers 2123 soon follow which could be indicative of the integer 22 [ 22nd ].
7585604017 7338917321 1141862365 2027644917 6308259943
599 = Divine Protection.
0939167130 1603555506 6396640063 7699177448 2383984045
603 = Covenant Peoples Gathered.
550 = Millennial King Reigns.
2727764172 0112291229 0611855951 2750665064 9835460296
602 = Saved By The Lord.
1029657475 4375906955 5507510185 9350758837 8946923408
102 = Destitute and Abandoned.
657 = Sudden Destruction.
574 = Judge of All the Earth.
555 = Walking with God – Scared Speechless.
550 = Millennial King Reigns. 
101 = Rebellious Cast Out.
0884424210 4044351784 5101844946 9776602243 2572757633
242 = Saints Go To Heaven.
101 = Rebellious Cast Out. 
The integers 776 are a near miss to integers 777.
777 = Power of the Godhead / Perfection – Jesus Christ.
602 = Saved By The Lord. 
Integer space of 187 between the the two underlined integers.
187 = Ascension to Heaven.
 Here, the integers 1844 is linked directly to integers 10 [ October ] with the integers 22 [ 22nd ] soon after.
Section 24
So God has extended Probation – we may well ask, by how much?
Evangelism [1946]
A Caution Against Time–Setting Expressions.––The times and seasons God has put in His own power. And why has not God given us this knowledge?–– Because we would not make a right use of it if He did. A condition of things would result from this knowledge among our people that would greatly retard the work of God in preparing a people to stand in the great day that is to come. We are not to be engrossed with speculations in regard to the times and the seasons which God has not revealed. Jesus has told His disciples to “watch,” but not for definite time. His followers are to be in the position of those who are listening for the orders of their Captain; they are to watch, wait, pray, and work, as they approach the time for the coming of the Lord; but no one will be able to predict just when that time will come; for “of that day and hour knoweth no man.” You will not be able to say that He will come in one, two, or five years, neither are you to put off His coming by stating that it may not be for ten or twenty years. . . . We are not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ.––Review and Herald, March 22, 1892. {Ev 221.1}
S.D.A. Bible Commentary Volume 6 [1956]
Christ gave to His disciples truths whose breadth and depth and value they little appreciated, or even comprehended, and the same condition exists among the people of God today. We too have failed to take in the greatness, to perceive the beauty of the truth which God has entrusted to us today. Should we advance in spiritual knowledge, we would see the truth developing and expanding in lines of which we have little dreamed, but it will never develop in any line that will lead us to imagine that we may know the times and the seasons which the Father hath put in His own power. Again and again have I been warned in regard to time–setting. There will never again be a message for the people of God that will be based on time. We are not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ (RH March 22, 1892). {6BC 1052.4}
Although in the analysis of Pi there are at least 2 time periods which appear favourable for the return of Jesus, the above two Spirit of Prophecy extracts make it clear that the precise time for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and of the return of Jesus will never be known. No doubt [just like the Pi findings for 4004 BC, 3 BC September 11, 31 AD April 27, the lifespan of Jesus, 1844 AD, the 6000 years and October 22] these dates do occur within Pi but are just hidden from mankind.