
January 2025

Mark of the Beast

I saw all that “would NOT receive the MARK OF THE BEAST, and of his Image, in their foreheads or in their hands,” COULD NOT BUY or SELL. [Revelation 13:15-17.] I saw that the number (666) of the Image Beast was made up; [Revelation 13:18.] and that it was the Beast that changed the SABBATH, and the Image Beast had followed on after, and kept the Pope’s, and not GOD’S SABBATH. And all we were required to do, was to give up GOD’S SABBATH, and keep the Pope’s, and then we should have the MARK OF THE BEAST, and of his image. {WLF 19.1 1847} {Broadside3, April 7, 1847 par. 5}
Behold ye, pleading that blood and after that work is finished. He will hold out no longer. Girds His sword upon His thigh and rides forth for the deliverance of the captive, the destroying angels! Then there will be NO BUYING OR SELLING. HE WILL SPREAD A TABLE IN THE WILDERNESS faithful just and true. It’s the life of the saints they are after, they have not got the seal, it is something else, it’s the MARK OF THE BEAST, and his image. They cry they agonize. (Who? those who were right once, then they all join with the others, the wicked.) It’s too late, too late. Every idle word put a watch before thee. {Ms5-1849}
When we began to present the LIGHT on the SABBATH question, we had no clearly defined idea of the THIRD ANGEL’S MESSAGE of Revelation 14:9-12. The burden of our testimony as we came before the people was that the great second advent movement was of GOD, that the first and second messages had gone forth, and that the third was to be given. We saw that the THIRD MESSAGE closed with the words: “Here is the PATIENCE of the SAINTS: here are they that KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of GOD, and the FAITH of JESUS.” And we as clearly saw as we now see that these prophetic words suggested a SABBATH REFORM; but as to what the worship of the beast mentioned in the message was, or what the image and the MARK OF THE BEAST were, we had no defined position. {1T 78.2 1855-1868}
In the forenoon my husband presented the reasons of our faith. In the afternoon I spoke upon the subject of GOD in nature, and the duties of mothers to their children. In the evening Bro. Smith spoke upon the MARK OF THE BEAST. I regret that all our brethren did not have the benefit of Bro. Smith’s discourses on doctrinal subjects. It is important that they become well acquainted with the reasons of our faith. Those who are detained from these meetings miss a great privilege. And those who come to our camp-meetings, and are engaged in business sessions while discourses are being given at the stand, lose opportunities which would be of the greatest benefit to them. {ST, July 22, 1875 par. 24}
A sister said, “I have been keeping the SABBATH twenty months. I have had help from GOD in the crosses of my new life. I have enjoyed more of the SPIRIT of the LORD during these few months than I have during my previous religious profession for the last twenty-four years. The power of the truth has opened before me with clearness and beauty that which I could not before understand, and I can say truly that my soul is established on the TRUTH of GOD’S WORD. I thank GOD that I accepted the truth when I heard it. I intend to be faithful in all my duties. I want to escape the MARK OF THE BEAST through OBEDIENCE to ALL GOD’S COMMANDMENTS.” {RH, May 25, 1876 par. 48}
Notwithstanding I had held the people some time, they seemed unwilling to leave the tent and the grounds. Elder Smith improved the hour at five o’clock in addressing the large crowd upon the MARK OF THE BEAST. Brother Haskell spoke in the evening to a large and attentive audience, and the great day of the meeting was over. Many had listened to the truth, and the day of final reckoning will reveal the results of that day’s meeting. We hope and pray that the good seed sown may spring up and bear fruit to the GLORY of GOD. {Lt10a-1877}
Europe is stretching out her hands to us for help, and the way is opened to do a good work there if the press can be established, and publications go forth from it in the German, French, and Italian languages. Bro. Ribton says that Italy needs publications in her own language, in order for our ministry to be successful there. These repeated and urgent calls stir our inmost soul; yet we are unable to personally aid the European mission as we would like to do. Now is the time to invest the means which GOD has intrusted to his stewards for this very work. Time is short; hoarded wealth will soon be worthless. When the DECREE shall go forth that NONE SHALL BUY or SELL EXCEPT they have the MARK OF THE BEAST, very much means will be of no avail. GOD calls for us now to do all in our power to send forth the warning to the world. {RH, March 21, 1878 par. 2}
The prophet here refers to the BREACH made in the LAW OF GOD, by the breaking down of the SABBATH of the FOURTH COMMANDMENT. This PRECEPT has been made waste by the man of sin; and the professed Christian world has accepted a day which he has substituted for the SANCTIFIED SABBATH of the LORD. Shall we be of the number who are REPAIRING THE BREACH made in the LAW OF GOD? or shall we be of the number who receive the MARK OF THE BEAST, by observing the human institution rather than the divine, thus nourishing the child of papacy? {ST, February 28, 1878 par. 15}
As I saw what we must be in order to inherit glory, and then saw how much JESUS had SUFFERED to obtain for us so rich an inheritance, I prayed that we might be BAPTIZED into CHRIST’S SUFFERINGS, that we might not shrink at trials, but bear them with patience and joy, knowing what JESUS had SUFFERED that we through HIS POVERTY and SUFFERINGS might be made rich. Said the angel, “Deny self; ye must step fast.” Some of us have had time to get the truth and to advance step by step, and every step we have taken has given us strength to take the next. But now time is almost finished, and what we have been years learning, they will have to learn in a few months. They will also have much to unlearn and much to learn again. Those who would NOT receive the MARK OF THE BEAST and his image when the DECREE goes forth, must have decision now to say, Nay, we will not regard the institution of the beast. {EW 67.2 1882}
