
January 2025

Ellen G. White Prayers prove she believed in the One True and Living God the Father and HIS Son Jesus Christ. Her prayers and writings confirm it – NOT a trinity god belief

A Prayer for Pardon and Help
Prayer Offered by Mrs. E. G. White, Tuesday Morning, March 31
Our heavenly Father, we come to THEE this morning just as we are, needy and wholly dependent upon THEE. Help us to have a clear knowledge of what we must be, and of the characters that we must form, in order that we may be prepared to unite with the heavenly family in the city of our God. We ask THEE that THOU wilt remove the reproach that has come upon THEE through the neglect of those who profess to be THY people, but who have not walked in THY counsel. Lord, help us to understand our individual responsibilities, that our hearts may be worked by the Holy Spirit. We ask THEE that THOU wilt open blind eyes, that they may see; to enlighten the darkened understanding, that all may understand that there must be a reconversion, that hearts must break before God. Give us hearts of repentance, hearts of humiliation. O my Father, how can we proclaim THY goodness, and THY mercy, and THY love, unless we cherish them in our own hearts, and reveal them in our own experiences? THOU knowest how THOU hast presented this matter to THY servant. THOU knowest what a dishonor it has been to THEE because THY people have failed to come to a knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, and to obey THY commandments. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 1}
Let not THY wrath come upon THY people while they are in their sins, unconverted and unsaved. Here are THY ministers, whose work it is to proclaim Bible truth. I ask THEE that they may have a clear realization of the responsibilities that rest upon them as guardians and as shepherds of THY flock. Roll upon them the burden that they should bear for those who are out of the truth. Let them understand their own weakness, and may the sanctification of the Spirit come to them. May there be a purifying of character and a breaking of heart before God. THOU canst show them that while they cherish their own dispositions and temperaments, THOU canst not work through them by the Holy Spirit, because they would become lifted up. THOU canst show them that there is a work to be done in their own hearts. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 2}
Here are those who bear responsibilities in our institutions. THOU hast signified that THOU hast been displeased with their ministration. They have not in their dealings given a right example to the world. They did not realize that men were taking knowledge of them, to see whether they were sanctified by the truth. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 3}
Oh, pardon our transgressions, and forgive our sins! Show us where we have come short. Let THY HOLY SPIRIT descend upon us. The world is perishing in sin, and we ask THEE to roll the burden upon us at this meeting. We desire to be weighted down with the Holy Spirit. We desire to stand where THOU canst reveal THYSELF to us. Take away our hardness of heart, and give us softened hearts. I ask THEE, for Christ’s sake, that THOU wouldst give understanding, that THOU wouldst give spiritual knowledge, that THOU wouldst give sensitive hearts, that all may see that it is high time to open the door of the heart to Jesus. THOU hast said that THOU hast heard the many words of complaint, and faultfinding, and murmuring, brother against brother, and friend against friend. THOU hast heard these words, and they are written in THY book. They have stood as a block against the wheel of salvation, hindering its advancement. Convert THY people in this the day of THY preparation, that the time may not come when they will say, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 4}
THOU hast opened these things before me, and THOU alone canst prepare minds and hearts to hear the message that unless those who have left their first love shall return to recognize the work that needs to be done in their individual hearts, THOU wilt come quickly and remove the candlestick out of his place. Open the eyes of THY people that they may see their deficiencies. We do not want one to be separated from the work. We do not want one to perish. We ask THEE that THOU wilt move upon hearts by the quickening influence of THY Spirit, that there may be a break in this meeting such as has not been before. Oh, the break must come, if the Spirit of God shall take hold of hearts! {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 5}
