001 – The beginning – God the Father – “God the Word” and His only begotten Son. Prologue to the Gospel of John. The Pre-Incarnate Christ. The Son of God became a human being John 1:1-18
002 – The Genealogy of Jesus Christ The Human Ancestry of Jesus [Yeshua] from Abraham Matthew 1:1-17
003 – The Genealogy of Jesus Christ The Human Descendancy of Jesus back to Adam, which was [the son] of God. Luke 3:23-38
004 – Prologues to Mark’s and Luke’s Gospel: Luke’s Introduction and purpose in writing Luke 1:1-4
005 – The Announcement to Zacharias. The Angel Gabriel’s Promise of the Birth of John the Baptist to Zachariah Luke 1:5-17. [Early Spring 3BC]
006 – The Announcement to Zacharias. Zachariah and Elisabeth are old and he is struck dumb through disbelief that they will have a son [until the naming and circumcision of John on the eighth day of birth] Luke 1:18-25
007 – The Annunciation – The Angel Gabriel’s Promise of the Birth of Jesus to Mary Luke 1:26-38. {December 4BC}
008 – Mary Visits cousin Elizabeth and her baby leaps in her womb – Song of Elizabeth to Mary Luke 1:39-45
009 – Mary’s Song of Praise to God her Saviour Luke 1:46-55
010 – Mary stays with Elizabeth for about three months before returning home Luke 1:56. {December 4BC-February 3BC}
011 – The Birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:57-58. {March 3BC}
012 – The Naming and Circumcision of John on the eighth day of the birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:59-80
013 – The return of Zachariah’s speech – He is filled with the Holy Spirit and Prophecy Luke 1:64-67
014 – Song of Zachariah at the naming of John the Baptist Luke 1:68-79
015 – The childhood years of John the Baptist Luke 1:80. {March 3BC – March 10AD}
016 – The Angelic Announcement in a Dream to Joseph for him to Marry Mary Matthew 1:18-23. {December 4BC-September 3BC}
017 – Joseph Marries Mary Matthew 1:24-25
018 – The Taxation Decree from Caesar Augustus and the Birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem Luke 2:1-7. {January-August 3BC} {11 September 3BC}
019 – The Announcement to the Shepherds. An Angel Informs the Shepherds of the birth of Jesus that birth day Luke 2:8-12. {11 September 3BC}
020 – Many Angels join the Angel and return to heaven praising God. The Shepherds decide to go to Bethlehem Luke 2:13-15
021 – The Shepherds journey in haste to Bethlehem and find Mary, Jesus and Baby Jesus. The First Advent of Christ Luke 2:16. {Middle-End of September 3BC}
022 – The Shepherds publicise to all their messages from the Angel and their Bethlehem findings of Baby Jesus. They give glory and praise to God. Luke 2:17-20
023 – The Circumcision. Mary and Joseph bring 7 day old Jesus to the Temple for Circumcision and then, 33 days later, for the Presentation and Sacrificial Offering Luke 2:21-24. {18 September 3BC; 21 October 3BC}
024 – The Presentation at the Temple. The just and devout man Simeon who would not see death until he had seen the Lord’s Christ Luke 2:25-27
025 – The song of Simeon, his presentation of Jesus and his Praises to God. Also his blessings to Mary his mother Luke 2:28-35. {21 October 3BC}
026 – Anna, a prophetess of about 84 years, gives thanks to God and speaks of Him in the Redemption of Jerusalem Luke 2:36-38, {21 October 3BC}
027 – The Visit of the Magi. Wise Men [Magi] from the East [Babylon] who saw the star travel to Jerusalem to see the Infant “King of the Jews”. Matthew 2:1-2. {About April 1BC}
028 – King Herod is troubled by all the reports and summons his chief priests and scribes who inform him of Scripture fulfilment Matthew 2:3-6
029 – King Herod asks the wise men when the star occurred and sends them to Bethlehem to report back regarding the young child Matthew 2:7-8
030 – The wise men depart to Bethlehem and the star re-appears to joyfully guide them Matthew 2:9-10
031 – The wise men find the young child Jesus with Mary, they worship Him and present their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh Matthew 2:11. {April-June 1BC}
032 – God warns the wise men by dream not to return to Herod, so they return home by another way Matthew 2:12
033 – The Flight to Egypt. An Angel warns Joseph in a Dream to Immediately Flee into Egypt and stay there until further notice. Flight into Egypt by Joseph and Mary’s family with Jesus Matthew 2:13-15. {May-July 1BC}
034 – Herod has Children killed. Annoyed Herod decrees that all children from two years old and under be slain Matthew 2:16-18. {August 1BC}
035 – Herod has died. An Angel tells Joseph in a Dream to go into the land of Israel Matthew 2:19-20. {January 1AD}
036 – The Return to Nazareth. Joseph takes his family back into Israel, but not Judea for fear. They dwell in a city called Nazareth, in Galilee, following a dream from God Luke 2:39 Matthew 2:21-23
037 – The Childhood of Jesus at Nazareth. Jesus grows up in Spirit, Wisdom and with the Grace of God Luke 2:40. {About Summer 1AD-Middle of September 10AD}
038 – The First Passover Visit of Jesus. The yearly Passover trip to Jerusalem and the missing 12 year old Luke 2:41-45. [Early April 11AD]
039 – Youth and Young Manhood off Jesus. Jesus is found in the Temple discussing with the religious teachers and returns home with them Luke 2:46-52
040 – The Ministry of John the Baptist. The Life and Work of John the Baptist Luke 3:1-6 Mark 1:2-6 Matthew 3:1-4 John 1:28. [Start date unknown – End of 28AD when John was imprisoned]
041 – John the Baptist rebukes the Pharisees and Sadducees Matthew 3:7-10 Luke 3:7-9
042 – All the people ask John the Baptist what they should do Luke 3:10-18
043 – John the Baptist is questioned by the Priests and Levites / Pharisees from Jerusalem to explain himself John 1:19-22 24
044 – John the Baptist replies to the Priests and Levites / Pharisees and prepares the way for Jesus John 1:23 25-27 Matthew 3:11-12 Mark 1:7-8
045 – The Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist Mark 1:9 Luke 3:21 Matthew 3:13-15, [End of 27AD] [?Yeshua’s Baptism Likely Happened on the 1st of Elul = 22 September 27AD?]
046 – The Spirit of God descends like a Dove and the Voice from Heaven approves of the Baptism of Jesus Matthew 3:16-17 Mark 1:10-11 Luke 3:22
047 – John the Baptist’s Declaration of Jesus. John identifies the “Lamb of God” and proclaims Jesus as the Messiah, “the Son of God” John 1:29-34
048 – The Temptation of Christ. The Temptation of Food by Satan when Jesus was in the wilderness Luke 4:1-4 Matthew 4:1-4 Mark 1:12-13
050 – The Temptation of Christ. The Temptation of Possessions by Satan when Jesus was in the wilderness Luke 4:5-8 Matthew 4:8-10
049 – The Temptation of Christ. The Temptation of Destruction by Satan when Jesus was in the wilderness Matthew 4:5-7 Luke 4:9-12
051 – Satan, the loser, departs from Jesus after He was in the Wilderness for 40 days Matthew 4:11 Luke 4:13 {Note that 40 in Gematria means Trials – Probation – Testing / Severe Test – Days of Jesus’ Temptation – Time of Proving – Closing in Victory / Judgement – A Very Long Time – Tribulation}
052 – The First Two Disciples follow Jesus John 1:35-39
053 – The Two Disciples are identified as John and Andrew. Andrew brings his brother Simon to Jesus who changes his name to Peter John 1:40-42
054 – Jesus finds Philip, and Philip finds Nathanael John 1:43-51
055 – The Marriage at Cana of Galilee. The Wedding Feast in Cana runs out of wine John 2:1-4
056 – Mary instructs the Servants to obey Jesus John 2:5
057 – Miracle No 1: Jesus turns water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Jesus performs His first miracle – Turns water into Wine. The Sojourn at Capernaum John 2:6-12
058 – First Cleansing the Temple. Jesus goes to Jerusalem for His First Passover and scourges those selling in the Temple John 2:13-17. [End of April 28AD]
059 – The Jews ask for a sign and Jesus tells them that His destroyed [bodily] Temple will be raised up in 3 days John 2:18-22
060 – Jesus is non-committal at the Passover as He Knew the Mind of Men John 2:23-25
061 – Discussion with Nicodemus. Nicodemus Comes to Christ. Nicodemus visits Jesus at night and confirms that Jesus is a teacher come from God John 3:1-2
062 – Parable No. 1: Blowing Wind like God’s Spirit (John 3:8). Jesus Talks with Nicodemus about Salvation John 3:3-15
063 – Jesus Confirms God’s Love for Sinful Mankind in sending His Only Begotten Son that he might be saved John 3:16-17
064 – Jesus Confirms that Sinful Man is Condemned because they love to doeth evil and stay in darkness John 3:19-21
065 – Departure to Judea. Ministry in Judea. John’s disciples ask John about purification and the baptism by Jesus and His disciples. Co-Ministry with John the Baptist John 3:22-26. [Middle of Summer 28AD]
066 – John the Baptist’s reply to his disciples that Jesus must increase, but he decrease John 3:27-34
067 – John the Baptist confirms that God has given all things to His Son, Jesus, and everlasting life is also by believing in Him. John 3:35-36
068 – Jesus leaves Judaea for Galilee via Sychar in Samaria and rests at Jacob’s well John 4:1-6. [End of Autumn 28AD]
069 – The Samaritan Woman. Jesus meets the Samaritan Woman and desires the Living Water John 4:7-15. [End of Autumn 28AD]
070 – The Samaritan Woman says she has no husband; Jesus agrees but says she has had five former husbands John 4:16-18
071 – The Samaritan Woman is told that Worship to the Father will soon not occur, even in Jerusalem John 4:19-22
072 – Jesus confirms that now True Worshippers shall Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth John 4:22-24
073 – Jesus confirms that the awaited Messiah, Christ, has come and that it is He John 4:25-26
074 – The Disciples Return from the City and marvel that Jesus, a Jew, was talking to a Samaritan Woman John 4:27
075 – The Samaritan Woman returns to the City to bring Men to see Christ John 4:28-30
076 – Jesus declines to eat the Disciples’ food as His food is to do the Will of God John 4:31-34
077 – Parable No. 2: Fields Ripe for Harvest (John 4:35-38). Jesus tells about the Spiritual Harvest. Jesus confirms that the Harvest is ready for life eternal. One soweth, and another reapeth, both rejoice John 4:35-38
078 – Jesus stays for 2 days with the Samaritans. Many believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Saviour of the world John 4:39-42
079 – As a prophet hath no honour in his own country [Judaea], Jesus comes to Galilee and is well received John 4:43-45
080 – The Nobleman’s Son. A Nobleman at Capernaum requests that Jesus visit to heal his sick [dying] son John 4:46-49. [Early Winter 28AD]
081 – Miracle No. 2: Jesus heals the official’s son at Capernaum in Galilee. Jesus confirms that his son liveth. The Nobleman believes and then his whole house John 4:50-54
082 – John the Baptist reproves Herod for his marriage and evils. John is Imprisoned Mark 6:17-20 Matthew 14:3-5 Luke 3:19-20. [End of 28AD]
083 – The Invalid at Bethesda. Jesus at Bethesda. The Paralytic [lame man] at Pool of Bethesda John 5:1-5
084 – Miracle No. 3: Jesus heals an Invalid at Bethesda. Jesus heals the Paralytic by saying “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk” John 5:6-9. [Early Spring 29AD]
085 – The Jews challenge the Paralytic who was Carrying his Bed on the Sabbath day and his reply John 5:10-13
086 – Jesus finds the Paralytic in the Temple and tells him to sin no more. The man tells the Jews that Jesus had made him whole John 5:14-15
087 – Parable No. 3: Like Father like Son (John 5:19-20). The Rejection of the Sanhedrin. Jesus claims to be God’s Son. Jesus and the persecuting Jews who want to slay Him John 5:16-23
088 – Jesus confirms that the Spiritually Dead shall now hear the Voice of the Son of God John 5:24-25
089 – God the Living Father has given Life to His Son. Also Authority to Execute Judgment John 5:26-27
090 – All those that have Died will hear the Son of God and in the Judgment all will have a Resurrection according to the Will of God John 5:28-30