The time is not far distant when the TEST will come to every soul. The MARK OF THE BEAST will be urged upon us. Those who have step by step yielded to worldly demands, and conformed to worldly customs, will not find it a hard matter to yield to the powers that be, rather than subject themselves to derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and death. The contest is between the COMMANDMENTS of GOD and the commandments of men. In this time, the gold will be separated from the dross in the church. TRUE GODLINESS will be clearly distinguished from the appearance and tinsel of it. Many a star that we have admired for its brilliancy, will then go out in darkness. Chaff like a cloud will be borne away on the wind, even from places where we see only floors of rich wheat. All who assume the ornaments of the sanctuary, but are not clothed with Christ’s righteousness, will appear in the shame of their own nakedness. {PH117 63.2 1882 {5T 81.1 1882-1889}
That institution which points to GOD as the CREATOR is a SIGN of his rightful authority over the beings he has made. The change of the SABBATH is the sign, or mark, of the authority of the Romish Church. Those who, understanding the claims of the FOURTH COMMANDMENT, choose to observe the false in place of the TRUE SABBATH, are thereby paying homage to that power by which alone it is commanded. The change in the FOURTH COMMANDMENT is the change pointed out in the prophecy, and the keeping of the counterfeit sabbath is the reception of the mark. But Christians of past generations observed the first day, supposing that they were keeping the BIBLE SABBATH, and there are in the churches of today many who honestly believe that Sunday is the SABBATH of DIVINE APPOINTMENT. None of these have received the MARK OF THE BEAST. There are true Christians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion. The TEST upon this question does not come until SUNDAY OBSERVANCE is ENFORCED BY LAW, and the world is enlightened concerning the obligation of the TRUE SABBATH. Not until the issue is thus plainly set before the people, and they are brought to choose between the COMMANDMENTS of GOD and the commandments of men, will those who continue in transgression receive the MARK OF THE BEAST. {4SP 281.2 1884}
In the issue of the great contest, two distinct, opposite classes are developed. One class “worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark,” and thus bring upon themselves the AWFUL JUDGMENTS threatened by the THIRD ANGEL. The other class, in marked contrast to the world, “KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of GOD and the FAITH of JESUS.” [Revelation 14:9, 12.] Though the powers of earth summon their forces to compel “all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,” to receive the MARK OF THE BEAST, yet the PEOPLE of GOD do not receive it. The prophet of Patmos beholds “them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his MARK, and over the NUMBER of his NAME, stand on the SEA of GLASS, having the HARPS of GOD,” [Revelation 15:2.] and singing the song of Moses and the LAMB. {4SP 282.2 1884} {GC88 450.1 1888} {RH, July 28, 1904 par. 9} {ST, January 25, 1910 par. 14}
When GOD sends to men WARNINGS so IMPORTANT that they are represented as PROCLAIMED by HOLY ANGELS flying in the midst of heaven, he requires every person endowed with reasoning powers to HEED THE MESSAGE. The FEARFUL JUDGMENTS denounced against the worship of the beast and his image, [Revelation 14:9-12.] should lead all to a DILIGENT STUDY of the PROPHECIES to LEARN what the MARK OF THE BEAST is, and how they are to avoid receiving it. But the masses of the people turn away their ears from hearing the truth, and are turned unto fables. The apostle Paul declared, looking down to the last days, “The time will come when they will not endure SOUND DOCTRINE.” [2 Timothy 4:3.] That time has fully come. The multitudes do not want BIBLE TRUTH, because it interferes with the desires of the sinful, world-loving heart; and Satan supplies the deceptions which they love. {4SP 413.1 1884} {GC88 594.2 1888} {RH, June 7, 1906 par. 4}
Fearful is the issue to which the world is to be brought. The powers of earth, UNITING to WAR against the COMMANDMENTS of GOD, will DECREE that no man may BUY or SELL, save he that has the MARK OF THE BEAST, and, finally, that whoever refuses to receive the mark shall be put to death. [Revelation 13:15, 17.] The WORD of GOD declares: “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the WRATH of GOD, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.” [Revelation 14:9, 10.] But not one is made to feel the WRATH of GOD until the truth has been brought in contact with his mind and conscience, and has been rejected. There are many in the churches of our country who have never, even in this land of light and knowledge, had an opportunity to hear the special truths for this time. The obligation of the FOURTH COMMANDMENT has never been set before them in its true light. JESUS reads every heart, and tries every motive. The DECREE is not to be urged upon the people blindly. Every one is to have sufficient light to make his decision intelligently. The SABBATH will be the GREAT TEST of LOYALTY; for it is the point of TRUTH especially controverted. {4SP 422.2 1884}
Here it was [that] the masterly effort of Satan would have deceived the very elect. But who were the ones blessed by him? Whom did he make glad? Whom did he honor? The combined powers of earth, the churches fallen by rejecting light and the messages of mercy Heaven had sent to heal Babylon but she refused. (CHRIST had declared the friendship of the world was enmity with GOD. Whosoever would be a friend of the world was the enemy of GOD.) The papal power, the man of sin which thought to change times and laws, that had presented a rival sabbath to the world to be worshiped, the apostate power who sits in the TEMPLE of GOD showing himself that he is GOD, the power that drank the blood of the saints is united with the Protestant churches, having two horns like a lamb but speaks as a dragon; the deceptions of spiritualism which have perpetuated Satan’s lie uttered in Eden, “Thou shalt not surely die”—all these are bound up in bundles, a corrupt harmony under a corrupt leader. The blessing is pronounced by this false christ upon the worshipers of the beast and his image, [the people] who have received the MARK OF THE BEAST and the mark of the image of the beast. {Ms16-1884}