O my Father, shall this meeting close and we go back to our places with the same hard hearts? We must be reconverted, sanctified, and made fit to bear the message of the Lord. Cleanse the vessel, that the message that shall be given shall not taste so strongly of the dish that those to whom it is given shall have no appetite to partake of it. Let THY melting mercy come upon us. Work in the midst of us with THY power and with THY love and with THY majesty and glory. Put to shame the listlessness of those who have not come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Sweep back the cloud of darkness and unbelief. Let the Holy Spirit come into our hearts and break down every barrier. THOU King of glory, look upon THY people in these closing scenes of this earth’s history. It seems as if nothing could arouse many of them to realize that they are on the very eve of the day of God, that His judgments are in the land. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 6}
With THOU hear our petition! Wilt THOU answer our petition! Wilt THOU reveal THYSELF to us! May we behold THY glory, and be changed into THINE image. We thirst for the waters of Lebanon, and we hunger for the bread of life. We ask THEE to break our hearts today. We ask THEE to help us to put away our sinful thoughts, our disparagement of one another, and to seek the Lord while He may be found. My Father, break down the barriers, that confessions may be made, from heart to heart, from brother to brother. May the Spirit of God come in; and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 7}
April 2, 1903 Another Earnest Prayer
Heavenly Father, THOU hast said, “Ask, and YE shall receive; seek, and YE shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto YOU.” Heavenly Father, we need THY HOLY SPIRIT. We do not want to work ourselves, only as we work in unity with God. We want to be in a position where the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD shall be upon us with its reviving, sanctifying power. Wilt THOU manifest THYSELF unto us this very morning! Wilt THOU sweep away every mist and every cloud of darkness! {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 1}
We come to THEE, our compassionate Redeemer; and we ask THEE, for Christ’s sake,–for THINE OWN SON’s sake, my Father, that THOU wilt manifest THY power unto THY people here. We want wisdom; we want righteousness; we want truth; we want the Holy Spirit to be with us. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 2}
THOU hast presented before us a great work that must be carried forward in behalf of those that are in the truth, and in behalf of those that are in ignorance of our faith; and O Lord, as THOU hast given to every man his work, we beseech of THEE that the Holy Spirit may impress the human mind in regard to the burden of work that shall rest upon every individual soul, according to THINE appointment. We want to be proved; we want to be sanctified through and through; we want to be fitted up for the work; and here, right here in this session of the Conference, we want to see a revelation of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. We want light, Lord,–THOU art the Light. We want truth, Lord,–THOU art the Truth. We want the right way,–THOU art the Way. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 3}
Lord, I beseech of THEE that we may all be wise enough to discern that we must individually open the heart to Jesus Christ, that through the Holy Spirit He may come in to mold and fashion us anew, in accordance with the divine image. O my Father, my Father! melt and subdue our hearts. We desire this morning to make an entire surrender to THEE; we desire to give up our will, our way, our course of action that has not been in harmony with the way and the will of God; we desire to accept the Lord’s way, the Lord’s will, the Lord’s counsel. Come, oh, come into the midst of us this very morning, and move upon hearts, young and old. In a special manner move upon the hearts of those who are handling gospel truths, that they may all be lighted up with the bright beams which THOU dost permit to shine upon THY Word, in order that THY instruction may come to the human understanding with the power and the SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 4}
We acknowledge before THEE that we have not honored THY name as we should. We acknowledge before THEE that we need to be broken in heart. We desire just now to be reconverted; we desire just now to realize what Christ is to us, and what we are and can be to Him as His coworkers,–“laborers together with God.” {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 5}
O my Father, let every soul that is confused, every soul that can not understand and see the way, have the way presented before him so clearly that the mist will be removed, and that the cloud will pass, so that the Sun of righteousness may shine into the chambers of the mind and into the soul-temple. Wash us, and we shall be clean, Lord. Let melting mercy, mercy from THEE, come into every heart; and then, when we realize the melting mercy of a compassionate and loving Saviour, our hearts, once more united, will beat in unison, and all will stand shoulder to shoulder in advancing this great work. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 6}