091 – Jesus upholds John the Baptist’s witness as true; now God has now sent Him as a Greater Witness John 5:31-36
092 – Rejection by the Sanhedrin. Close of the Judean Ministry John 5:37-47
093 – The Reaction of Jesus: In John’s absence, Jesus departs into Galilee to Preach the Gospel and Repentance to the Gentiles in the power of the Spirit. “The Kingdom of God Is at Hand” Matthew 4:12 Mark 1:14-15 Luke 4:14-15
094 – First Rejection at Nazareth Luke 4:16-30. [April / May 29AD]
095 – Removal to Capernaum Matthew 4:13-17. [June 29AD]
096 – The Call by the Sea. Jesus, standing by the lake of Gennesaret, is pressed by the people to hear the Word of God, enters Simon’s ship and teaches the people from the shallow water Luke 5:1-3. [June / July 29AD]
097 – Miracle No. 4: First miraculous catch of fish on the Lake of Gennesaret. Afterwards Jesus, says to Simon to launch out to the deep and let down the nets for a draught. Having toiled all the night without a catch, Simon obeys, and a great multitude of fish beckons for their partners in the other ship to help Luke 5:4-7
098 – Simon Peter falls down at Jesus’ knees realising his sinfulness. All are astonished at The Miraculous Draught of Fish. Jesus confirms to Simon that he will now catch Men Luke 5:8-11
099 – The Call by the Sea of Galilee: 4 fishermen follow Jesus and become Fishers of Men: Peter, Andrew, James, John Mark 1:16-20 Matthew 4:18-22. [July 29AD]
100 – Jesus teaches with Power and great Authority at Capernaum Mark 1:21-22 Luke 4:31-32
101 – Miracle No. 5: Jesus drives out an evil spirit from a man in Capernaum. The Demoniac in the Synagogue is healed Mark 1:23-28 Luke 4:33-37. [July 29AD]
102 – Miracle No. 6: Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law sick with fever. Jesus leaves the synagogue and heals Peter’s mother-in-law Mark 1:29-31 Luke 4:38-39 Matthew 8:14-15. [July 29AD]
103 – Miracle No. 7: Jesus heals many sick and oppressed at evening. Jesus heals many others at Even Matthew 8:16 Luke 4:40 Mark 1:32-34
104 – The cast out devils know that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God Luke 4:41 Matthew 8:17
105 – Jesus Preaches throughout Galilee: Simon offers also to Preach. Mark’s account Mark 1:35-39
106 – Jesus Preaches throughout Galilee: Luke’s account Luke 4:42-44
107 – Jesus Preaches throughout Galilee: Matthew’s account Matthew 4:23-25
108 – Miracle No. 8: Jesus cleanses a Man with Leprosy. The Leper Healed. The Cleansing of the First Leper Matthew 8:1-4 Luke 5:12-14 Mark 1:40-44
109 – The First Leper disobeys Jesus who can no more openly enter the city being confined to desert places Mark 1:45 Luke 5:15-16
110 – Jesus returns to His own city and enters Capernaum Matthew 9:1 Mark 2:1 Luke 5:17
111 – Many were gathered together while Jesus preaching the Word Mark 2:2
112 – The Paralytic Man who was lowered through the roof. A man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed, borne by four, tries to get to Jesus Luke 5:18 Mark 2:3. [End of Summer 29AD]
113 – Tiling is removed and the roof uncovered and he is lowered to Jesus Luke 5:19 Mark 2:4
114 – Miracle No. 9: Jesus heals the Paralytic who was let down from the roof. Jesus, seeing their faith, forgives the sins of the man Matthew 9:2 Luke 5:20 Mark 2:5
115 – Jesus, perceiving their thoughts, asks why evil is in their hearts Mark 2:6 8 Luke 5:22 Matthew 9:4
116 – Certain of the scribes reasoned that Jesus, in forgiving sins, was speaking blasphemy Matthew 9:3 Mark 2:7 Luke 5:21
117 – Jesus replies and confirms that the Son of man does have power on earth to forgive sins Mark 2:9-11 Luke 5:23-24 Matthew 9:5-6
118 – The man takes up his bed and departs to his house glorifying God Luke 5:25 Matthew 9:7 Mark 2:12a
119 – The onlooking multitude are amazed and also glorify God Matthew 9:8 Luke 5:26 Mark 2:12b
120 – The Call of Levi (Matthew) Mark 2:13-14 Matthew 9:9 Luke 5:27-28
121 – Matthew’s Feast Mark 2:15-16 Matthew 9:10-11 Luke 5:29-30, 15:1-2. [End of Summer 29AD]
122 – Parable No. 4: Our need of a Physician to reach God’s Kingdom (Matthew 9:12-13, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31-32). Mark 2:17 Matthew 9:12-13 Luke 5:31-32
123 – Religious Leaders ask Jesus about Fasting Mark 2:18 Matthew 9:14 Luke 5:33
124 – Parable No. 5: Bridegroom and Fasting (Matthew 9:14-17, Mark 2:18-20, Luke 5:33-35). Disciples Defended via a Parable. Jesus replies with a bridegroom question Mark 2:19-20 Matthew 9:15 Luke 5:34-35
125 – Parable No. 6: No good to put New Patch on Old Clothing (Matthew 9:16, Mark 2:21, Luke 5:36). Jesus then replies with a Parable about new and old garments Luke 5:36 Mark 2:21 Matthew 9:16
126 – Parable No. 7: New Wine into New Wineskins (Matthew 9:17, Mark 2:22, Luke 5:37-38). Jesus finally replies with a statement about new and old wine bottle preservation Luke 5:37-39 Matthew 9:17 Mark 2:22
127 – The Hungry Disciples Pluck Grain on the Sabbath Matthew 12:1 Luke 6:1 Mark 2:23. [Summer / Autumn 29AD]
128 – The Pharisees see and claim that is not lawful to do such upon the Sabbath Matthew 12:2 Mark 2:24 Luke 6:2
129 – Jesus answers reminding them what David did when Hungry Luke 6:3 Mark 2:25 Matthew 12:3
130 – David ate the Priest’s Showbread Mark 2:26 Luke 6:4 Matthew 12:4
131 – Jesus rebukes the Pharisees by saying that if they understood then they would not condemn the guiltless Matthew 12:5-7
132 – Jesus confirms that the Sabbath was made for man Mark 2:27
133 – Jesus confirms that the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath Luke 6:5 Matthew 12:8 Mark 2:28
134 – Jesus enters their synagogue on a Sabbath and sees a Man whose right* Hand was Withered. The Pharisees watch to accuse Him Matthew 12:9-10 Luke 6:6-7 Mark 3:1-2. [Summer / Autumn 29AD] {*Review and Herald, August 10, 1897 paragraph 1}
135 – Jesus prepares to heal the Man with the Withered Hand Luke 6:8 Mark 3:3
136 – Jesus asks the Pharisees what man among them would not rescue their sheep on the Sabbath? Matthew 12:11-12a
137 – Jesus asks the Pharisees what is lawful on the Sabbath days – to do Good or Evil? Luke 6:9 Mark 3:4 Matthew 12:12b
138 – Miracle No. 10: Jesus heals the Man’s Withered Hand on the Sabbath. Jesus senses the Pharisees hardness of their hearts and then heals the man’s stretched out hand Mark 3:5 Luke 6:10 Matthew 12:13
139 – The Pharisees are filled with madness and hold counsel with the Herodians as to how to destroy Jesus Luke 6:11 Mark 3:6 Matthew 12:14
140 – Jesus’ Popularity. Large crowds follow Jesus. Jesus Heals Multitudes by the Sea of Galilee Mark 3:7-12 Matthew 12:15-21
141 – Jesus goes to the Mountain to pray all night before choosing His 12 Disciples Luke 6:12 Mark 3:13. [Summer / Autumn 29AD]
142 – The Choosing, Appointment and the Ordination of the 12 Disciples / Apostles Luke 6:13-16 Matthew 10:1-4 Mark 3:14-19
143 – Jesus preaches the “Sermon on the Mount”; also known as the Beatitudes. The 10 Blessings and the 3 Woes Matthew 5:1-12 Luke 6:17-26 36. [Summer 29AD – Autumn 29AD]
144 – Parable No. 8: Jesus teaches about Salt & Light. Be like a City set on a Hill (Matthew 5:14). Parable No. 9: Salt that is Good and Salt that Loses Value and Taste (Matthew 5:13, Mark 9:50, Luke 14:34-35). You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, so let your light shine before men and glorify God Matthew 5:13-14 Luke 14:34-35
145 – Parable No. 10: Let your Light Shine (Matthew 5:15-16, Mark 4:21-25, Luke 8:16-18). “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify” God Matthew 5:15-16
146 – Jesus teaches about the Law. The unchangeable Law of God and our “righteousness”. “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets” Matthew 5:17-20 Luke 16:17
147 – Jesus teaches about Anger. Brotherly Anger without cause Endangers your Judgment. On Murder and Wrath Matthew 5:21-26
148 – Jesus teaches about Lust and Divorce. Heart desired Adultery Endangers your Judgment Matthew 5:27-32 Luke 16:18
149 – On Oaths. Jesus teaches about Vows. Swear not at all. Let your Communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay Matthew 5:33-37
150 – On Retaliation. Jesus teaches about Retaliation. Resist not evil, go the Second Mile, and Give willingly Matthew 5:38-42 Luke 6:29-30 34 35b
151 – On Love of Ones Enemies. “Love your enemies” and “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” Matthew 5:43-48 Luke 6:27-28 32-33 35a
152 – On Almsgiving. Ensure that your Acts of kindness are done Secretly / discretely, and God will reward Matthew 6:1-4
153 – On Prayer. Pray in Secret, Concisely and without Vain Repetition, for God already knows what you need Matthew 6:5-8
154 – Prayer example: The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-13
155 – Forgive Men their Trespasses, and God will forgive you Matthew 6:14-15
156 – On Fasting. Fast secretly without revealing to men, God shall reward thee openly Matthew 6:16-18
157 – On Treasures. Reject earthly treasures for heavenly ones. “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”. The Sound Eye Matthew 6:19-23
158 – Serve one master: God and not mammon Matthew 6:24 Luke 16:13
159 – Jesus tells the covetous Pharisees that “The law and the prophets [were] until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached” Luke 16:14-16
160 – Parable No. 11: On Anxiety. Jesus teaches about Worry. Birds of the Air are Fed by God (Matthew 6:25-26). Trust that God will provide all your needs Matthew 6:25-27
161 – Parable No. 12: Consider the Lilies and amazing Flowers that God has Created (Matthew 6:28-30). Trust that God will provide all your needs Matthew 6:28-32
162 – “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness”. Today and not “the morrow” Matthew 6:33-34
163 – On Judging. Judge not others lest they judge you. Jesus teaches about Criticizing Others. First cast out the beam in your eye for clarity Luke 6:37-38 41-42 Matthew 7:1-5
164 – Parable No. 13: Jesus gives a very short Parable: Can the Blind Lead the Blind? [First reference] Luke 6:39
165 – On Profaning the Holy. Giving your prized goods to heathens who have no spirituality is unprofitable Matthew 7:6
166 – Parable No. 14: Gods Answering of Prayer. Ask, Seek, Receive. Your heavenly Father gives good things to them that ask [First reference] Matthew 7:7-11
167 – The Golden Rule. Do to men as you would want them to do to you Matthew 7:12 Luke 6:31
168 – The Two Ways. Few find the Narrow Way which leads to Eternal Life Matthew 7:13-14
169 – False prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing are ravening wolves Matthew 7:15
170 – Parable No. 15: Know them By their Fruits (Matthew 7:16, 23, Luke 6:39-45). Good tree: good fruit. Corrupt tree: evil fruit. Likewise Man: Good and evil Matthew 7:16-20, 12:33-35 Luke 6:43-45
171 – Saying Lord, Lord. Jesus says Do the will of MY FATHER to enter into the kingdom of heaven Matthew 7:21
172 – Many will claim wonderful works but Jesus will say “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” Matthew 7:22-23
173 – Parable No. 16: Build House on Rock not Sand (Matthew 7:24-27, Luke 6:45-49). The wise man, which built his house upon a rock. The foolish man, which built his house upon the sand Luke 6:46-49 Matthew 7:24-27
174 – The people were astonished at His doctrine: For He taught them as One having authority Matthew 7:28-29
175 – Miracle No. 11: Jesus heals a centurion’s paralyzed servant in Capernaum. Jesus at Capernaum. Jesus heals the servant of a Capernaum Roman Centurion who demonstrates faith Luke 7:1-10 Matthew 8:5-13. [Autumn 29AD]
176 – Miracle No. 12: Jesus Heals the 2 Blind Men Matthew 9:27-31. [Autumn 29AD]
177 – Miracle No. 13: Jesus heals a man who was unable to speak. Jesus Heals the Dumb / Mute / Demoniac Matthew 9:32-34. [Autumn 29AD]
178 – The Second Galilean Tour. The Ministering Women accompany Jesus and the Disciples Matthew 9:35 Luke 8:1-3
179 – Miracle No. 14: Jesus raises a widow’s son from the dead in Nain. Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son From the Dead at Nain. The rumours of Jesus being “a great prophet” get to John the Baptist by his disciples Luke 7:11-18. [Autumn / Winter 29AD]