The saints look on with amazement. Will they also be deceived? Will they worship Satan? ANGELS of GOD are about them. A clear, firm, musical voice is heard, “Look up.” There was one object before the praying ones—[the] final and eternal salvation of their souls. This object was before them constantly—that immortal life was promised to them who endure unto the end. Oh, how earnest and fervent had been their desires. The judgment and eternity were in view. Their eyes by faith were fixed on the blazing throne, before which the white-robed ones were to stand. This restrained them from the indulgence of sin. They were ripening for heaven. They had been cultivating spiritual mindedness, and striving soul, might, mind, and strength with persevering energy to COPY the PATTERN, that they might be without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, and meet their Lord in peace. Their souls went out in all the intense longing for to see Jesus, and by beholding by FAITH the CHARACTER and PURITY of JESUS they were being TRANSFORMED into HIS IMAGE. They were being brought into close harmony with JESUS CHRIST, and they had indomitable purpose. They would NOT DISHONOR GOD; they would NOT RECEIVE the MARK OF THE BEAST or of his image; they would OVERCOME as SERVANTS and SONS of GOD, that they might inherit all things. {Ms16-1884}
Let there be that littleness, that humbleness of soul, that they may know that you have been taught in the school of Christ. And when He shall appear in the clouds of heaven, we shall exclaim, Lo, this is our GOD, we have waited for HIM and HE will save us. Then it is that the crown of life will be placed upon the brow of the faithful ones. Then will come the voice of the Saviour, saying, Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. What? Faithful in putting their feet upon the LAW OF GOD? No, no. These have not the MARK OF THE BEAST upon them. I want that peace that comes through an OBEDIENCE to ALL of the COMMANDMENTS of GOD. Amen. {Ms5-1885}
The time is coming when we CANNOT SELL at any price. The DECREE will soon go forth PROHIBITING MEN TO BUY or SELL of any man save him that hath the MARK OF THE BEAST. We came near having this realized in California a short time since; but this was only the threatening of the blowing of the four winds. As yet they are held by the four angels. We are not just ready. There is a work yet to be done, and then the angels will be bidden to let go, that the four winds may blow upon the earth. That will be a decisive time for GOD’S CHILDREN, a TIME of TROUBLE such as never was since there was a nation. Now is our opportunity to work. {5T 152.2 1882-1889}
What are you doing, brethren, in the great work of preparation? Those who are uniting with the world are receiving the worldly mold and preparing for the MARK OF THE BEAST. Those who are distrustful of self, who are humbling themselves before GOD and PURIFYING THEIR SOULS by OBEYING the TRUTH these are receiving the heavenly mold and preparing for the SEAL of GOD in their foreheads. When the DECREE goes forth and the stamp is impressed, their CHARACTER will remain PURE and SPOTLESS for ETERNITY. {5T 216.1 1882-1889}
The Lord is doing His work. All heaven is astir. The JUDGE of all the earth is soon to arise and VINDICATE HIS INSULTED AUTHORITY. The MARK of DELIVERANCE will be SET UPON THE MEN who KEEP GOD’S COMMANDMENTS, who REVERE HIS LAW, and who REFUSE the MARK OF THE BEAST or of his image. {5T 451.3 1882-1889}
Their only hope is in the MERCY of GOD; their only defense will be PRAYER. As Joshua was pleading before the Angel, so the REMNANT CHURCH, with BROKENNESS of HEART and EARNEST FAITH, will PLEAD for PARDON and DELIVERANCE through JESUS their ADVOCATE. They are fully conscious of the sinfulness of their lives, they see their weakness and unworthiness, and as they look upon themselves they are ready to despair. The tempter stands by to accuse them, as he stood by to resist Joshua. He points to their filthy garments, their defective characters. He presents their weakness and folly, their sins of ingratitude, their unlikeness to Christ, which has dishonored their Redeemer. He endeavors to affright the soul with the thought that their case is hopeless, that the stain of their defilement will never be washed away. He hopes to so destroy their faith that they will yield to his temptations, turn from their ALLEGIANCE to GOD, and receive the MARK OF THE BEAST. {5T 473.1 1882-1889} {RH, January 9, 1908 par. 2}
In like manner, when GOD was about to open to the beloved John the history of the church for future ages, He gave him an assurance of the Saviour’s interest and care for His people by revealing to him “One like unto the Son of man,” walking among the candlesticks, which symbolized the seven churches. While John was shown the last great struggles of the church with earthly powers, he was also permitted to behold the final victory and deliverance of the faithful. He saw the church brought into deadly conflict with the beast and his image, and the worship of that beast enforced on pain of death. But looking beyond the smoke and din of the battle, he beheld a company upon Mount Zion with the LAMB, having, instead of the MARK OF THE BEAST, the “Father’s name written in their foreheads.” And again he saw “them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his MARK, and over the NUMBER of his NAME, stand on the SEA of GLASS, having the HARPS of GOD,” and singing the song of Moses and the LAMB. {5T 752.3 1882-1889}
The beast with two horns “causeth [commands] all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; and that no man might BUY or SELL, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” [Revelation 13:16, 17] The THIRD ANGEL’S WARNING is, “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the WRATH of GOD.” “The beast” mentioned in this message, whose worship is enforced by the two-horned beast, is the first, or leopard-like beast of Revelation 13,—the papacy. The “image to the beast” represents that form of apostate Protestantism which will be developed when the Protestant churches shall seek the aid of the civil power for the enforcement of their dogmas. The “MARK OF THE BEAST” still remains to be defined. {GC88 445.2 1888}
As the SIGN of the authority of the Catholic Church, papist writers cite, “the very act of changing the SABBATH into Sunday, which Protestants allow of . . . because by keeping Sunday strictly they acknowledge the church’s power to ordain feasts, and to command them under sin.” What then is the CHANGE of the SABBATH, but the SIGN or MARK of the authority of the Romish Church—“the MARK OF THE BEAST”? {GC88 448.2 1888}