We can not afford to be indifferent, Lord, we can not afford to work contrary to one another. We must trust in THEE; and we ask, this very morning, that THOU shalt let the Holy Spirit descend upon us. We are ready to receive the Comforter; we open the door of the heart, and invite the Saviour in. We love THEE, dear Saviour; THOU knowest that we love THEE. We see in THEE matchless charms, and we desire that every soul shall constantly look unto THEE,–THOU who art the Author and the Finisher of our faith. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 7}
Come, Lord Jesus, come and take us as we are, and put upon us the robe of THY righteousness. Take away our sins. Our Saviour, THOU didst come to the earth to do this. We repent of wrong-doing; we are sorry for every departure from THEE; and we ask THEE to pardon our transgressions, that we may show to the world that we have a Saviour who is able to take away our sins, and to impute unto us His own righteousness. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 8}
Lord, we accept THEE now; we receive THEE now; we believe in THEE now; and we ask THEE to let THY HOLY SPIRIT rest upon us just now. Just now walk through this house, we pray THEE; and may the angels accompanying THEE go around to every seat, and to every heart; and may every person have a realization of what “I” should do. May every one look not to man, but to Christ,–to Him who has died to save us. We are saved by THEE, Lord; we look to THEE, Lord. Oh, let THY power come upon us, to tell us that our sins are pardoned. THOU hast promised, “A new heart will I give THEE.” We desire to have our hearts renewed, Lord; we long for this. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 9}
Bless our ministering brethren. Bless all those who are in office in our institutions. We do not want THEE to destroy these institutions; we do not want to see their influence wiped away. We want that THOU shouldst simply take away everything that is wrong in the heart, the life, the character, of each worker, so that THOU canst use every institution of THINE own planting to glorify THY name. We need every one of them. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 10}
O my Saviour, THOU who hast shown compassion to us all, again we ask THEE to grant unto us a rich portion of THY mercy, THY fulness, THY compassion, THY everlasting love. Come, Lord Jesus, and make us partakers of THY divine nature, that we may overcome the corruption that is in the world through lust. Oh, may the Spirit of Christ, the love of God, comfort every heart this morning! Banish darkness, turn away the deceptive powers of the enemy, and let THY voice and THY Spirit and THY love come into our souls, that we may sit together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus; and THY name shall have all the glory. Amen. {GCB, April 2, 1903 par. 11}
Ms 7, 1909
Oakland, California
February 8, 1909
Sermon / The Need of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives
This manuscript is published in entirety in The Review and Herald, 04/01/1909; 04/08/1909. +
The Need of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives
Sermon by Mrs. E. G. White, Oakland, California, Monday, February 8, 1909. {Ms7-1909}
My mind has been much exercised of late in regard to our need of the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. The promise is given us, “Ask, and YE shall receive; seek, and YE shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto YOU;” and the assurance is repeated, “For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” The thought is enforced upon us that our dependence must be more fully upon God. He is ready and willing to do for us the very things that we need. Let us trust Him as His children. {Ms7-1909}
(The congregation rose.) Here is the whole congregation. May God help YOU to keep YOUR pledge. Let us pray. {Ms7-1909}
(Praying) Heavenly Father, I come to THEE at this time, just as I am, poor, weak, unworthy, and I ask THEE to impress the hearts of this people gathered here today. I have spoken to them THY words, but O Lord, THOU alone canst make the word effective. {Ms7-1909}
I ask THEE to forgive those who have failed in serving THEE. Reveal THYSELF to them. Impress their minds. Let the converting power of God come upon them. Present before them in clear gospel light their privilege to reflect the character of Christ in words, in actions. Teach them that in order to be partakers in the strife, in order to obtain victories, spiritual victories, they must be partakers of the divine nature. {Ms7-1909}