180 – Miracle No. 15: Jesus heals a blind, mute demoniac. A crowded multitude see a Blind and Dumb Demoniac healed with amazement Mark 3:20 Matthew 12:22-23 Luke 11:14
181 – Pharisees say Jesus is under Satan’s power. Some of the Jerusalem scribes claim that Jesus works through Beelzebub the chief of the devils, but “How can Satan cast out Satan?” Luke 11:15 Matthew 12:24 Mark 3:21-23
182 – Parable No. 17: Divided Kingdom and House cannot Stand (Matthew 12:25-29, Mark 3:23-27, Luke 11:14-26). A kingdom, house or Satan divided against itself, cannot stand Luke 11:16-20 Matthew 12:25-28 Mark 3:24-26
183 – An armed strong man protects until he is overcome by a stronger man Luke 11:21-22 Matthew 12:29 Mark 3:27
184 – Parable No. 18: The Return of the Evil Spirit. 7 Unclean Spirits. Demons can Influence Some People who allow them (Matthew 12:43-45). He that is not with me is against me: and wicked things get much worse Luke 11:23-26 Matthew 12:30 43-45
185 – The Unpardonable Sin. The Sin against the Holy Spirit. All sins shall be forgiven but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost has no forgiveness Matthew 12:31-32 Mark 3:28-30
186 – All have to give an account of idle words on the Day of Judgement: Justified or Condemned by thy words Matthew 12:36-37
187 – True Blessedness. Jesus confirms that the Word of God is more important than Mary Luke 11:27-28
188 – The Sign of Jonah: 3 days and 3 nights: The Sign of the Son of man Matthew 12:38-40 Luke 11:29-30
189 – The Queen of the South [Queen of Sheba] and the men of Nineveh rise up in the Judgment. Jesus being greater than Solomn and Jonah Luke 11:31-32 Matthew 12:41-42
190 – Visit of Jesus’ Mother and Brothers Matthew 12:46-50 Mark 3:31-35 Luke 8:19-21
191 – Sermon by the Sea. Jesus, by the seaside, enters a ship because of the multitude, to teach many Parables Luke 8:4 Mark 4:1-2 Matthew 13:1-3a
192 – Parable No. 19: The Sower of Seed, for Kingdom of God on Earth (Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:4-15). The Parable of the Sower, the Seed, and the Soils. A Sower sows his seed. Some falls by the way side for fowls to eat Luke 8:5 Mark 4:3-4 Matthew 13:3b-4
193 – Some seed falls on rock / stony ground, is sun scorched and withers away Luke 8:6 Mark 4:5-6 Matthew 13:5-6
194 – Some seed falls among thorns, grows but is choked with no fruit yield Mark 4:7 Matthew 13:7 Luke 8:7
195 – Some seed falls on good ground, did yield, 30, 60, 100 fold Mark 4:8 Matthew 13:8 Luke 8:8a
196 – “He that [Who] hath ears to hear, let him hear” Mark 4:9 Matthew 13:9 Luke 8:8b
197 – Parable No. 20: “Why speakest thou unto them in parables?” “Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven [God]” Matthew 13:10-17 Mark 4:11-12 Luke 8:10
198 – His disciples ask for the Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower? Luke 8:9 Matthew 13:18 Mark 4:10 13
199 – The Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower, the Seed, and the Soils. The seed is the Word of God sown by the Sower Luke 8:11-12 Mark 4:14-15 Matthew 13:19
200 – Satan comes to take the “seed by the way side” “lest they should believe and be saved” Matthew 13:19 Mark 4:14-15 Luke 8:11-12
201 – The stony ground seed are those that receive with joy the Word but depart when persecution arises Matthew 13:20-21 Mark 4:16-17 Luke 8:13
202 – The seed among the thorns are those that hear and go forth with the Word but are choked by worldly lusts and become unfruitful Matthew 13:22 Luke 8:14 Mark 4:18-19
203 – The seed on good ground are those that hear, understand and keep the Word; which also beareth fruit, and with patience, are fruitful, some 100, some 60, some 30 fold Matthew 13:23 Mark 4:20 Luke 8:15
204 – Parable No. 21: The Parable of the Lighted Candle Mark 4:21-25 Luke 8:16-18
205 – Parable No. 22: Mystery of the Seed Growing for the Patient Husbandman (Mark 4:26-29). The Parable of the Growing Seed. The kingdom of God is like a seed, first sown, then germinates, grows, fruits and is harvested Mark 4:26-29
206 – Parable No. 23: Mustard Seed like Kingdom of God to come (Matthew 13:31-32, Mark 4:30-34, Luke 13:18-19). The Parable of the Mustard Seed. The kingdom of God is like a grain of mustard seed, less than all the seeds when sown, then becomes greater than all herbs, so that the fowls of the air may lodge under its great branches Mark 4:30-32 Matthew 13:31-32 Luke 13:18-19
207 – Parable No. 24: The Parable of the Tares of the Field. The kingdom of God is like a man who sowed good wheat seed in his field, but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares. “Let both grow together until the harvest” Matthew 13:24-30
208 – Parable No. 25: Yeast Leaven like God’s coming Kingdom (Matthew 13:33, Luke 13:20-21). The Parable of the Leaven. The kingdom of God is like “leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.” Matthew 13:33 Luke 13:20-21
209 – Jesus, having spoken to the multitude only by, and with many Parables, later expounds to His disciples when alone Matthew 13:34-35 Mark 4:33-34
210 – Multitude are sent away and Jesus declares to His disciples the Parable of the Tares of the Field Matthew 13:36-43
211 – Parable No. 26: Mystery of the Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44). The Parable of the Hidden Treasure. The kingdom of God is like “treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field” Matthew 13:44
212 – Parable No. 27: Pearl of Great Price Revealed (Matthew 13:45-46). The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price. The kingdom of God is like “a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it” Matthew 13:45-46
213 – Parable No. 28: Net cast into the Sea, gathering people to God’s coming Kingdom on Earth (Matthew 13:47-50). The Parable of the Dragnet. The kingdom of God is like a net, cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: when full, goods gathered into vessels, but cast the bad away Matthew 13:47-50
214 – Parable No. 29: Scribe like a Householder with Old and New Treasure (Matthew 13:51-52). Jesus asks “Have ye understood all these things?” Matthew 13:51-52
215 – “When Jesus had finished these Parables, he departed” Matthew 13:53
216 – The Privations of Discipleship. Requirements for following Jesus. “I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest” “but the Son of man hath not where to lay [his] head” Luke 9:57-62 Matthew 8:18-22
217 – Miracle No. 16: Jesus calms a storm on the sea. Christ Stills the Tempest. Jesus calms the Storm on the Lake Mark 4:35-41 Luke 8:22-25 Matthew 8:23-27
218 – Men from the Tombs. Jesus meets the DemoniacS upon entry into the land of the Gaderenes / Gergesenes [in Gadara / Gergesa] Luke 8:26-27 Mark 5:1-6 Matthew 8:28a. [Autumn / Winter 29AD]
219 – Jesus meets TWO DemoniacS who know that Jesus is the Son of the most high God Matthew 8:28b-29 Mark 5:7-8 Luke 8:28-29
220 – Jesus is told that the name of the devils, which is Legion, for they are many Mark 5:9 Luke 8:30
221 – They request not to be cast out but to enter a herd of mountainous swine Luke 8:31-32 Mark 5:10-12 Matthew 8:30-31
222 – Miracle No. 17: Jesus casts demons into a herd of pigs. Jesus agrees, the unclean spirits relocate, and the herd of about 2,000 run down a steep place into the sea and perish in the waters Luke 8:33 Mark 5:13 Matthew 8:32
223 – Those that kept and fed the swine flee to tell the people in the city Mark 5:14a 15 Matthew 8:33 Luke 8:34
224 – The people in the city come to Jesus and the healed demoniac and request that Jesus depart from them Luke 8:35-37 Mark 5:14b 16-17 Matthew 8:34
225 – Jesus returns to the ship. The healed man asks to come, but he is told to return to his Decapolis home and to show and publish the great things that God has done to him Mark 5:18-20 Luke 8:38-39
226 – Jesus Returns by ship to the other side and is gladly received by the waiting people Luke 8:40 Mark 5:21
227 – Jairus’ Daughter. Jairus, A Synagogue Ruler comes requesting that Jesus come to his house and heal his dying Daughter Matthew 9:18 Luke 8:41-42a Mark 5:22-23. [Winter 29AD]
228 – Jesus and the Disciples follow him along with many people Matthew 9:19 Mark 5:24 Luke 8:42b
229 – The Diseased [Haemorrhage] Woman, with an issue of blood twelve years, seeks to touch the garment of Jesus to be made whole Mark 5:25-29 Luke 8:43-44 Matthew 9:20-21
230 – Jesus asks Who touched me? All deny and the Disciples response Luke 8:45 Mark 5:31
231 – Jesus knows that virtue had gone out of him, looks round and sees the woman Mark 5:30 32 Luke 8:46
232 – The Woman declares why she had touched him and how she was immediately healed. Luke 8:47 Mark 5:33 Matthew 9:22a
233 – Miracle No. 18: Jesus heals a woman in the crowd with an issue of blood. Jesus confirms that the Faith of the Woman “hath made thee whole” Luke 8:48 Mark 5:34 Matthew 9:22b
234 – One from the house of the synagogue come to confirm to Jairus that his Daughter has Died. Jesus tells Jairus to “believe, and she shall be made whole” Luke 8:49-50 Mark 5:35-36
235 – Jesus at house, much noise and weeping, he says the maid is not dead but sleeping. They laugh him to scorn and Jesus enters room only with Peter, James, John and the parents Matthew 9:23-25a Mark 5:37-40 Luke 8:51-54a
236 – Miracle No. 19: Jesus Raises the Daughter of Jairus Back to Life Mark 5:41-43 Luke 8:54b-56 Matthew 9:25b-26
237 – The Inquiry by John the Baptist’s Disciples and Answer by Jesus Matthew 11:2-6 Luke 7:19-23
238 – Jesus starts His Eulogy of John the Baptist. “What went ye out for to see?” Luke 7:24-27 Matthew 11:7-10
239 – Jesus confirms that John the Baptist was a great prophet but the least in the kingdom of God will be greater Luke 7:28 Matthew 11:11-15
240 – John the Baptist baptized many but the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God Luke 7:29-30
241 – Parable No. 30: The men of this generation are like unto children sitting in the marketplace (Matthew 11:16-19, Luke 7:31-35). The Pharisees and lawyers “are like unto children sitting in the marketplace” Luke 7:31-32 Matthew 11:16-17
242 – Parable No. 31: John the Baptist compared to Jesus. Wisdom’s children (Matthew 11:18-19). Jesus compares the Pharisees and lawyers remarks for John the Baptist and the Son of man Luke 7:33-35 Matthew 11:18-19
243 – Jesus comments upon the cities where John the Baptist preached and their future Matthew 11:20-24
244 – Jesus Praises His Father Matthew 11:25-27
245 – The free Invitation of Jesus: “Come unto Me”. Come all those “heavy laden, and I will give you rest” “For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light” Matthew 11:28-30
246 – The Mission of the Twelve Matthew 9:36-38 Luke 9:1-6 Mark 6:7-13
247 – Jesus Sends and Commands Them to go “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” and preach, heal, cleans, raise the dead and cast out devils Matthew 10:5-8
248 – Take no money, nor Script, nor Clothing Matthew 10:9-10
249 – Inquire and abide at worthy / welcoming houses. Otherwise “shake off the dust of your feet” Matthew 10:11-15
250 – Sheep in the midst of wolves: be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves Matthew 10:16
251 – “Beware of men”. You shall be brought before governors and told what to speak Matthew 10:17-20
252 – Hated of all men for my name’s sake Matthew 10:21-22
253 – When persecuted, flee from city to city Matthew 10:23
254 – Give due respect to those in Authority Matthew 10:24-26 Luke 6:40
255 – Speak and Preach as the Holy Spirit of Jesus dictates Matthew 10:27
256 – Fear only God, who is able to destroy body and soul Matthew 10:28-31
257 – Confess Jesus before men, and Jesus will confess you before His Father Matthew 10:32-33
258 – The Word and Spirit of Jesus will cut and divide households Matthew 10:34-36
259 – Jesus comes First in Our Relationships and Actions Luke 14:25-27 Matthew 10:37-39
260 – He who receives you, receives Me, and will receive Matthew 10:40-11:1