But Christians of past generations observed the Sunday, supposing that in so doing they were keeping the BIBLE SABBATH, and there are now true Christians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion, who honestly believe that Sunday is the SABBATH of DIVINE APPOINTMENT. GOD accepts their sincerity of purpose and their integrity before him. But when Sunday observance shall be enforced by law, and the world shall be enlightened concerning the obligation of the true SABBATH, then whoever shall transgress the COMMAND of GOD, to obey a precept which has no higher authority than that of Rome, will thereby honor popery above GOD. He is paying homage to Rome, and to the power which enforces the institution ordained by Rome. He is worshiping the beast and his image. As men then reject the institution which GOD has declared to be the SIGN of HIS AUTHORITY, and honor in its stead that which Rome has chosen as the token of her supremacy, they will thereby accept the SIGN of allegiance to Rome—“the MARK OF THE BEAST.” And it is not until the issue is thus plainly set before the people, and they are brought to choose between the COMMANDMENTS of GOD and the commandments of men, that those who continue in transgression will receive “the MARK OF THE BEAST.” {GC88 449.1 1888}
The PROPHECY of Revelation 13 declares that the power represented by the beast with lamb-like horns shall cause “the earth and them which dwell therein” to worship the papacy—there symbolized by the beast “like unto a leopard.” The beast with two horns is also to say “to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast;” and, furthermore, it is to command all, “both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,” to receive “the MARK OF THE BEAST.” [Revelation 13:11-16.] It has been shown that the UNITED STATES IS THE POWER REPRESENTED BY THE BEAST WITH LAMB-LIKE HORNS, and that this PROPHECY WILL BE FULFILLED when the United States shall ENFORCE SUNDAY OBSERVANCE, which Rome claims as the special acknowledgment of her supremacy. But in this homage to papacy the UNITED STATES WILL NOT BE ALONE. The influence of Rome in the countries that once acknowledged her dominion, is still far from being destroyed. And PROPHECY FORETELLS A RESTORATION OF HER POWER. “I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed; and all the world wondered after the beast.” [Revelation 13:3.] The infliction of the DEADLY WOUND points to the ABOLITION of the PAPACY in 1798. After this, says the prophet, “His deadly wound was healed; and ALL THE WORLD wondered after the beast.” Paul states plainly that the man of sin will continue until the second advent. [2 Thessalonians 2:8.] To the very close of time he will carry forward his work of deception. And the Revelator declares, also referring to the papacy, “ALL that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose NAMES ARE NOT WRITTEN in the BOOK of LIFE.” [Revelation 13:8.] In both the Old and the New World, papacy will receive homage in the honor paid to the Sunday institution, that rests solely upon the authority of the Romish Church. {GC88 578.3 1888}
With the issue thus clearly brought before him, whoever shall TRAMPLE upon GOD’S LAW to obey a human enactment, receives the MARK OF THE BEAST; he accepts the SIGN of ALLEGIANCE to the power which he chooses to obey instead of GOD. The warning from Heaven is, “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the WRATH of GOD, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.” [Revelation 14:9, 10.] {GC88 604.3 1888}
The SABBATH will be the GREAT TEST of LOYALTY; for it is the POINT of TRUTH especially controverted. When the FINAL TEST shall be brought to bear upon men, then the line of distinction will be drawn between THOSE WHO SERVE GOD and those who serve him not. While the observance of the false sabbath in compliance with the law of the State, contrary to the FOURTH COMMANDMENT, will be an avowal of allegiance to a power that is in OPPOSITION to GOD, the keeping of the TRUE SABBATH, in OBEDIENCE to GOD’S LAW, is an evidence of LOYALTY to the CREATOR. While one class, by accepting the SIGN of SUBMISSION to earthly powers, receive the MARK OF THE BEAST, the other, choosing the TOKEN of ALLEGIANCE to DIVINE AUTHORITY, receive the SEAL of GOD. {GC88 605.2 1888}
When CHRIST ceases his intercession in the SANCTUARY, the UNMINGLED WRATH threatened against those who worship the beast and his image and receive his mark, [Revelation 14:9, 10.] will be poured out. The plagues upon Egypt when GOD was about to deliver Israel, were similar in character to those MORE TERRIBLE and EXTENSIVE JUDGMENTS which are to fall upon the world just before the FINAL DELIVERANCE of GOD’S PEOPLE. Says the Revelator, in describing these terrific scourges, “There fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the MARK OF THE BEAST, and upon them which worshiped his image.” The sea “became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died in the sea.” And “the rivers and fountains of waters became blood.” [Revelation 16:2-6, 8, 9.] Terrible as these inflictions are, GOD’S JUSTICE stands fully vindicated. The ANGEL of GOD declares, “Thou art righteous, O Lord, . . . because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the BLOOD of SAINTS and PROPHETS, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. [Revelation 16:2-6, 8, 9.] By condemning the PEOPLE of GOD to DEATH they have as truly incurred the guilt of their blood, as if it had been shed by their hands. In like manner CHRIST declared the Jews of his time guilty of all the blood of holy men which had been shed since the days of Abel; for they possessed the same spirit, and were seeking to do the same work, with these murderers of the prophets. {GC88 627.2 1888}
We need not make any special rules for those who are not dyspeptic Christians. On the other hand, should resolutions be passed that, because of the trials and inconveniences that arise because of our faith, such ones should cease their labor on Sunday, bowing to the idol sabbath, will it give those who do this vigorous, spiritual sinew and muscle, or will they grow into cowards and be swept away with the delusions of these last days? Leave these precious souls to GOD’S DICTATION. Be sure the SABBATH is a TEST question; how you treat this question places you either on GOD’S SIDE or Satan’s side. The MARK OF THE BEAST is to be presented in some shape to every institution and every individual. {Ms6-1889}