We beseech THEE, for Christ’s sake, to sweep away this awful darkness that would hide from view the religion of Christ. We cannot do this, for we are mortal; but we can ask THEE, THOU God of heaven. Impress the minds of this people as THOU hast never done before. Reveal it to them that there is a heaven to win and a hell to shun. Grant them the presence of THINE angels in every home. These who have pledged themselves to seek the Lord, help them to be in earnest; help them to understand that they are to be living lights, bringing to others the convicting power of the Spirit of God. {Ms7-1909}
We want our school to be established. Lord, THOU knowest all about this. We know that we have looked to THEE in this matter, that we have cried to THEE in the night seasons, asking THEE to take charge here. O I pray THEE, that THOU wilt make it such a school as has never yet been established among us. Let angels of God take charge of the work and carry it through to THINE own name’s glory. Let the Spirit of God be present to enlighten the minds and touch the hearts of the students as the teachers give instruction that ought to be given. Let the glory of God come in, and let hearts and minds grasp the truths of the Word of God as they have never before done. {Ms7-1909}
Lord, prepare THY people to meet THEE in peace. We need the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD in every heart. Let THY converting power come upon us as it came upon THY people on the day of Pentecost. O God, reveal THYSELF to us. {Ms7-1909}
Let THY blessing rest upon us, dear Saviour. Let light shine into the chambers of the mind and into the soul temple, that we may see light in THY light, and joy in THY joy, as we see sinners turning to God with the whole heart. We have no power but in THEE. We ask THEE to mold and fashion us and give us an experience after the divine similitude. {Ms7-1909}
O God, I beseech of THEE to work. THOU didst send one equal with THYSELF to live in the world a life of poverty and toil. Traveling on foot from place to place, He endured hardness and hunger. My Father, we are ashamed of the presentation we have made. Wilt THOU not baptize us, Lord? Let THY converting power come upon this people. Help them to make a determined effort to resist the enemy, and that he may flee from them; and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. {Ms7-1909} {Also 3SM 269.4}
April 8, 1909 The Need of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives
Mrs. E. G. White
The gift of the Holy Spirit is promised to all who believe. But we shall find that it makes every difference whether or not we bear a living testimony in character, in mind, in intellect, and serve the Lord with full purpose of heart as we work to bring the light of truth to souls in every place. {RH, April 8, 1909 par. 1}
Ellen White and Audience Standing for Consecration Prayer.–Who now, I ask, will make a determined effort to obtain the higher education. Those who will, make it manifest by rising to YOUR feet. [The congregation rose.] Here is the whole congregation. May God help YOU to keep YOUR pledge. Let us pray. {3SM 269.3}
[Praying] Heavenly Father, I come to THEE at this time, just as I am, poor, weak, unworthy, and I ask THEE to impress the hearts of this people gathered here today. I have spoken to them THY words, but, O Lord, THOU alone canst make the word effective, et cetera.–The Review and Herald, April 8, 1909. (Sermon at Oakland, California, Feb. 8, 1909.) {3SM 269.4 1980}
Ms 21, 1909
Takoma Park, Maryland
May 17, 1909
Sermon / A Call to Service
This manuscript is published in entirety in The General Conference Bulletin, 05/18/1909.
A Call to Service
Sermon by Mrs. E. G. White, Takoma Park Station, May 17, 1909. {Ms21-1909}
God has given His people a great work to do in the world, and every soul who professes to be a son or daughter of God should give evidence that his heart is being impressed by the Holy Spirit. This will mean everything to the success of his labors. The Lord has placed various gifts in the church, that we may appreciate these gifts and act our part in the grand, finishing-up work of this earth’s history. Let us understand our need of communion with God. We are to experience the sanctifying power of His grace on the human heart. We are to be submissive to the will of God and willing to engage in the work that He has appointed His servants to do. {Ms21-1909}
(Congregation rises)—Praying—I thank THEE, Lord God of Israel. Accept this pledge of this THY people. Put THY Spirit upon them. Let THY glory be seen in them. As they shall speak the word of truth, let us see of the salvation of God. Amen. {Ms21-1909} {Also in DG 247.2 1998; 1SM 152.3 1958; & GCB, May 18, 1909 par. 20}
Ms 123, 1909
Buffalo, New York
July 17, 1909
Sermon / Thoughts on Luke 17
Previously unpublished.