261 – The Second Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth: “A prophet is not without honour” Matthew 13:54-58 Mark 6:1-6
262 – Herod hears about Jesus Matthew 14:1-2 Mark 6:14-16 Luke 9:7-9
263 – Herod’s birthday, supper and the dance of the daughter of Herodias, and his oath gift promise Mark 6:21-23 Matthew 14:6-7. [Winter 29AD – Spring 30AD]
264 – The daughter of Herodias seeks instruction from her mother and acts Mark 6:24-25 Matthew 14:8
265 – Herod’s sadness give way to his oath gift promise Matthew 14:9 Mark 6:26
266 – The Martyrdom of John the Baptist. Herod sends for an executioner and John’s head is handed over … to Herodias Matthew 14:10-11 Mark 6:27-28
267 – The Disciples take the Corpse and laid it in a Tomb. Then tell Jesus Matthew 14:12 Mark 6:29-30
268 – The reaction of Jesus: With John’s death, They withdraw to a desert place. A great multitude follow and Jesus teaches them and heals the sick Mark 6:31-34 John 6:1-4 Matthew 14:13-14
269 – The Disciples concern for the Multitude that they depart to buy food and the reply of Jesus Luke 9:10-13 Mark 6:35-38 Matthew 14:15-18 John 6:5-9
270 – Miracle No. 20: Jesus feeds 5,000 plus women and children. The Loaves and Fishes. The Feeding the Five Thousand Matthew 14:19-21 Mark 6:39-44 Luke 9:14-17 John 6:10-14. [Spring 30AD]
271 – Jesus sends the multitude away and goes up into a mountain to pray. The disciples leave in a ship without Him and a tossed around by a great wind Matthew 14:22-24 Mark 6:45-47 48b John 6:15-18
272 – Miracle No. 21: Jesus walks on Water. Jesus Walks on the Lake Matthew 14:25-27 Mark 6:48a c 49-50 John 6:19-20
273 – Walking on the Water. Peter tries to Walk on the Water Matthew 14:28-31
274 – The get into the boat, the wind ceases, they worship “Him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God” Mark 6:51-52 Matthew 14:32-33 John 6:21
275 – Miracle No. 22: Jesus heals many sick in Gennesaret as they touch his garment. They come to Gennesaret and the people run everywhere to carry the sick on beds and diseased to Jesus. By touching Jesus or his garment they are made whole Mark 6:53-56 Matthew 14:34-36
276 – Peak of Popularity Passes in Galilee. The people realise that Jesus and His Disciples have gone they go to Capernaum, seeking for Jesus John 6:22-24
277 – Jesus tells them that they seek Him, not for the miracles, but for the meat which perishes. They should labour for the meat which endures unto everlasting life John 6:25-27
278 – The ask “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” Jesus confirms that they should believe on Him whom God has sent John 6:28-30
279 – Sermon on the Bread of Life. The manna in the desert was bread from heaven, not from Moses, but from His Father in heaven John 6:31-32. [Spring 30AD]
280 – The bread of God gives life unto the world. Jesus says “I am the bread of life” and you believe not John 6:33-37
281 – “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but” my “Father’s will” that believers “may have everlasting life” John 6:38-40
282 – Rejection in Galilee. The Jews murmur referring to his earthly parents and the response of Jesus John 6:41-51
283 – “Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you” John 6:52-58
284 – His disciples have trouble understanding and Jesus confirms “that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of MY FATHER” John 6:59-65
285 – Many of his disciples leave Jesus who asks His disciples “Will ye also go away?” John 6:66-67
286 – Peter replies “Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life” John 6:68-69
287 – Jesus confirms that He has chosen the 12 disciples and knows of Judas Iscariot as “a devil” John 6:70-71
288 – Jesus walks in Galilee and not Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him John 7:1
289 – Contention About Tradition and Ceremonial Defilement. The Pharisees ask Jesus why His Disciples do not wash their hands before eating Mark 7:1-5 Matthew 15:1-2. [Spring 30AD]
290 – The response of Jesus: Jesus refers them to Inner Purity and the Commandments of God Matthew 15:3-9 Mark 7:6-13
291 – Parable No. 32: Blind Leading the Blind [Second reference] (Matthew 15:14-20, Mark 7:14-23). Jesus tells the multitude that things which come out of the mouth defile the man Mark 7:14-15 Matthew 15:10-11
292 – The disciple tell Jesus that the Pharisees were offended and Jesus replies to them Matthew 15:12-14 Mark 7:16
293 – Peter requests that Jesus declare the parable and the disciples are told Matthew 15:15-20 Mark 7:17-23
294 – Miracle No. 23: Jesus heals a gentile woman’s demon-possessed daughter. Withdrawal to Phoenicia; Healing the Syro-Phoenician (Canaanite) woman’s daughter who had a demon Matthew 15:21-28 Mark 7:24-30. [Early Summer 30AD]
295 – Jesus departs from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon and comes to the sea of Galilee. Great multitudes come to Him and many healed. The multitudes wonder and glorify the God of Israel Mark 7:31 Matthew 15:29-31
296 – Miracle No. 24: Jesus heals a deaf and dumb man. Jesus Heals a Deaf Mute Mark 7:32-37. [Middle of Summer 30AD]
297 – Miracle No. 25: Jesus feeds 4,000 plus women and children. Jesus and the Feeding of the Four Thousand Men Matthew 15:32-39 Mark 8:1-10. [Middle of Summer 30AD]
298 – Pharisees and Sadducees Increase Attack. The Pharisees and Sadducees Demand for a Sign from Heaven Matthew 16:1-5 Mark 8:11-14. [Middle of Summer 30AD]
299 – Jesus tells His Disciples to “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees[, and [of] the leaven of Herod]” Matthew 16:6-12 Mark 8:15-21
300 – Miracle No. 26: Jesus heals a blind man at Bethsaida. Jesus restores sight to a blind man at Bethsaida Mark 8:22-26
301 – Withdrawal to Caesarea Philippi, The Great Confession Matthew 16:13-28 Mark 8:27-9:1 Luke 9:18-27
302 – The Transfiguration of Jesus before His disciples Peter, James and John Matthew 17:1-3 Mark 9:2-4 Luke 9:28-32. [Early Autumn 30AD]
303 – The voice from the cloud: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him” Matthew 17:5-6 8 Mark 9:7-8 Luke 9:34-36
304 – Peter request that 3 Tabernacles be built Luke 9:33 Matthew 17:4 7 Mark 9:5-6
305 – The Disciples ask Jesus about the coming of Elias. They are told that he has come: John the Baptist. “Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them” Matthew 17:10-13 Mark 9:10-13
306 – Jesus charges the Disciples to tell no-one about the vision until He is risen from the dead Matthew 17:9 Mark 9:9
307 – Jesus sees the Scribes questioning the Disciples and asks Why Luke 9:37 Mark 9:14-16
308 – Jesus is told of the Demon Possessed Son Matthew 17:14-17 Mark 9:17-20 Luke 9:38-42a. [Early Autumn 30AD]
309 – Jesus asks the father if the believes. “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief” Mark 9:21-24
310 – Miracle No. 27: Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit. Jesus heals the Demon Possessed Son Mark 9:25-27 Luke 9:42b Matthew 17:18. [Early Autumn 30AD]
311 – The multitude are amazed at the mighty power of God Luke 9:43a
312 – The Disciples ask Jesus why they could not heal the son. “This kind can come forth by nothing [goeth not out], but by prayer and fasting” Mark 9:28-29 Matthew 17:19-21
313 – Miracle No. 28: Miraculous temple tax in a fish’s mouth. The Half Shekel Payment of the Temple Tax. Peter told that the first fish caught will contain a coin in its mouth Matthew 17:24-27. [Early Autumn 30AD]
314 – Secret Journey through Galilee. Jesus Foretells His Passion again. Jesus predicts His Death the second time Mark 9:30-32 Matthew 17:22-23 Luke 9:43b-45
315 – Jesus sends His Disciples to the Jews’ Feast of Tabernacles John 7:2-9
316 – Secret Journey to Tabernacles. Jesus then goes in secret to the Jews’ Feast of Tabernacles John 7:10-13. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) – Tishri 15-21, 3791 – September 30-October 6, 30AD
317 – The Disciples argue about who would be Greatest Luke 9:46 Mark 9:33-34 Matthew 18:1
318 – Parable No. 33: Become as little children to enter the Kingdom of God (Matthew 18:3-6). Jesus takes a Little Child to explain to the Disciples Humility Luke 9:47-48 Matthew 18:2-5 Mark 9:35-37
319 – Parable No. 34: Offensive hands and eyes spiritually speaking (Matthew 18:7-9). Jesus amplifies and cautions against the dangers of despising these little ones. For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost Matthew 18:6-11 Mark 9:42-50 Luke 17:1-2, 14:34-35
320 – Parable No. 35: Lost sheep – watching out for the lost 1 in 100 (Matthew 18:12-14, Luke 15:1-7). Jesus illustrates by an Hundred Sheep where One is Lost Luke 15:1-7 Matthew 18:12-14
321 – Reconciliation. What to do when “thy brother shall trespass against thee” Matthew 18:15-18
322 – “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” Matthew 18:19-20
323 – Forgiveness. Peter is told to forgive “seventy times seven” Matthew 18:21-22
324 – Parable No. 36: The unforgiving Servant. Servant forgiven much did not forgive little (Matthew 18:23-25). The kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king and his servant who owed him much. His lord “was moved with compassion” “and forgave him the debt” Matthew 18:23-27
325 – “But the same servant” found a fellowservant who could not pay him “and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt” Matthew 18:28-30
326 – His lord finds out and “said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt” “and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.” “So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you” Matthew 18:31-35
327 – Jesus tells John not to rebuke anyone doing works in His name Mark 9:38-41 Luke 9:49-50
328 – Jesus Teaching in the Temple at Feast of Tabernacles. “My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me” John 7:14-18. [Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) – Tishri 15-21, 3791 – September 30-October 6, 30AD]
329 – “Did not Moses give you the law, and [yet] none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me?” John 7:19-24
330 – “Is not this he, whom they seek to kill?”; “but when Christ cometh, no man knoweth” John 7:25-27
331 – “But I know him: for I am FROM him, and he hath sent me” John 7:28-30
332 – Many believe on Him. “When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this [man] hath done?” John 7:31
333 – The Pharisees send for officers to take Him. “Ye shall seek me, and shall not find [me]: and where I am, [thither] ye cannot come” John 7:32-36
334 – “In the last day, that great [day] of the feast” of the Tabernacles. “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink” John 7:37-39
335 – A division among the people. “This is the Christ” “Shall Christ come out of Galilee?” “Christ cometh of the seed of David” John 7:40-44
336 – “Then came the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees” “The officers answered, Never man spake like this man” “Then answered them the Pharisees, Are ye also deceived?” John 7:45-49
337 – “Nicodemus saith unto them” “Doth our law judge [any] man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth?” John 7:50-52
338 – The next morning Jesus comes “again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them” John 7:53-8:2
339 – The Adulteress. The scribes and Pharisees bring an Adulteress. “Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?” John 8:3-5
340 – Jesus writes upon the ground and then says “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” and continues to write John 8:6-8
341 – The scribes and Pharisees “convicted by [their own] conscience, went out one by one”. Jesus says to the woman “hath no man condemned thee?” and then says “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” John John 8:9-11
342 – Jesus says “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” John 8:12-14
343 – Judgement. Jesus says “I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me” John 8:15-20
344 – Jesus tells them “that ye shall die in your sins” because “ye are of this world” “for if ye believe not that I am [he], ye shall die in your sins” John 8:21-24