This is the TEST that the PEOPLE of GOD must have before they are SEALED. All who prove their LOYALTY to GOD by observing HIS LAW, and REFUSING to ACCEPT a spurious sabbath, will rank under the banner of the LORD GOD JEHOVAH, and will receive the SEAL of the LIVING GOD. Those who yield the truth of heavenly origin, and accept the Sunday sabbath, will receive the MARK OF THE BEAST. What need will there be of the solemn warning not to receive the MARK OF THE BEAST, when all the SAINTS of GOD are SEALED and TICKETED for the NEW JERUSALEM? “O consistency, thou art a jewel!” {Lt11-1890}
Satan is ever seeking to bring about a state of things in which righteousness may be termed unrighteousness, and unrighteousness righteousness. What are we to do?–We are to keep in living connection with the GOD of HEAVEN, ranking in his army and under his banner, and we cannot afford to be in such gross blindness that we cannot discern truth from error. We want to know what is truth. Many say, “The whole world is keeping the first day of the week, and do you think that all the great and good men are in error?” GOD is going to bring around a condition of things where the good men and the men in authority will have an opportunity to know what is truth indeed. And because a people will not bow the knee to the image, and receive the MARK OF THE BEAST in the hand or the forehead, but will stand to the truth because it is truth, there will be oppression, and an attempt to compel the conscience; but those who have known the truth will be afraid to yield to the powers of darkness. GOD has a PEOPLE who will NOT receive the MARK OF THE BEAST in their right hand or in their forehead. GOD has a place for HIS PEOPLE to fill in this world, to reflect light. You are GOD’S SENTINELS. CHRIST says of his people, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” We are to stand the trial and test of persecution because of allegiance to the truth. Not a move has been made in exalting the idol SABBATH, in bringing around Sunday observance through legislation, but Satan has been behind it, and has been the chief worker; but the conscience should not be compelled even for the OBSERVANCE of the GENUINE SABBATH, for GOD will accept only willing service. The question is asked, Shall we not obey the powers that be?–Yes, when they are in harmony with the higher powers that be. GOD made HIS LAW for all the universe. He created man, he gives the bounteous provisions of nature, holds our breath and life in his hand. He is to be recognized, his law honored, before all the great men and the highest earthly powers. {RH, April 15, 1890 par. 13}
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the MARK OF THE BEAST, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. {Ms24-1891} And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceedeth out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. {Ms42-1899}
The first thing recorded in SCRIPTURE HISTORY after the fall was the PERSECUTION of Abel. And the last thing in SCRIPTURE PROPHECY is the PERSECUTION against THOSE WHO REFUSE to receive the MARK OF THE BEAST. We should be the last people on the earth to indulge in the slightest degree the spirit of persecution against those who are bearing the MESSAGE of GOD to the world. This is the most terrible feature of un-Christlikeness that has manifested itself among us since the Minneapolis meeting. Sometime it will be seen in its true bearing, with all the burden of woe that has resulted from it. {Lt25b-1892}
The time is upon us when the miracle-working power of the arch deceiver will be more decidedly revealed. And his deceptions will increase in their delusive attraction, so that they will perplex, and if possible, deceive, the very elect. The prince of darkness with his evil angels is working upon the Christian world, inducing those who profess the name of CHRIST to stand under the banner of darkness, to make WAR with those who KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of GOD, and have the FAITH of JESUS. An apostate church will unite with the powers of earth and hell to place upon the forehead or in the hand, the MARK OF THE BEAST, and prevail upon the CHILDREN of GOD to worship the beast and his image. They will seek to compel them to renounce their allegiance to GOD’S LAW, and yield homage to the papacy. Then will come the TIMES WHICH WILL TRY MEN’S SOULS; for the confederacy of apostasy will DEMAND that the LOYAL SUBJECTS of GOD shall renounce the LAW of JEHOVAH, and repudiate the truth of his word. Then will the gold be separated from the dross, and it will be made apparent who are the godly, who are LOYAL and TRUE, and who are the disloyal, the dross and the tinsel. What clouds of chaff will then be borne away by the fan of GOD! Where now our eyes can discover only rich floors of wheat, will be chaff blown away with the fan of GOD. Every one who is not CENTERED in CHRIST will fail to stand the test and ordeal of that day. While those who are CLOTHED with CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS will STAND FIRM to TRUTH and DUTY, those who have trusted in their own righteousness will be ranged under the black banner of the prince of darkness. Then it will be seen whether the CHOICE is for CHRIST or Belial. Those who have been self-distrustful, who have been so circumstanced that they have not dared to face stigma and reproach, will at last openly declare themselves for CHRIST and HIS LAW; while many who have appeared to be flourishing trees, but who have borne no fruit, will go with the multitude to do evil, and will receive the mark of apostasy in the forehead or in the hand. {RH, November 8, 1892 par. 7}
With what pride Satan looks upon the world whom we numbers as his subjects. With the union of church and state, he is ruler as far as it is possible for him to being the world. The great rebel who originated rebellion in heaven, is worshipped and the church rules the state, and a corrupt harmony exists, satanic in its principles and workings, and superhuman power is manifested by the whole confederacy of evil. But his rebellion has an end; for the WICKED are CONSUMED by the BRIGHTNESS of HIS COMING whose right it is to rule. “And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the GREAT GOD; that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the MARK OF THE BEAST, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into the lake burning with fire and brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse which sword proceeded out of his mouth; and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.” {Ms104-1893}