Luke 17:19—“… faith hath made THEE whole.” We need to encourage faith. We need the simplicity that Christ has encouraged us to have all the representations that He has given us, to have a large increase of faith, and that faith growing continually. We are not safe Christians unless we exercise that faith in Jesus Christ that we may exercise when we can read His words in the Scriptures. {Ms123-1909}
(Congregation rises.) Thank God. {Ms123-1909}
(Praying:) Heavenly Father, we come to THEE at this time, and present to THEE the covenant that has been made by this people, that they will seek the Lord with all their hearts, that they may find Him. Let THY blessing come to this people, I pray THEE. Let THY great grace be upon them. Sweep back every mist and every cloud of darkness, and let the sunlight of THY glory into their souls, that they may keep this pledge that they have made to THEE in standing upon their feet today. {Ms123-1909}
THOU knowest the hearts of every one. THOU art acquainted with every sorrow. THOU knowest how to heal the broken-hearted. THOU knowest how to set the captives free from the power of Satan. THOU knowest just what to do to break every yoke, that they may seek the Lord, that the angels of God may go with those and accompany them when they shall leave this house. And THOU, heavenly Father, THOU canst give them force and power and healing of soul. THOU canst disappoint the enemy. THOU canst let THY light shine into the chambers of the mind and into the soul temple. THOU canst take the afflicted ones. THOU canst heal them, and THOU canst give peace and quietude to the disturbed minds. {Ms123-1909}
I come to THEE, my Saviour, and I ask THEE that THOU wouldest give that help that humanity may recognize divinity through Jesus Christ and grasp that divinity, that they may work the good warfare, that they may press the battle to the gates, and the city of God, the gates be thrown back upon their glittering hinges, and the nations that have kept the truth shall enter in. {Ms123-1909}
We want heaven. We want life, eternal life in the kingdom of glory. Let THY blessing rest upon this people. Give comfort to the desponding. Lift up the hearts of the despairing, and may they see the Saviour in Jesus Christ, that humanity may grasp divinity, and that the glory of God may be revealed. A little nearer, Lord. A little nearer to this people. Comfort their hearts. Let them see where their hope is. It is to believe every word that has proceeded from the lips of Jesus Christ, and then be obedient to all His requirements. {Ms123-1909}
O my Saviour, I praise THEE with heart and soul and voice. I thank THEE, my Saviour that THOU canst impress these minds. Let them leave this meeting with the deep impression of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. May they see such light in THY light that they will not trample THY commandments any more. {Ms123-1909}
JESUS, we love THEE. We see in THEE matchless charms, and we want this people to come to a knowledge of the truth. We see the unconverted in the cities. We see that help must be given. We see that souls must take up the work, and O, glorify them, my blessed Jesus. Give them truth, the power of the truth in the heart, and may they seek to enlighten the minds that are in darkness, that they may be brought to rejoice in the triumphs of THY cross, and THY name shall have all the glory. {Ms123-1909}
Ms 73, 1909
Council Grove, Kansas
August 27, 1909
Sermon / Lessons From the First of Daniel
This manuscript is published in entirety in 2SAT.
Lessons From the First Chapter of Daniel
Sermon delivered by Mrs. E. G. White, Sabbath, August 27, 1909, Council Grove, Kansas, camp-meeting. {Ms73-1909}
The first chapter of Daniel teaches the lesson that what we eat and drink has an influence upon the powers of the mind, and that if we would have healthful bodies and clear minds, we must be careful of our diet. If we are careless in this matter, and eat simply to gratify taste, the digestive organs are impaired, and the brain is confused, and neither can act their part as fully as God intended they should. {Ms73-1909}
(Congregation rises.) (Praying): My heavenly Father, I have tried to present in my weakness those things that THOU hast presented before me again and again to congregations that I have not seen assembled; and this is one of them. I ask THEE now to make the impression upon the human mind. THOU canst do it; for THOU art God, and beside THEE there is none else. THOU hast given THINE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to make plain the way constantly beset with temptations by the enemy. I ask THEE, Lord, to bless this people here today. Sweep back every mist and cloud of darkness, and let the sunlight of THY glory in. Work by THY HOLY SPIRIT upon the minds of parents and children, that all may labor together for the spread of the knowledge of the truth. {Ms73-1909}
GOD, the LIVING GOD, souls are perishing, and Satan is working to call the attention of the people to nothingness and folly. Wilt THOU not go with this people, as they leave this meeting, and teach them daily to lay hold of the merits of the precious Redeemer. THOU hast given so much for these souls; help them to make a covenant with THEE by sacrifice, that they may have a part in that life that measures with the life of God. We want them to have the crown of glory and to strike the harp of gold. Lord, take this people; baptize them with THY HOLY SPIRIT. Let them see light in THY light and rejoice in THY truth. There is a heaven for them to win, a hell for them to shun. Grant that they may be crowned in the kingdom of glory, never again to go out into a sin-cursed world, where all is renewed by THY sacrifice, our blessed Redeemer. {Ms73-1909}
Take these souls into THY keeping. Make the impression upon their minds that heaven must be won by them, that they must withstand the tests of Satan. Bless them this day. THOU hast blessed them. Bless mind, and soul, and body, and help each to arouse to earnest labor for others. Make them laborers together with God in the work of salvation, and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. {Ms73-1909} {Also Ellen G. White Estate Washington, D. C. June, 1983. Entire Ms. {2SAT 321.1 1994}}
Ms 95, 1909
Boulder, Colorado
September 5, 1909
Sermon / A Message to the Churches
Portions of this manuscript are published in VSS; 6MR.