345 – Jesus tells them “When ye have lifted up the SON OF MAN, then shall ye know that I am [he], and [that] I do nothing of myself; but as my FATHER hath taught me, I speak these things” John 8:25-30
346 – Jesus talks to the believing Jews. The Argument About the Descent From Abraham – “We be Abraham’s seed” John 8:31-33
347 – Parable No. 37: Servant of sin freed by Repentance and Forgiveness through Jesus (John 8:35). Jesus talks to the believing Jews. “Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin” “If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham” John 8:34-40
348 – Jesus says “If GOD were your FATHER, ye would love me: for I PROCEEDED FORTH AND CAME FROM GOD” John 8:41-42
349 – The conflict continues and focuses upon Abraham. “Before Abraham was, I am” John 8:43-59
350 – The “Man which was Blind from [his] Birth” “Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?” John 9:1-5
351 – Miracle No. 29: Jesus heals a man born blind by spitting in his eyes. Jesus heals the Blind Man by anointing his eyes with clay, saying “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” John 9:6-7
352 – The former Blind Man tell his enquiring neighbours what Jesus had done John 9:8-12
353 – The neighbours take the former Blind Man to the Pharisees who argue about it being done on a Sabbath day John 9:13-16
354 – The disbelieving Jews question the parents of the former Blind Man John 9:17-23
355 – The Jews question the former Blind Man again and accuse him of being a sinner John 9:24-33
356 – The Jews cast out the former Blind Man and Jesus hears and meets him. “Dost thou believe on the Son of God?” – “Lord, I believe” John 9:34-38
357 – “Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind” John 9:39-41
358 – Parable No. 38: Good Shepherd doorkeeper and false shepherd hirelings (John 10:1-18). The Parable of the Good Shepherd. The Divine Shepherd. The sheep know the voice and follow John 10:1-6
360 – “I am the door of the sheep” – “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved” John 10:7-10
359 – “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep” John 10:11-15
361 – “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, [and] one shepherd” John 10:16-18
362 – The Jews remain divided John 10:19-21
363 – The Last Journey From Galilee. Decision to Go to Jerusalem Luke 9:51 Matthew 19:1-2 Mark 10:1
364 – The Samaritan Rejection Luke 9:52-53
365 – The rebuke of James and John for asking Jesus ‘Will He consume the Samaritans by fire?’ Luke 9:54-56
366 – The Appointment and Commissioning of the Seventy. Jesus sends out the Seventy Messengers Luke 10:1-16. [End of Autumn 30AD – Winter 30AD]
367 – The Seventy Messengers return with joy – “even the devils are subject unto us through thy name”. “Rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven” Luke 10:17-20
368 – “Jesus rejoiced in Spirit, and said, I thank thee, O FATHER” Luke 10:21-22
369 – Jesus privately tells His Disciples “Blessed [are] the eyes which see the things that ye see” Luke 10:23-24
370 – The Lawyer’s Question: “Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Luke 10:25
371 – The Lawyer’s Reply concerning the Law: “Thou shalt love the LORD THY GOD with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself” Luke 10:26-29
372 – Parable No. 39: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Jesus tells the Lawyer the Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:30-37
373 – Jesus visits the Bethany Home of Martha and Mary, her sister Luke 10:38-42. [End of November – Early December 30AD]
374 – At the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem: Hanukkah (9th month, 25th day) John 10:22-23. [Feast of the Dedication (Chanukah) – Kislev 25-Tebet 2, 3791 – December 9-16, 30AD]
375 – The Jewish Religious Leaders surround Jesus at the Temple: “If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly” John 10:24-25
376 – “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” John 10:26-28
377 – Jesus confirms that He is One with God. “MY FATHER, which gave [them] me, is greater than all” “I and [my] FATHER are ONE” John 10:29-30
378 – The Jews take up stones to stone Him “for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God” John 10:31-33
379 – The Reply of Jesus John 10:34-38
380 – Departure beyond Jordan. Jesus Withdraws across the Jordan. Jesus escapes and goes “beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized; and there he abode” John 10:39-42
381 – Return to Perea. Instruction on Prayer. Jesus teaches His Disciples to Pray. The Lord’s Prayer Luke 11:1-4. [End of December 30AD]
382 – Parable No. 40: Friend in need at midnight – ask and it shall be given (Luke 11:5-8). The Parable of the Friend lending 3 Loaves at Midnight Luke 11:5-8
383 – Parable No. 41: Ask, Seek, Knock on God’s door and it will open for you [Second reference] (Luke 11:9-10). “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” Luke 11:9-10
384 – Parable No. 42: Our loving Father who provides our needs (Luke 11:11-13). “how much more shall [your] heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” Luke 11:11-13
385 – The Inner Light. Jesus teaches about the candle light and the light within Luke 11:33-36
386 – Jesus dines with a Pharisee without washing His hands Luke 11:37-40
387 – Jesus tells the Pharisee not to “pass over judgment and the love of God” Luke 11:41-44
388 – Jesus tells the Lawyers that they “lade men with burdens grievous” but not themselves Luke 11:45-46
389 – Jesus tells them that their fathers killed the Prophets while they built sepulchres. “That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation” Luke 11:47-52
390 – “The scribes and the Pharisees began to urge [him] vehemently, and to provoke him” “That they might accuse him” Luke 11:53-54
391 – A Warning against the Pharisees. “Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy” “Whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops” Luke 12:1-3
392 – “Be not afraid of them that kill the body” “Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell” Luke 12:4-5
393 – God is aware of everything; even the “hairs of your head are all numbered” Luke 12:6-7
394 – “Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God” Luke 12:8-9
395 – “Whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven” Luke 12:10
396 – “When they bring you unto the synagogues, and [unto] magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: For the Holy Ghost shall teach you” Luke 12:11-12
397 – Warning against Avarice. An Inheritance dispute. Jesus says “beware of covetousness” Luke 12:13-15
398 – Parable No. 43: Foolish rich man (Luke 12:13-22). The Folly of Riches. Jesus tells the Parable of a certain rich man who thought “I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods” Luke 12:16-18
399 – “Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, [and] be merry” – “But God said unto him, [Thou] fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee” Luke 12:19-21
400 – Parable No. 44: Anxieties about Earthly Things. Ravens provided their needs by God, just like us (Luke 12:23-24). “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on” – “For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things” Luke 12:22-30
401 – “Rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you” – “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” Luke 12:31-32
402 – “Sell that ye have, and give alms” – “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” Luke 12:33-34
403 – Parable No. 45: Thief in the Night – always be prepared (Luke 12:35-40). Awaiting the Master’s Return. “Blessed [are] those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching” – “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not” Luke 12:35-40
404 – Parable No. 46: The Faithful Steward (Luke 12:42-48). Peter asks if the Parable is applicable to them or all. Jesus replies “Blessed [is] that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing” Luke 12:41-44
405 – “If that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming” – “The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for [him]” Luke 12:45-48
406 – “I am come to send FIRE on the earth” – And division – within the Family Luke 12:49-53
407 – A cloud in the west brings a shower; a wind from the south brings heat. “[Ye] hypocrites” – “why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?” Luke 12:54-57
408 – “When thou goest with thine adversary to the magistrate” – “give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him; lest he hale thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison” Luke 12:58-59
409 – Divine Justice and Mercy. “Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” Luke 13:1-5
410 – Parable No. 47: Fruitless Fig Tree needing feeding with wholesome fertiliser (Luke 13:6-9). The Parable of the fruitless Fig Tree in the Vineyard. Let the dresser dig round it and dung it for a year to bear fruit; if not, then cut it down Luke 13:6-9
411 – Miracle No. 30: The Crippled Woman. Jesus heals the Woman Who Had Been Crippled for 18 Years on a Sabbath Luke 13:10-17
412 – Parable No. 48: The strait (narrow difficult) gate to find (Luke 13:22-28). Growth of the Kingdom of Heaven. “Strive to enter in at the strait gate” “I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity” Luke 13:22-28
413 – “There are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last” “in the kingdom of God” Luke 13:29-30
414 – “Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third [day] I shall be perfected” “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate” Luke 13:31-35
415 – Miracle No. 31: Jesus heals a man with dropsy on the sabbath. “Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day?” “And they held their peace” Luke 14:1-6
416 – Parable No. 49: Humility in taking the lowest seat not grabbing the best seat (Luke 14:7-14). The Parable of the Wedding and the Highest and Lowest Rooms Luke 14:7-11
417 – Parable No. 50: The Parable of the Feast for “the Poor, the Maimed, the Lame, the Blind” Luke 14:12-14
418 – Parable No. 51: The Great Banquet (Luke 14:16-24). The Parable of the lord who made a Supper and the Excuses of his Servants. “Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind” Luke 14:15-24
419 – Parable No. 52: Counting the cost of how we build (Luke 14:28-33). The Parable of the Tower being built without first Counting the Cost Luke 14:28-30
420 – Parable No. 53: The Parable of the King before making War Luke 14:31-33. The Parable of the King before making War Luke 14:31-33
421 – Parable No. 54: Lost Coin of 10 symbolic of one sinner who repents (Luke 15:8-10). The Parable of the Woman having 10 pieces of Silver where 1 is Lost Luke 15:8-10
422 – Parable No. 55: The Prodigal Rebellious Son and our loving God our Father (Luke 15:11-32). The Parable of the Younger Son who wanted his Portion of Goods Luke 15:11-24
423 – The Reaction of the Older Son when “he heard music and dancing” Luke 15:25-32
424 – Parable No. 56: The Dishonest Steward. The Unjust Steward manager of his Employer (Luke 16:1-18). The Parable of the Rich Man and the Unjust Steward who wasted his Goods Luke 16:1-12
425 – Parable No. 57: The Rich Man and Lazarus, the humble poor man (Luke 16:19-31). The Parable of the Rich Man and a Beggar named Lazarus Luke 16:19-26
426 – The Reaction of the Rich Man when in hell and his vain effort to save his 5 Brethren from “this place of torment” Luke 16:27-31
427 – Rebuke the Brotherly Trespass; thereafter Forgive Him Luke 17:3-4
428 – Parable No. 58: Faith as a Grain of Mustard Seed (Luke 17:6). “Lord, Increase our faith” “If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed” Luke 17:5-6
429 – Parable No. 59: Profitable and Unprofitable Servants (Luke 17:7-10) Luke 17:7-10
430 – The Raising of Lazarus. The Resurrection of Lazarus. Lazarus, of Bethany, becomes ill “for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby” John 11:1-4. [January – February 31AD]