CHRIST HIMSELF came to EXPLAIN the LAW, and HE presents the SABBATH on its original basis. HE said, “I am the LORD of the SABBATH.” The BIBLE TRUTH is not hid from anyone, unless it is hid to them that are lost, because they will not take the plain statement of the WORD of GOD. Antichrists appear. Satan and evil angels counsel to do away with GOD’S SIGN. They said, “We will take Sunday, and make the world believe it is the SABBATH of [the] FOURTH COMMANDMENT. When they will compel all to keep it, that is the MARK OF THE BEAST and his image. All the lying signs and wonders, and mass of corruptions and slime, are the imprint of the satanic. They show blindness that is inconceivable. {Ms12-1893}
There are many who have never had the light. They are deceived by their teachers, and they have not received the MARK OF THE BEAST. The Lord is working with them; he has not left them to their own ways. Until they shall be convicted of the truth, and trample upon the evidence given to enlighten them, the Lord will not withdraw His grace from them. Let all that hold the truth, hold it in righteousness. Let them, in words and actions, reveal what the truth is doing for these natural branches that are grafted into the olive tree. Let them at all times give evidence that they are partaking of the nourishment from the parent stock, and bear fruit exactly like that of the stock. The SPIRIT of CHRIST is our great need. {Lt7-1895}
As soon as the whites—the members of the church—shall become filled with hatred against the truth, they leaven the colored people with them. As soon as they can get the slightest chance, they will stir up one another, and pick off them whom they hate. Sunday is not the MARK OF THE BEAST in such a field at present. The time will come when this TEST will be made, but not now. The TRUTH must come more fully before the people. This should not be understood to refer to our own people in that field who understand the TRUTH. I have no light on that, and I cannot advise them. {Ms22-1895}
The brethren were invited to discuss the points treated in the letters, but all were desirous of hearing further from Sister White, and she made the following remarks: “There is a terrible crisis just before us, through which all must pass, and especially will it come and be felt in _____. My mind has been much troubled over the positions which some of our brethren are liable to take in regard to the work to be done among the colored people in the Southern states. There is one point that I wish to lay before those who work in the Southern field. Among the colored people, they will have to labor in different lines from those followed in the North. They cannot go to the South and present the real facts in reference to SUNDAY KEEPING being the MARK OF THE BEAST, and encourage the colored people to work on Sunday, for the same spirit that held the colored in slavery is not dead, but alive today, and ready to spring into activity. The same spirit of oppression is still cherished in the minds of many of the white people of the South, and will reveal itself in cruel deeds, which are the manifestation of their religious zeal. Some will oppose in every possible way any action which has a tendency to uplift the colored race, and teach them to be self-supporting. {Ms22c-1895}
At present, persecution is not general, but let the Southern element have words come to them of a nature to arouse their excitable disposition, and the whole cause of truth would suffer, and the great missionary field be closed. Let all be warned. Let the instruction be given to this MUCH-OPPRESSED PEOPLE that the KEEPING of the SABBATH does NOT necessitate their working on Sunday; for if they should do this, they would have instigated against them all the powers of the white population who are transgressors of the LAW OF GOD. Church-members and priests and rulers will combine to organize secret societies to work in their land to whip, imprison, and destroy the lives of the colored race. History will be repeated. Let efforts be made in as silent a manner as possible; but this people need not be told that the observance of Sunday is the MARK OF THE BEAST until this time shall come. If the Southern people get some of the ideas in their minds of the MARK OF THE BEAST, they would misconstrue and give, honestly, the most false impression on these subjects, and do strange things. {SpTA06 51.1 1896} {SW 75.1 1898,1901} {Lt73-1895}
The MARK OF THE BEAST is the opposite of this, the observance of the first day of the week. This mark distinguishes those who acknowledge the supremacy of the Papal authority, seen in the man of sin thinking to change times and laws, and those who ACKNOWLEDGE the AUTHORITY of GOD. The worshipers of the beast are those that receive his mark in their foreheads and in their hands. {Ms1-1897} {PH086 6.2 1898} {8T 117.4 1904} {ST, March 22, 1910 par. 5}
There are only two classes. Each party is distinctly stamped, either with the SEAL of the LIVING GOD, or with the MARK OF THE BEAST or his image. Each son and daughter of Adam chooses CHRIST or Satan as his general. All who place themselves on the side of the disloyal are under Satan’s black banner, and stand charged with rejecting and despitefully using JESUS CHRIST. They are charged with deliberately CRUCIFYING the LORD of LIFE and GLORY. {Ms40-1897} {RH, January 30, 1900 par. 4}
It is for the interest of all to understand what the MARK OF THE BEAST is, and how they may escape the DREAD THREATENINGS of GOD. Why are men not interested to know what constitutes the MARK OF THE BEAST and his image? It is in direct contrast with the MARK of GOD. “The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak ye also unto the children of Israel saying Verily, MY SABBATHS ye shall KEEP; for it is a SIGN between ME and YOU throughout your generations: that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth SANCTIFY you. Ye shall KEEP the SABBATH therefore; for it is HOLY unto you.. .. Six days may work be done; but in the SEVENTH is the SABBATH of REST, HOLY unto the LORD: whosoever doeth any work in the SABBATH DAY, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall KEEP the SABBATH to observe the SABBATH throughout their generations for a PERPETUAL COVENANT. It is a SIGN between me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh he rested and was refreshed.” {Ms88-1897}
The time has come for the true light to shine amid moral darkness. The THIRD ANGEL’S MESSAGE has been sent forth to the world, warning men against receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST or of his image in their foreheads or in their hands. To receive this mark means to come to the same decision as the beast has done, and to advocate the same ideas, in DIRECT OPPOSITION to the WORD of GOD. Of all who receive this MARK, GOD says, “The same shall drink of the wine of the WRATH of GOD, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the HOLY ANGELS, and in the presence of the LAMB.” {RH, July 13, 1897 par. 5}