A Message to the Churches
Discourse by Mrs. E. G. White, Boulder, Colorado, Sunday, September 5, 1909. {Ms95-1909}
“And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith He that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know THY works, that THOU hast a name that THOU livest and art dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found THY works perfect before God. Remember therefore how THOU hast received and heard, and hold fast and repent. If therefore THOU shalt not watch, I will come upon THEE as a thief, and THOU shalt not know what hour I will come upon THEE. THOU hast a few names even in Sardis; which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white; for they are worTHY. He that overcometh, the sane shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. {Ms95-1909}
(Congregation rises.) I thank God for this evidence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. May God clothe YOU with His salvation and bring YOU in close relation to Himself. He wants to do this for each one of YOU. Let us pray: {Ms95-1909}
Our heavenly Father, we come to THEE just as we are, needy, dependent, weak, and ask THEE that for Christ’s sake THOU wilt recognize and accept the pledge made here today. I beseech THEE to sweep back every cloud and every power of darkness that would interpose between this people and the work that they have pledged themselves to do. O help them! Baptize them with THY Spirit. Let the light of heaven come into their minds and hearts. Help them to consider the life of the One who for them was stretched on Calvary’s cross, who to rescue them from the sorrows of the lost, suffered a cruel death. We ask THEE that the blood that was shed to cleanse mankind from sin may atone for us. {Ms95-1909}
Help us by living faith to carry out every pledge we make. May angels of God strengthen every soul, that the powers of Satan may not discourage. Father, THOU dost love us with a love that is infinite. It cannot be measured. Impress this people with the knowledge that angels are here. Impress them with their privilege of going forth from this place to reveal the glory of God. Let us see light in THY light. Grant that these souls, as they shall return to their homes, may not forget their pledge. Let the light of heaven shine continually in their hearts and minds. Amen. {Ms95-1909}
Ms 140, 1909
Oakland, California
December 18, 1909
Sermon / Thoughts on John 15
Previously unpublished.
John 15:1. They claim to be in Him but they are not there. “Every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.” Now we can understand that every thing depends, with us individually, on whether we are fruit-bearing branches. And every branch that beareth fruit in the vine, then what will He do? Verse 2. {Ms140-1909}
(Congregation rises.) Thank the Lord. (Praying:) THOU seest the pledge of this people. I beseech of THEE, for Christ’s sake, that this pledge may be so impressed upon them that they will begin to work for their neighbors, that they will work for souls that are ready to perish, that they will open the Scriptures to them, and then their experience will grow, because Christ has taught them to do that very work. {Ms140-1909}
I ask THEE, Lord, to let THY blessing rest upon this congregation. O, my Father, my Father, for Christ’s sake make the impression. I cannot make it, but I want THEE to make it, that there shall be a beginning of an altogether different experience. Instead of finding fault, instead of complaining, instead of being untrue to Christ who gave His life to save our souls, may we every one of us stand in right relation to THEE from this hour. {Ms140-1909}
We want THEE, Lord. We open our hearts to THEE. We want to remain a branch of the true vine, and we want to teach others what it means to be a branch of the true vine. Bless this congregation that right here stands before THEE. O, make the impression. I cannot make the impression, but the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD can make it, and I ask THEE that they may study this chapter, and that they may bear fruit to the glory of God, and that at last we may meet in the city of God, where parents and children shall be united, because the parents have done their duty to their children. {Ms140-1909}
O, my Father, my Father, I ask THEE for Christ’s sake to make the impression that THOU alone canst make, and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. {Ms140-1909}
Ms 17, 1911
Long Beach, California
August 19, 1911
Sermon / Thoughts on Philippians 2
Portions of this manuscript are published in UL. +
Thoughts on Philippians 2