431 – Jesus decides to “go into Judaea again” even though the Jews might stone Him say His disciples John 11:5-8
432 – Parable No. 60: Make the most of your 12 waking hours of daylight (John 11:9-10). Jesus replies “if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him” John 11:9-10
433 – Jesus says “Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep” not “taking of rest in sleep” but “Lazarus is dead” John 11:11-14
434 – Thomas says “Let us also go, that we may die with him” John 11:15-16
435 – Lazarus “had [lain] in the grave four days” John 11:17-19
436 – Martha unto Jesus and discuss the Resurrection John 11:20-27
437 – Martha returns home to get Mary and they go back to Jesus John 11:28-32
438 – Much weeping: “Jesus wept” John 11:33-37
439 – Jesus comes to the cave grave, the stone is rolled away and Jesus prays to His Father John 11:38-42
440 – Miracle No. 32: Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead in Bethany. Jesus commands “Lazarus, come forth” and then the graveclothes are removed before many believe on Him John 11:43-45
441 – Priestly Plottings. The chief priests and Pharisees in council as they fear that the miracles of Jesus will invite the Romans to take control John 11:46-48
442 – Caiaphas, the high priest “it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not” John 11:49-52
443 – They take counsel together to put Jesus to death. The withdrawal to Ephraim. Jesus Retires to Ephraim. Jesus, with his disciples, leave the Jews and withdraw to Ephraim John 11:53-54. [January – February 31AD]
444 – The Jews’ passover in Jerusalem and the plot to take Jesus John 11:55-57
445 – Miracle No. 33: Jesus begins Last Journey to Jerusalem via Samaria & Galilee. Jesus cleanses ten lepers on the way to Jerusalem. The Cleansing of the Ten Lepers – Jesus heals 10 Lepers on His way to Jerusalem Luke 17:11-14. [February 31AD]
446 – Only One of the Ten Lepers glorified God Luke 17:15-19
447 – Lessons on the Coming of the Kingdom of God. When and How the Kingdom Comes. Jesus teaches about the coming Kingdom of God Luke 17:20-22
448 – False Christs and False Prophets Luke 17:23
449 – The day of the Son of man shall be like the Light of the Lightning Luke 17:24
450 – “But first must he Suffer many things, and be Rejected” Luke 17:25
451 – “And as it was in the days of Noe” Luke 17:26-27
452 – “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot” Luke 17:28-30
453 – “Remember Lot’s wife” – Don’t turn back Luke 17:31-33
454 – “Two [men] shall be … ; the one shall be taken, and the other left” Luke 17:34-37
455 – Parable No. 61: Importuning persistent widow before the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1-8). The Parable of the Unjust Judge Luke 18:1-8
456 – Parable No. 62: Self-righteous Pharisee & repentant humble Tax Collector pray in the Temple (Luke 18:9-14). Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican Luke 18:9-14
457 – Marriage and Divorce Matthew 19:3-9 Mark 10:2-9
458 – His disciples ask Jesus whether “it is not good to marry”. Jesus talks about Re-marriage and Adultery Matthew 19:10-11 Mark 10:10-12 Luke 16:18
459 – The Eunuchs and Celibacy Matthew 19:12
460 – Blessing the Children. The Infants are brought to Jesus. Jesus Blesses the Little Children Matthew 19:13-15 Mark 10:13-16 Luke 18:15-17
461 – The Rich Young Ruler. The Inquiring Rich Man. Jesus speaks to the Rich Young Man Matthew 19:16-21 Mark 10:17-21 Luke 18:18-22
462 – The Rich Young Man was very sorrowful. “How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God” Matthew 19:22-23 Mark 10:22-24 Luke 18:23-24
463 – “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”. Who then can be saved? The Disciples concern. Matthew 19:24-27 Mark 10:25-28 Luke 18:25-28
464 – The Reply of Jesus and the promises of riches in the kingdom of God Matthew 19:28-30 Mark 10:29-31 Luke 18:29-30
465 – Parable No. 63: 11th Hour Labourers. Jesus tells the Parable of the Workers Paid Equally. Vineyard workers fair day’s pay (Matthew 20:1-6). The Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. Jesus teaches The Parable of the Vineyard Workers Matthew 20:1-16
466 – Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection – The Third Prediction of the Passion (4th Repetition ?) Matthew 20:17-19 Mark 10:32-34 Luke 18:31-34
467 – The Sons of Zebedee. The Ambition of James and John – and a Desiring Mother Matthew 20:20-23 Mark 10:35-40
468 – The Displeasure of the 10 Disciples and the reply of Jesus Matthew 20:24-28 Mark 10:41-45
469 – Miracle No. 34: Blind Bartimaeus. Jesus restores sight to Bartimaeus at Jericho. The Healing of the 2 Blind Men. Jesus Restores the Sight to Bartimaeus at Jericho Matthew 20:29-34 Mark 10:46-52 Luke 18:35-43. [March 31AD – Early April 31AD]
470 – Zacchaeus climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus. Jesus talks and abides at his house and brings Salvation to Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10
471 – Parable No. 64: The Nobleman and the Pounds. 10 Servants given a Pound to be profitable to God (Luke 19:11-27). Jesus tells the Parable of the Nobleman’s 10 Servants. Luke 19:11-28
472 – Simon’s Feast and Mary’s Offering. The Woman with the Ointment. The Anointing of Jesus with perfume by Mary at Simon’s Feast in Bethany Matthew 26:6-7 Mark 14:3 Luke 7:36-38 John 12:1-3. [Passover Sacrifice (Pesach) – Nisan 14, 3791 – April 27, 31AD. Six days before = April 21, 31AD]
473 – The Indignation of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s [son] – that the ointment should have been sold for 300 pence Matthew 26:8-9 Mark 14:4-5 Luke 7:39 John 12:4-6
474 – Parable No. 65: Creditor & 2 Debtors – forgiveness great & small (Luke 7:40-47). Jesus asks Simon a question about the certain creditor which had two debtors Luke 7:40-43
475 – Jesus tells Simon that Mary’s annointing was an “aforehand to anoint my body to the burying” Matthew 26:10-12 Mark 14:6-8 Luke 7:44-46 John 12:7-8
476 – Jesus tells Mary “Thy sins are forgiven.” “Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.” What “she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her” Matthew 26:13 Mark 14:9 Luke 7:47-50 John 12:9
477 – The Betrayal Plot by the Priests. The Religious Leaders – Chief Priests and Pharisees – Take Counsel against and plot to kill Jesus [On April 26, 31AD. Matthew 26:1-5 Mark 14:1-2 Luke 22:1-2 John 12:10-11. [Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover) (Pesach) – Nisan 15-21, 3791 – April 28-May 4, 31AD] ]
478 – The betrayal plot of Judas. Judas Iscariot agrees to betray Jesus and Contracts the Betrayal Luke 22:3-6 Matthew 26:14-16 Mark 14:10-11
479 – Jesus approaching Jerusalem tells 2 Disciples about the colt that they will get for Him John 12:12 14-15 Luke 19:29-31 Matthew 21:1-5 Mark 11:1-3
480 – The Disciples find the Colt all as Jesus says Mark 11:4-6 Matthew 21:6 Luke 19:32-34
481 – Riding Into Jerusalem. The Colt is acquired for the Triumphal Entry. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a Donkey. The multitude give much Praise as they believe that He comes to reign as King of Jerusalem Matthew 21:7-11 Mark 11:7-10 Luke 19:35-38 John 12:13
482 – Jesus enters the Temple of Jerusalem. The Pharisees request that His Disciples are rebuked and Jesus answers “I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out” Mark 11:11 Luke 19:39-40
483 – The Disciples will not understand until Jesus is Glorified. The Pharisees perceive “the world is gone after him” John 12:16-19
484 – Prediction of the Destruction of the Temple. Weeping Over Jerusalem. Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem and its Pending Destruction Luke 19:41-44
485 – Miracle No. 35: Parable No. 66: Jesus withers the fig tree on the road from Bethany. The Time of the Coming: Repentance or Destruction: The Cursing of the Barren Fruitless Fig Tree. Jesus teaches The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree on the Road from Bethany Matthew 21:18-19 Mark 11:12-14
486 – Beginning the Last Week in Jerusalem. Cleansing the Temple. The Second Cleansing of the Temple. Jesus clears the Temple again Matthew 21:12-17 Mark 11:15-19 Luke 19:45-48
487 – The disciples see the fig tree the next morning. The Fig Tree is Withered. Jesus teaches about Prayer: Ask – Believe – Receive Mark 11:20-26 Matthew 21:20-22
488 – Jesus Ministry and Healing in Jerusalem. The Religious Leaders [Sanhedrin] Challenge and Question Jesus’ Authority Matthew 21:23-27 Mark 11:27-33 Luke 20:1-8
489 – Parable No. 67: The Two Sons – one faithful the other unfaithful and rebellious (Matthew 21:28-32). Jesus tells the Parable of the 2 Sons to the Religious Leaders [Sanhedrin] Matthew 21:28-32
490 – Parable No. 68: Jesus tells the Parable of The Wicked Husbandmen. Wicked Servants in God’s vineyard (Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:1-12, Luke 20:9-19). The Wicked Tenants. The “the lord of the vineyard”, having done everything sends his only begotten son only to be killed by the wicked husbandmen who were his tenants in his vineyard Matthew 21:33-41 Mark 12:1-9 Luke 20:9-16
491 – Jesus refers to Scripture: “The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? This was [is] the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?” Matthew 21:42-46 Luke 20:17-19 Mark 12:10-12
492 – Parable No. 69: The Man Without a Wedding Garment. Called to the Wedding Banquet (Matthew 22:1-14). Jesus tells the Parable of the Wedding Feast. The Parable of the Great Supper. “For many are called, but few [are] chosen” Matthew 22:1-14
493 – Paying Tribute to Caesar. The Pharisees question Jesus regarding the Paying of Taxes Matthew 22:15-22 Mark 12:13-17 Luke 20:20-26
494 – The Sadducees confuted. The Sadducees Question to Jesus about Marriage and the Resurrection. The 7 Brethren and the 1 Wife Luke 20:27-40 Matthew 22:23-33 Mark 12:18-27
495 – The Great Commandment. The Pharisees Question the Commandments. “Which [is] the great commandment in the law?” Matthew 22:34-40 Mark 12:28-34 Luke 20:39-40
496 – Jesus Silences His Critics. Jesus discusses the deity of the Davidic Messiah. David’s Son and David’s Lord. The Religious Leaders cannot answer Jesus’ Question Matthew 22:41-46 Mark 12:35-37 Luke 20:41-44
497 – The Last Sermon to the Scribes and Pharisees. The hypocrisy and ambition of the Pharisees. Jesus warns against the Religious Leaders Matthew 23:1-12 Mark 12:38-40 Luke 20:45-47
498 – Jesus condemns the Religious Leaders. Woe upon Scribes and Pharisees. The 8 Woes upon Scribes and Pharisees Matthew 23:13-33
499 – Jesus tells the Religious Leaders of their Outcome Matthew 23:34-36
500 – The Lament over Jerusalem. Jesus Grieves over Jerusalem again Matthew 23:37-39
501 – The Widow’s Mites. The Poor Widow’s Great Offering. A Poor Widow gives all she has Mark 12:41-44 Luke 21:1-4
502 – Certain Greeks Seek and Visit Jesus for an Interview John 12:20-22
503 – Parable No. 70: Comparison of the wheat kernel that dies to produce many good kernels (John 12:23-25). “The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified” “Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour” John 12:23-27
504 – The “Voice from Heaven” John 12:28-30
505 – Jesus explains why He must Die. Discourse on His Death. “The Son of man must be lifted up” John 12:31-34
506 – Parable No. 71: Walk in God’s light not in the darkness of Satan, this world and human nature (John 12:35-36). Walk in God’s Light not in the darkness of Satan, this world and human nature John 12:35-36
507 – Final Rejection by the Jewish Leaders. Prophecy of Isaiah Fulfilled John 12:37-41
508 – “the Pharisees they did not confess [him], lest they should be put out of the synagogue: For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” John 12:42-43
509 – Jesus summarizes His Message John 12:44-50
510 – Prediction of the Destruction of the Temple Matthew 24:1-2 Mark 13:1-2 Luke 21:5-6
511 – Retirement to the Mount of Olives and the Disciples ask Jesus about the Signs before the End Matthew 24:3 Mark 13:3-4 Luke 21:7