If the light of truth has been presented to you, revealing the SABBATH of the FOURTH COMMANDMENT, and showing that there is no foundation in the WORD of GOD for Sunday observance, and yet you still cling to the false sabbath, refusing to KEEP HOLY the SABBATH which GOD calls “MY HOLY DAY,” you receive the MARK OF THE BEAST. When does this take place?–When you OBEY the DECREE that COMMANDS you to cease from labor on Sunday and worship GOD, while you know that there is NOT a WORD in the BIBLE showing Sunday to be other than a common working-day, you consent to receive the MARK OF THE BEAST, and refuse the SEAL of GOD. If we receive this mark in our foreheads or in our hands, the judgments pronounced against the disobedient must fall upon us. But the SEAL of the LIVING GOD is placed upon those who CONSCIENTIOUSLY KEEP the SABBATH of the LORD. {RH, July 13, 1897 par. 6}
This is our work. The light that we have upon the THIRD ANGEL’S MESSAGE is the TRUE LIGHT. The MARK OF THE BEAST is exactly what it has been proclaimed to be. All in regard to this matter is not yet understood, and will not be understood until the unrolling of the scroll; but a most solemn work is to be accomplished in our world. “Cry aloud; spare not; life up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgressions, and the house of Jacob their sin.” A message is to be given to arouse the churches. Every effort is to be made to give the light not only to our people, but to the world. I have been given light that the PROPHECIES of DANIEL and the REVELATION are to be printed in SMALL BOOKS, with the NECESSARY EXPLANATIONS, and sent all through the world. Our own people need to have the light in clearer lines before them. {Lt123-1898} {GCDB, March 2, 1899 par. 3} {Ms3-1899} {8T 159.3 1904}
John was called to behold a people distinct from those who worship the beast and his image by keeping the FIRST DAY of the WEEK. The OBSERVANCE of THIS DAY is the MARK OF THE BEAST. John declares, “Here is the PATIENCE of the SAINTS, here are they that KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of GOD and the FAITH of JESUS.” {Lt31-1898} {PH086 30.3 1898}
Then with regard to the Sunday question. I read in the paper of one man who was one hour late closing his store and he had to pay a fine for it. Now, how does GOD look upon it? Why, we have got to act as men and women that have minds and souls and that are under OBEDIENCE to GOD. Now, if they should come here and say you must close up your work and your presses on Sunday, I would not say to you to keep your presses going, because the conflict does not come between you and your GOD. When they go a little farther and say you must keep Sunday and you shall not observe Saturday, then everyone that took the position would have the MARK OF THE BEAST. {Ms163-1898}
It will not do to encourage the people to do manual work on Sunday. Sunday-keeping is not yet the MARK OF THE BEAST, and will not be until the DECREE goes forth causing men to worship this idol sabbath. The time will come when this day will be the TEST, but that time has not come yet. The colored people may work on Sunday as on other days of the week before the SABBATH TRUTH is brought to them, but if they do this after they have accepted the TRUTH, they will be noticed and condemned. Prejudice is strong in the South, and in presenting the SABBATH great care should be taken. The people will soon learn all you believe. Educate the people in the simplest manner, and make no great stir about it. Use every precaution, lest you be cut off from your work. {Ms118-1899}
And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come, and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the GREAT GOD; that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the MARK OF THE BEAST, and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse. {Ms172-1899}
The CHANGE of the SABBATH is the SIGN or MARK of the authority of the Romish Church. Those who, understanding the claims of the FOURTH COMMANDMENT, choose to observe the false sabbath in the place of the TRUE, are thereby paying homage to that power by which alone it is commanded. The MARK OF THE BEAST is the papal sabbath, which has been accepted by the world in the place of the DAY of GOD’S APPOINTMENT. {Ms51-1899} {ST, November 8, 1899 par. 1} {BTS, February 1, 1913 par. 4}
But no one has yet received the MARK OF THE BEAST. The TESTING TIME has not yet come. There are true Christians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion. None are condemned until they have had the light and have seen the OBLIGATION of the FOURTH COMMANDMENT. But when the DECREE shall go forth ENFORCING the counterfeit sabbath, and the LOUD CRY of the THIRD ANGEL shall WARN men against the WORSHIP of the beast and his image, the line will be clearly drawn between the false and the TRUE. Then those who still continue in transgression will receive the MARK OF THE BEAST. {Ms51-1899} in their foreheads or in their hands. {BTS, February 1, 1913 par. 5}
The MESSAGE containing this WARNING is the LAST to be PROCLAIMED before the REVELATION of the SON of MAN. The SIGNS which HE HIMSELF has given declare HIS COMING to be near at hand. For well-nigh forty years has the MESSAGE of the THIRD ANGEL been sounding. In the issue of the great contest two parties are developed, those who “worship the beast and his image,” and receive his mark, and those who receive “the SEAL of the LIVING GOD,” who have the FATHER’S NAME written in their foreheads. This is NOT a VISIBLE MARK. The time has come when all who have an interest in their soul’s salvation should earnestly and solemnly inquire, What is the SEAL of GOD? and what is the MARK OF THE BEAST? How can we avoid receiving it? {ST, November 1, 1899 par. 8} {Ms51-1899}
The SEAL of GOD, the TOKEN or SIGN of HIS AUTHORITY, is found in the FOURTH COMMANDMENT. This is the ONLY PRECEPT of the DECALOGUE that points to GOD as the CREATOR of the heavens and the earth, and clearly distinguishes the TRUE GOD from all false gods. Throughout the SCRIPTURES the fact of GOD’S CREATIVE POWER is cited as proof that HE is above all heathen deities. {ST, November 1, 1899 par. 9}