“If there be any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels of mercies, fulfil YE my joy that YE be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” {Ms17-1911}
(Congregation rises.) {Ms17-1911}
(Praying:) My heavenly Father, I have borne this message to the best of my ability. I ask THEE to make the impression. I am weakness itself, but THOU art strength. Accept the pledge that has been made here today, and in the courts of heaven may it be acknowledged as true and genuine. Help these souls to give their life and strength to the honor and glory of God and for the blessing of those around them. {Ms17-1911}
Heavenly Father, I come to THEE. Accept me, and accept this congregation, and help them to make determined efforts to press the battle to the gates. THOU knowest their weakness; impart to them more than human strength. Give them the overcomer’s reward as they follow on to know the Lord. {Ms17-1911}
Father, we commit these souls to THEE. They are THINE. Let angels work in their behalf until they take their stand fully on the Lord’s side. Let THY light shine into their hearts and minds, that they may be overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony; and THY blessed name shall have all the glory. Amen. {Ms17-1911}
In all these Ellen G. White prayers she is totally consistent.
She always addressing her prayers to [the One] “GOD, the LIVING GOD” and says “THY HOLY SPIRIT” or “HOLY SPIRIT of GOD”.
In addressing God, her prayers are peppered with the singular pronoun [THY, THYSELF, THEE, THOU, THINE] and never once with the plural [YOU, YE].
This is NOT a false trinitarian belief.
Also, within the front cover of the following book, appears:
The Spirit of Prophecy
A Message to You From Sister White
WE are homeward bound. A little longer, and the strife will be over. May we who stand in the heat of the conflict, ever keep before us a vision of things unseen—of that time when the world will be bathed in the light of heaven, when the years will move on in gladness, when over the scene the morning stars will sing together and the sons of God will shout for joy, while God and Christ will unite in proclaiming, “There shall be no more sin, neither shall there be any more death.” “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,” let us “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
(Ellen G. White’s signature then occurs before it says:)
(A reproduction of a personally autographed message placed by Ellen G. White in gift copies of her books)
If we look more closely at the message that she has personally chosen to use and put her signature against:
We are homeward bound. A little longer, and the strife will be over. May we who stand in the heat of the conflict, ever keep before us a vision of things unseen—of that time when the world will be bathed in the light of heaven, when the years will move on in gladness, when over the scene the morning stars will sing together and the sons of God will shout for joy, while GOD and CHRIST will unite in proclaiming, “There shall be no more sin, neither shall there be any more death.” “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,” let us “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Likewise in other Spirit of Prophesy quotes she says:
The King of the universe summoned the heavenly hosts before Him, that in their presence He might set forth the TRUE POSITION OF HIS SON and show the relation He sustained to all created beings. The Son of God shared the Father’s throne, and the glory of the eternal, self-existent One encircled BOTH. ….. (PP 36.2 1890)
“ ….. We want THE HOLY SPIRIT, which IS JESUS CHRIST. ….. {Lt66-1894}
Also, when we look at the prayers of Jesus:
Mt6.9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be THY name.
Mt6.10 THY kingdom come. THY will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.
Mt6.11 Give us this day our daily bread.
Mt6.12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Mt6.13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For THINE is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
This is also confirmed in Luke:
Lk11.2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be THY name. Thy kingdom come. THY will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
Lk11.3 Give us day by day our daily bread.
Lk11.4 And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
In John we have:
Jn17.1 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, FATHER, the hour is come; glorify THY Son, that THY Son also may glorify thee: {Jesus confirms God as His Father.}
Jn17.2 As THOU hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as THOU hast given him.