512 – Jesus replies telling them not to be deceived by any man and the many false christs and false prophets Luke 21:8 Matthew 24:4-5, 23-26 Mark 13:5-6, 21-23
513 – Jesus replies telling them not to be deceived by man and the false christs Luke 21:9-11 Matthew 24:6-8 Mark 13:7-8
514 – Jesus tells His Disciples of the persecution of His people and what must happen before the end shall come Mark 13:9-10 Luke 21:12-13 Matthew 24:9-14
515 – Jesus tells His Disciples about the future and of the Desolating Sacrilege. Part 1 Matthew 24:15-18 Mark 13:14-16 Luke 21:20-24
516 – Jesus tells His Disciples about the future and of the Desolating Sacrilege. Part 2 Mark 13:11-13 Luke 21:14-19
517 – Jesus tells His Disciples about the “Woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days” Luke 21:23 Mark 13:17 Matthew 24:19
518 – Jesus tells His Disciples to “Pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day” and “And except that the Lord had shortened those days, [there should] no flesh should be saved” Matthew 24:20-22 Mark 13:18-20
519 – Parable No. 72: Eagles and the carcase (Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:34). Christ’s second coming foretold. Signs of Christ’s Return. Jesus tells His Disciples about His Return Matthew 24:27-31 Mark 13:24-27 Luke 21:25-28
520 – Parable No. 73: Fig Tree seasons like Seasons of Prophecy (Matthew 24:32-35, Mark 13:28-29, Luke21:29-31. Jesus tells His Disciples about the Parable of the Fig Tree in Summer and likens it to the Kingdom of God being Nigh Luke 21:29-33 Mark 13:28-31 Matthew 24:32-35
521 – Jesus tells His Disciples about His Unexpected Coming Matthew 24:36-41 Mark 13:32
522 – Parable No. 74: Thief in the Night – always be prepared (Matthew 24:42-51). Jesus tells His Disciples to Remain Watchful and Ready. He likens His Return to a Thief and a Ruler returning to his household Matthew 24:42-51
523 – Parable No. 75: Midnight Return – always be prepared (Mark 13:34). Jesus tells His Disciples to Remain Watchful and Pray. He likens His Return to a Man returning from a far country to his “sleeping” house Mark 13:33-37
524 – Parable No. 76: Watch and Pray – always be prepared (Luke 21:34-36). Jesus tells His Disciples to Remain Watchful and Pray, “lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life” Luke 21:34-36
525 – Jesus: Day-time Temple Teaching and Night-time Mount of Olives Abode Luke 21:37-38
526 – Parable No. 77: 10 Virgins who Slept – 5 wise & 5 foolish before Jesus returns to Earth (Matthew 25:1-13). Watchfulness and Faithfulness: Jesus tells the Parable of the Ten Virgins [Ten Bridesmaids] Matthew 25:1-13
527 – Parable No. 78: The Talents. Parable of the Servants given 5, 2, and 1 Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Jesus tells the Parable of the Ten Talents – The Parable of the Pounds – The Parable of the Loaned Money Matthew 25:14-30
528 – Parable No. 79: Jesus uses the Analogy of Sheep and Goats. Sheep and the Goats of the nations to be separated at Christ’s return (Matthew 25:31-46). The Last Judgment: Jesus tells about Final Judgment. The Sheep and the Goats Matthew 25:31-46
529 – The Preparation for the Passover. The Disciples prepare for the Passover [Pesach] [In particular, the Jewish Passover Seder]. Jesus and His last Passover – the “Last Supper” / Passover Seder. He institutes “Communion” – the Meal of Remembrance John 13:1 Mark 14:12-16 Luke 22:7-13 Matthew 26:17-19
530 – In the Upper Room to Celebration the Passover Luke 22:14-16 Matthew 26:20 Mark 14:17
531 – Jesus speaks of Scripture Fulfilment and His Disciples later Belief John 13:18-20
532 – Jesus, troubled in spirit, announces that one of His Disciples shall Betray Him John 13:21 Mark 14:18 Matthew 26:21
533 – One by one His Disciples ask Jesus “[Is] it I?”. Jesus declares a Woe upon the Betrayer saying that it would be good for that man not to have been born Mark 14:19-21 Matthew 26:22-24 Luke 22:21-22
534 – His Disciples “inquire among themselves” and John asks Jesus “Lord, who is it?” Luke 22:23 Matthew 26:25 John 13:22-25
535 – The Betrayer Revealed. Jesus gives the Dipped Sop to Judas Iscariot John 13:26
536 – The Lord’s Supper. Jesus and His Disciples have the Last Supper. While eating, Jesus blesses the “Bread” and then the “Fruit of the Vine” for His Disciples as an emblem for His Body and Blood Mark 14:22-25 Matthew 26:26-29 Luke 22:17-20
537 – Contention of the Disciples. Precedence among the Disciples and the Reward of Discipleship Luke 22:24-30
538 – Jesus, after Supper, Washes the Disciples’ Feet. John 13:3-5
539 – Simon Peter’s reluctance to be Washed and the Dialogue with Jesus. “Ye are not all clean” John 13:6-11
540 – Jesus explains the reason for the Feet Washing. “ye also ought to wash one another’s feet” John 13:12-16
541 – “Supper being ended, the devil” convicts Judas Iscariot to Betray Jesus John 13:2
542 – Satan enters into Judas Iscariot and Jesus says “That thou doest, do quickly” John 13:27-30
543 – Parting Counsel. Jesus tells His 11 Disciples: “Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him” John 13:31-33
544 – Parting Counsel. Jesus gives His 11 Disciples a new commandment: “That ye love one another” John 13:34-35
545 – Jesus predicts Peter’s Denial John 13:36-38 Luke 22:31-34
546 – Jesus reverses His earlier instruction to His Disciples and quotes Isaiah Luke 22:35-38
547 – Jesus is the Way to His Father. “Let not your heart be troubled”. “In MY FATHER’S house are many mansions: . . . I go to prepare a place for you” John 14:1-4
548 – Thomas questions Jesus, He replies: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” John 14:5-7
549 – Philip says to Jesus “Show us the Father?” John 14:8-9
550 – Jesus replies “I [am] in the Father, and the Father in Me” John 14:10-11
551 – Jesus confirms that “because I go unto MY FATHER” “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” John 14:12-14
552 – “If ye love me, keep My Commandments”. Jesus promises the Holy Spirit. “I will come to you” John 14:15-18
553 – Jesus confirms the Spiritual aspect of His Believers. The Holy Spirit of God and Jesus will abide within those that keep His Commandments and love Him John 14:19-24
554 – The promises of the Comforter. The Gift of Peace. “I go unto the Father: for MY FATHER IS GREATER THAN I” John 14:25-28
555 – Jesus confirms that “I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh” John 14:29-31
556 – They sing a Hymn and Retire to the Mount of Olives – Gethsemane Matthew 26:30 Mark 14:26
557 – A Warning to Peter and the Ten. Jesus Warns About Further Desertion. Jesus again predicts Peter’s Denial Matthew 26:31-35 Mark 14:27-31
558 – Parable No. 80: Jesus the True Vine. Jesus is the Vine and we are the Branches (John 15:1-8). Jesus teaches about the vine and the branches. Abiding in Love and Commandment Keeping. Start of the Last Speech to His Disciples John 15:1-17
559 – A Warning of Persecution. The Hatred of the World – Because of Jesus John 15:18-25
560 – The Coming of the Comforter, The SPIRIT OF TRUTH. A Warning of Persecution. “They shall put you out of the synagogues” John 15:26-16:4
561 – The Coming of the Comforter. The Promise, Work, and Witness of the Paraclete. Jesus teaches about the Holy Spirit – The SPIRIT OF TRUTH John 16:5-15
562 – “A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father” John 16:16-20
563 – Parable No. 81: Woman in Childbirth is similar to us going through Trials to God’s Kingdom. Jesus teaches about using His Name in Prayer (John 16:20-22) John 16:21-26
564 – Jesus confirms that He “CAME OUT FROM GOD”. That He “CAME FORTH FROM THE FATHER”. And His Disciples “believe that THOU CAMEST FORTH FROM GOD” because Jesus was speaking plainly. John 16:27-26
565 – Jesus confirms that “In the world ye shall have TRIBULATION: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” John 16:33
566 – Jesus’ Intecessory Prayer. Jesus Prays for Himself John 17:1-5
567 – Jesus’ Intercessory Prayer. Jesus Prays for His Disciples John 17:6-19
568 – Jesus’ Intecessory Prayer. Jesus Prays for Future Believers John 17:20-18:1
569 – Gethsemane. Jesus and His 11 Disciples go to the Mount of Olives unto a place called Gethsemane Luke 22:39 Matthew 26:36 Mark 14:32
570 – Jesus takes Peter, James and John to a place of prayer Mark 14:33 Matthew 26:37 Mark 14:33 Luke 22:40
571 – Jesus, with sorrowful soul, tells His 3 Disciples to tarry and watch Matthew 26:38 Mark 14:34
572 – Jesus goes a little farther, kneels and Prays to His Father [Prayer 1] Matthew 26:39 Mark 14:35-36 Luke 22:41-42
573 – Jesus comes to His 3 Disciples the first time, finds them sleeping and says to Peter “could ye not watch with me one hour?” Matthew 26:40 Mark 14:37
574 – Jesus tells His 3 Disciples the first time to “Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation” Mark 14:38 Matthew 26:41
575 – Jesus goes away again to Pray to His Father [Prayer 2] Matthew 26:42 Mark 14:39 Luke 22:43-44
576 – Jesus returns to His 3 Disciples the second time and finds them sleeping again Mark 14:40 Matthew 26:43
577 – Jesus goes away again to Pray to His Father [Prayer 3] Matthew 26:44
578 – Jesus returns to His 3 Disciples the third time and finds them sleeping again. He says “Sleep on now, and take [your] rest: it is enough, the hour is come” Mark 14:41 Luke 22:45 Matthew 26:45
579 – Jesus tells His 3 Disciples the second time to “Rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation” and then says “Rise, let us be going” Luke 22:46 Matthew 26:46 Mark 14:42
580 – Judas and a Great Multitude arrive to take Jesus by a Betrayal Kiss John 18:2-3 Mark 14:43-45 Matthew 26:47-49 Luke 22:47
581 – Jesus says “Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?” “Whom seek ye?” “Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am [he]” Luke 22:48 Matthew 26:50a Mark 14:46a John 18:4-6
582 – Jesus again asks “Whom seek ye?” “Jesus of Nazareth”. Jesus then ensures the Freedom of His Disciples John 18:7-9
583 – Miracle No. 36: Simon Peter draws his Sword and Cuts off the Right Ear of Malcus, the Servant of the High Priest. Jesus heals a servant’s severed ear while He is being taken. Jesus heals him and rebukes Peter Luke 22:39-51 Matthew 26:51-52 Mark 14:47 John 18:10-11
584 – Jesus reminds those present of His Father’s Powers and also the fulfilment of the Scriptures Matthew 26:53-54
585 – Jesus reminds the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders of His time with them in the Temple; yet now they come with Swords and Staves as they would do against a Thief. “But this is your hour, . . . that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled” Mark 14:48-49 Luke 22:52-53 Matthew 26:55
586 – All the Disciples Flee from Jesus including a Certain Young Man Matthew 26:56b Mark 14:50-52
587 – Jesus Arrested. The chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders apprehend and take Jesus Matthew 26:50b Mark 14:46b John 18:12
588 – The Hearing before Annas. Jesus is taken “to Annas first; for he was father in law to Caiaphas, which was the high priest that same year” John 18:13-14
589 – Simon Peter and another disciple [John] follow “Jesus into the palace of the high priest”. John goes in with Jesus Matthew 26:57-58a Luke 22:54 Mark 14:53-54a John 18:15
590 – John returns to speak to the Damsel who kept the door to obtain approval for Peter to enter into the Palace. The Damsel recognises Peter as a Disciple of Jesus. Peter’s First Denial that he was a Disciple of Christ John 18:16-17 Matthew 26:58b
591 – The servants and officers kindle a fire and sit down to watch the High Priest question Jesus. Peter’s Second Denial that he was a Disciple of Christ John 18:18, 25 Mark 14:54b Luke 22:55-57 Matthew 26:58c
592 – The Night Trial Before the Sanhedrin. The Hearing Before the High Priest. The High Priest questions Jesus and asks “of His Disciples, and of His Doctrine” John 18:19-24
593 – “The chief priests, and elders, and all the council, sought false witness against Jesus” Matthew 26:59-61 Mark 14:55-59
594 – Jesus is Forced to Reply that He is “Christ, the Son of God” Mark 14:60-62 Matthew 26:62-64
595 – The chief priests, and elders, and all the council Condemn Jesus to Death Matthew 26:65-66 Mark 14:63-64
596 – Jesus is mocked. “Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?” Luke 22:63-65 Matthew 26:67-68 Mark 14:65
597 – One of the maids of the high priest recognises Peter while he was beneath in the Palace. Peter’s Second Denial that he was a Disciple of Christ, The Cock crows for the First Time Mark 14:66-68 Matthew 26:69-70
598 – Another Maid recognises Peter while he is in the Porch. Peter’s Third Denial that he was a Disciple of Christ Matthew 26:71-72 Mark 14:69-70a
599 – People continue to Recognise Peter, who now begins to Curse and Swear. Peter’s Fourth Denial that he was a Disciple of Christ Matthew 26:73-74a Mark 14:70b-71 Luke 22:58-60a John 18:26-27a
600 – The Cock crows for the Second Time Luke 22:60b Matthew 26:74b Mark 14:72a John 18:27b
601 – Jesus, who is now able to see Peter, turns and looks at him. Peter, now remembers the Predictive Words of Jesus. Peter leaves and Weeps Bitterly Matthew 26:75 Luke 22:61-62 Mark 14:72b-72c
602 – The Day Trial Before the Sanhedrin. The Council of Religious Leaders condemns Jesus. Jesus Delivered to Pilate Matthew 27:1 Mark 15:1 Luke 22:66-71
603 – The Death of Judas Iscariot. Judas’ Confession and Suicide. “Thirty pieces of silver, the price of Him that was valued” “and bought with them the potter’s field, to bury strangers in” “called, The field of blood”. Zechariah not Jeremiah Matthew 27:3-10
604 – The whole multitude take Jesus to Pilate. John 18:28 Luke 23:1
605 – The First Trial before Pilate. Jesus stands trial before Pilate. Pilate asks “What accusation bring ye against this man?” John 18:29-30 Matthew 27:12 Mark 15:3
606 – The First Trial before Pilate. Jesus stands trial before Pilate. Jesus remains silent regarding the Accusations. “I find no fault in this man” Matthew 27:13-14 Mark 15:4-5 Luke 23:4-5
607 – “Then said Pilate unto them, Take ye him, and judge him according to your [Jewish] law.” Matthew 27:13-14 Mark 15:2-5 John 18:28-38 Luke 23:1-5
608 – They begin to Accuse Jesus of “perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ a King” Luke 23:2
609 – Pilate re-enters the judgment hall, and asks Jesus “Art thou the King of the Jews?”. After examination, Pilate concludes “I find in him no fault [at all]” Matthew 27:11 Luke 23:3 Mark 15:2 John 18:33-38
610 – The Accusations become more Fierce Luke 23:5
611 – Pilate hears of Galilee which is Herod’s jurisdiction. Pilate sends Jesus to Herod Antipas [Herod Antipater] who was in Jerusalem Luke 23:6-7
612 – Hearing before Herod Antipas. Jesus stands Trial before Herod. Under pressure from the chief priests and scribes, Herod returns Jesus to Pilate Luke 23:8-12
613 – Second Trial before Pilate. Second Appearance Before Pilate. Jesus or Barabbas? “I have found no fault in this man”. Jesus is condemned to death in place of Barabbas John 18:39-40 Matthew 27:15, 17 Mark 15:6-8 Luke 23:13-15, 18-19
614 – Pilate seeks to get Jesus released. “For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy”. The wife of Pilate: “Have thou nothing to do with that just man” Mark 15:9-11 Matthew 27:18-19 Luke 23:17
615 – Pilate continues to get Jesus released. Matthew 27:20-23 Mark 15:12-14 Luke 23:20-23
616 – “By our law he ought to die”. “Because he made himself the Son of God”. Pilate becomes afraid and speaks again to Jesus who does not initially answer. John 19:7-11
617 – Pilate continues to get Jesus released. “Behold your King”. “We have no king but Caesar” John 19:12-15
618 – Pilate washes his hands, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this just person” Matthew 27:24-25
619 – Pilate scourges Jesus and then delivers Him to be Crucified. Pilate releases Barabbas Mark 15:15 Matthew 27:26 John 19:1, 16a Luke 23:24-25
620 – Roman soldiers mock Jesus. The soldiers of the governor mistreat Jesus and Plait Him a Crown of Thorns Matthew 27:27-30 Mark 15:16-19 John 19:16b, 2-3
621 – Pilates final appearance with Jesus: “Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him” “Take ye him, and crucify [him]: for I find no fault in him” John 19:4-6
622 – Jesus is led away to be Crucified Matthew 27:31 Mark 15:20 John 19:16
623 – The Road to Golgotha. Simon, a Cyrenian, is compelled to bear His cross Luke 23:26 Matthew 27:32 Mark 15:21 John 19:17a
624 – Golgotha: The place of a skull. Jesus refuses the Vinegar Matthew 27:33-34 Mark 15:22-23 John 19:17b
625 – Golgotha: The bewailing and lamenting company, “Daughters of Jerusalem”, are told by Jesus to “weep for themselves, and for their children” Luke 23:27-31
626 – Jesus is Crucified at the third hour Mark 15:25 Matthew 27:35a
627 – The Crucifixion. Jesus is placed on the cross. Witnesses of the Crucifixion. Jesus is Derided on the Cross. Derision and Reviling are rampant. “If He be Christ, the chosen of God, let Him [Christ the King of Israel] now come down from the cross” Luke 23:33a, 35-37 Matthew 27:36, 38-44 Mark 15:29-32
628 – The Fulfilment of Scripture. “And he was numbered with the transgressors” Mark 15:28
629 – The Two Thieves crucified with Him. “Verily I say unto thee, To day To day, shalt thou be with me in paradise” Mark 15:27 Matthew 27:38 Luke 23:32, 33b, 39-43 John 19:18
630 – The Superscription in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew: “THIS IS JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS” Luke 23:38 Matthew 27:37 Mark 15:26 John 19:19-22
631 – Jesus sees His mother and John standing by. “he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother!” John 19:25-27
632 – “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” Luke 23:34a
633 – “They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots” John 19:23-24 Mark 15:24 Matthew 27:35b, c Luke 23:34b
634 – Events Attending the Death of Jesus. The 3 Hours of Darkness during the Day. “MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?” “This [man] calleth for Elias” Mark 15:33-35 Matthew 27:45-47, 49 Luke 23:44
635 – Events Attending the Death of Jesus. “I thirst”. They offer Him Vinegar again. “Let us see whether Elias will come to take him down” John 19:28-29 Mark 15:36
636 – Events Attending the Death of Jesus. “Father, into thy hands I commend MY spirit: and having said thus, [he bowed his head, and] he gave [yielded] up the ghost” Luke 23:46 Matthew 27:50 Mark 15:37 John 19:30
637 – Events Attending the Death of Jesus. “The veil of the temple was rent in twain [the midst] from the top to the bottom”. The earthquake and the rocks. Saints rise from their Graves, enter Jerusalem and Appear to many Mark 15:38-39 Luke 23:45 Matthew 27:51-53
638 – Events Attending the Death of Jesus. The Centurion guard witnesses the events and proclaims: “Truly this [man] was the Son of God [Certainly this was a righteous man]” Matthew 27:54 Mark 15:39 Luke 23:47-48
639 – Events Attending the Death of Jesus. Witnesses of the Crucifixion. Many Women witnessed the Events including “Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James [the less] and [of] Joses, and [Salome] the mother of Zebedee’s children” Matthew 27:55-56 Mark 15:40-41 Luke 23:49
640 – The Jews concern “that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day” ask Pilate “Pilate that their legs might be broken, and [that] they might be taken away”. The soldiers brake the legs of the 2 Thieves but pierce the side of Jesus as He was already Dead. Exodus, Numbers and Zechariah Prophecy Fulfilments John 19:31-47
641 – The Burial of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathaea begs Pilate for the Body of Jesus. Pilate calls his Centurion to ensure that Jesus is Dead; then gives the body to Joseph Mark 15:42-45 Matthew 27:57-58 Luke 23:50-51a John 19:38
642 – The Burial of Jesus. Jesus is prepared for laying in the Tomb John 19:39-40 Matthew 27:59 Luke 23:53a Mark 15:46a
643 – The Burial of Jesus. Jesus buried in tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Jesus is laid in the Tomb; in the new Sepulchre of Joseph. The Women watch John 19:41 Mark 15:46b-47 Luke 23:53b-56 Matthew 27:60-61
644 – The Guards At the Tomb. Sepulchre is Sealed and Guards [a band of armed soldiers] are posted at the Tomb Matthew 27:62-66
645 – The Great Earthquake. The angel of the Lord descends from heaven, and rolls back the sealed Stone. The Guards become as Dead Men. The Resurrection Matthew 28:2-4
646 – The Resurrection. Very early next morning “Mary Magdalene, and Mary the [mother] of James, and Salome” come to the Sepulchre with Spices and see the Stone rolled away Mark 16:1-4 Matthew 28:1 Luke 24:1 John 20:1
647 – The Resurrection. An Angel tells them that Jesus has Risen as He had said Luke 24:3-8 Mark 16:5-6 Matthew 28:5-6
648 – The Angel tells the Women to tell the 11 Disciples. Initially “they believed them not” Matthew 28:7-8 Mark 16:7-8 John 20:2 Luke 24:9-11
649 – Peter and John run to the Sepulchre and see “the linen clothes lying [by themselves]” John 20:3-9 Luke 24:12
650 – Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene John 20:10-18 Mark 16:9-11
651 – Jesus appears to the Women. “And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him” Matthew 28:9-10
652 – The Report of the Guards. Religious Leaders Bribe the Guards Matthew 28:11-15
653 – The Walk to Emmaus. Jesus appears to 2 Believers [Cleopas and another] travelling on Road Luke 24:13-24 Mark 16:12
654 – Jesus talks to the 2 Believers about the Scriptures Luke 24:25-27
655 – At Emmaus Jesus accepts the 2 Believers Invite Luke 24:28-29
656 – Jesus blesses the Bread and the 2 Believers know that it was Jesus. Jesus then vanishes Luke 24:30-32 Mark 16:13
657 – The 2 Believers [Cleopas and another] returned to Jerusalem and tell the 11 Disciples Luke 24:33-35
658 – The First Appearance in the Upper Room. Jesus appears to 10 Disciples [No Thomas] behind locked doors John 20:19-20 Luke 24:36-40
659 – They eat and Jesus tells them about the Scriptures Luke 24:41-48
660 – “Peace [be] unto you: as [my] Father hath sent me, even so send I you”. Jesus Breaths on them: “Receive ye the Holy Ghost” “but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” John 20:21-23 Luke 24:49
661 – The Second Appearance in the Upper Room. Jesus appears to the 11 Disciples including Thomas John 20:24-29 Mark 16:14
662 – Miracle No. 37: The Appearance by the Lake of Galilee. Jesus appears to 7 Disciples. The catch of 153 “great fishes” The second miraculous catch of fish at the Sea of Tiberias John 21:1-14
663 – Jesus talks with Peter. “Feed my lambs” “Feed my sheep” John 21:15-23
664 – The Ending of Matthew and Mark: Appearance of Jesus on a Mountain in Galilee. Jesus gives the Great Commission. ‘Go ye and make disciples of all the nations IN MY NAME, teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I commanded you.’ [Eusebius] Matthew 28:16-20 Mark 16:15-18
665 – The Ending of Luke: Last Words of Jesus and the Ascension. Jesus Ascends into Heaven Luke 24:50-53 Mark 16:19-20
666 – The Ending of John: The Epilogue to John’s Gospel. The other signs of Jesus – too numerous for this world John 20:30-31, 21:24-25
667 – Introduction to the Book of Acts. The review by Luke. The waiting for the promised Holy Spirit of Jesus Acts 1:1-14
668 – Peter Addresses about 120 Disciples Acts 1:15-22
669 – Matthias is chosen by Lot to replace Judas to make up the Twelve Acts 1:23-26
670 – Jesus Appears to 500 Brethren 1 Corinthians 15:6
671 – Jesus Appears to “James; then of all the Apostles” 1 Corinthians 15:7
672 – The Day of Pentecost and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit of Jesus. Baptism of Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-4
673 – Paul’s Account of Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:1-5
674 – The Voice of Jesus Speaks to Paul. End of Earthly Ministry 1 Corinthians 15:8-10
Note that the number 674 in Gematria means Behold Your King