Jn17.3 AND THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL, THAT THEY MIGHT KNOW THEE THE ONLY TRUE GOD, AND JESUS CHRIST, whom THOU hast sent. [de6.4; is42.8; ml2.10; mk12.29-30,32; ro3.30; 1co8.4&6; ep4.6; 1ti2.5; ja2.19]. {What is life eternal ? THAT THEY MIGHT KNOW THEE THE ONLY TRUE GOD, AND JESUS CHRIST }.
Jn17.4 I HAVE GLORIFIED THEE ON THE EARTH: I have finished the work which THOU gavest me to do.
Jn17.6 I have manifested THY name unto the men which THOU gavest me out of the world: THINE they were, and THOU gavest them me; and they have kept THY word.
Jn17.7 Now they have known that all things whatsoever THOU hast given me are of THEE.
Jn17.8 For I have given unto them the words which THOU gavest ME; and they have received [them], and have known surely that I CAME OUT FROM THEE, and they have believed that THOU didst send ME. {CAME OUT FROM THEE – Again literally, just like Jn8.42, 16.27, 16.30}
Jn17.9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which THOU hast given me; for they are THINE.
Jn17.10 And all mine are THINE, and THINE are mine; and I am glorified in them.
Jn17.11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to THEE. HOLY FATHER, keep through THINE own name those whom THOU hast given me, that they may be one, as WE [are]. {Jesus confirms God as His Father in a singular context – no plural God.}
Jn17.12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in THY name: those that THOU gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
Jn17.13 And now come I to THEE; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.
Jn17.14 I have given them THY word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Jn17.15 I pray not that THOU shouldest take them out of the world, but that THOU shouldest keep them from the evil.
Jn17.16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Jn17.17 Sanctify them through THY truth: THY word is truth.
Jn17.18 As THOU hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
Jn17.19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
Jn17.20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
Jn17.21 That they all may be one; as THOU, FATHER, [art] in me, and I in THEE, that they also may be one in US: that the world may believe that THOU hast sent me. {Jesus confirms God as His Father in a singular context – no plural God.}
Jn17.22 And the glory which THOU gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
Jn17.23 I in them, and THOU in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that THOU hast sent me, and hast loved them, as THOU hast loved me.
Jn17.24 FATHER, I will that they also, whom THOU hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which THOU hast given me: for THOU lovedst me before the foundation of the world. {Jesus confirms God as His Father in a singular context – no plural God.}
Jn17.25 O RIGHTEOUS FATHER, the world hath not known THEE: but I have known THEE, and these have known that THOU hast sent me. {Jesus confirms God as His Father in a singular context – no plural God.}
Jn17.26 And I have declared unto them THY name, and will declare [it]: that the love wherewith THOU hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.
Likewise Jesus, in addressing God, His Father, His prayers are also peppered with the singular pronoun [THY, THYSELF, THEE, THOU, THINE] and never once with the plural [YOU, YE].
In conclusion, we can confirm, from the Word of God [the Bible and Spirit of Prophesy], that the Holy Spirit:
1. Belongs to God the Father and is described as an Eternal Spirit.
2. As an attribute of the Father, was given to Jesus, His Only Begotten Son.
3. That Jesus, since Pentecost, has given His Omnipresence to His people so that He, in person, can be with each one as their Comforter.
4. Is described as the Spirit of Promise.
5. Although described as a person, is not another Being which would then make three individuals.
6. Is part of the Three Powers of heaven; also described as Three Worthies.
7. Never sits upon the Throne; only two Divine Beings sit on the Throne:
Re22.1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of THE THRONE OF GOD AND OF THE LAMB. {NB: TWO Divine Beings sit on a combined throne. GOD, who is THE FATHER, and His Only Begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST. TWO Divine Beings have a kingdom [See v.3 & Ep5.5].}
Re22.2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, [was there] the tree of life, which bare twelve [manner of] fruits, [and] yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree [were] for the healing of the nations.
Re22.3 And there shall be no more curse: but THE THRONE OF GOD AND OF THE LAMB shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: {No trinity “god the holy spirit” sits upon the throne – only GOD THE FATHER, and His Only Begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST.}