The SABBATH enjoined by the FOURTH COMMANDMENT was instituted to COMMEMORATE the WORK of CREATION, thus to keep the minds of men ever directed to the TRUE and LIVING GOD. Had the SABBATH always been kept, there would never have been an idolater, an atheist, or an infidel. The SACRED OBSERVANCE of GOD”S HOLY DAY would have led the minds of men to their CREATOR. The things of nature would have brought HIM to their remembrance, and they would have borne witness to HIS POWER and HIS LOVE. The SABBATH of the FOURTH COMMANDMENT is the SEAL of the LIVING GOD. It points to GOD as the CREATOR, and is the SIGN of HIS RIGHTFUL AUTHORITY over the beings HE has made. {ST, November 1, 1899 par. 10}
What, then, is the MARK OF THE BEAST, if it is not the spurious sabbath which the world has accepted in the place of the true? {ST, November 1, 1899 par. 11} {Ms51-1899}
The DECREE is to go forth that all who will NOT receive the MARK OF THE BEAST shall NEITHER BUY NOR SELL, AND, FINALLY, THAT THEY SHALL BE PUT TO DEATH. But the SAINTS of GOD do not receive this MARK. The prophet of Patmos beheld those that had gotten the victory over the beast and over his image and over his MARK and over the NUMBER of his NAME, standing on the SEA of GLASS, having the HARPS of GOD, and singing the song of Moses and the LAMB. {ST, November 8, 1899 par. 11} {Ms51-1899}
John’s prophetic eye sees a company who have NOT the MARK OF THE BEAST. As he beholds them, he exclaims, “Here is the PATIENCE of the SAINTS: here are they that KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of GOD, and the FAITH of JESUS.” Two parties are brought into view: one KEEPING the COMMANDMENTS of GOD, in distinction from the one breaking HIS COMMANDMENTS, enforcing the Sunday sabbath, and compelling the people to conform to the Sunday law. Through union with opposers of the SABBATH of the FOURTH COMMANDMENT—the SEVENTH DAY SABBATH—men will receive the MARK OF THE BEAST. And all who have that mark will perish with the man of sin, who makes VOID the LAW OF GOD. {Lt118-1900}
GOD has given men the SABBATH as a SIGN between HIM and THEM, as a TEST of their LOYALTY. Those who, after the LIGHT regarding GOD’S LAW comes to them, continue to disobey and exalt human laws above the LAW OF GOD in the great crisis before us, will receive the MARK OF THE BEAST. {Lt98-1900}
Babylon is represented as holding a wine cup in her hand, from which she makes all nations drink. The nations commit spiritual fornication, by divorcing themselves from GOD and TRAMPLING on HIS COMMANDMENTS. But there are some who remain TRUE to their ALLEGIANCE to JEHOVAH. John beholds the LOYAL PEOPLE of GOD, and he exclaims, “Here is the PATIENCE of the SAINTS; here are they that KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of GOD and the FAITH of JESUS.” The time in which the saints live is a trying one for those who refuse to receive the MARK OF THE BEAST, but through it all the SAINTS show their PATIENCE. They continue STEADFAST in the FAITH, EVEN SHOULD THEIR FIRMNESS COST THEM THEIR LIFE. {Ms16-1900} {Lt28-1900}
John writes again, “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had the MARK OF THE BEAST, and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with a sword of him that sat upon the horse.” {Ms27-1900}
To defy the Sunday laws will but strengthen in their persecution the religious zealots who are seeking to enforce them. Give them no occasion to call you lawbreakers. If they are left to rein up men who fear neither GOD nor man, the reining up will soon lose its novelty for them, and they will see that it is not consistent nor convenient for them to be strict in regard to the observance of Sunday. Keep right on with your work, with your BIBLES in your hands, and the enemy will see that he has worsted his own cause. One does not receive the MARK OF THE BEAST because he shows that he realizes the wisdom of keeping the peace by refraining from work that gives offense, doing at the same time a work of the highest importance. {Lt132-1902} {RP, December 3, 1907 par. 4} {9T 232.3 1909}
Our work is a great and solemn one. We are to KNOW the SCRIPTURES, that we may DISTINGUISH TRUTH from error. It means EVERYTHING to us to UNDERSTAND what is TRUTH, and to RECEIVE IT INTO OUR LIVES, and to UNDERSTAND what is meant by the MARK OF THE BEAST, and to REFUSE to receive this MARK. {Lt183-1902}
The LIGHT that CHRIST revealed to His servant the prophet is for us. In His revelation are given the THREE ANGELS’ MESSAGES, and a description of the angel that was to come down from heaven with GREAT POWER, lightening the earth with HIS GLORY. In it are warnings against the wickedness that would exist in the last days, and against the MARK OF THE BEAST. We are not only to READ and UNDERSTAND this MESSAGE, but to PROCLAIM it with no uncertain sound to the world. By presenting these things revealed to John, we shall be able to stir the people. The usual subjects on which the ministers of nearly all other denominations dwell will not move them. We must PROCLAIM our GOD-GIVEN MESSAGE to them. The world is to be WARNED by the PROCLAMATION of this MESSAGE. If we blanket it, if we hide our light under a bushel, if we so circumscribe ourselves that we cannot reach the people, we are ANSWERABLE to GOD for our failure to warn the world. {Ms169-1902}
In answer to another question, Sister White said, “I have given you the light which has been presented to me. If followed, it will change the course of many, and will make them wise, cautious teachers. REFRAINING FROM WORK on Sunday is NOT receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST; and where this will advance the interest of the work, it should be done. We should NOT go out of our way to work on Sunday. We need not take our sawhorse, and set it out on the front side walk, and saw wood there in order to let our light shine, as one man living in a large city thought it his duty to do. Let us, if advisable, spend this time in missionary effort. GOD’S MARK, or SIGN, is HIS SABBATH, as is revealed in the thirty-first chapter of Exodus, verses twelve to fifteen. The Lord declares, “Verily MY SABBATHS ye shall KEEP.” This we can do so long as we are at liberty; but if at any time we should be placed in the chain gang, it is possible that we would be compelled to work on the SABBATH, or else suffer the penalty, which may be death. Especially is this true of the colored people. We must take into consideration the conditions as they exist and act like men and women of good judgment. We must learn to use sanctified common sense. {Ms93-1902} {SW 70.1 1898,1901} & {Ms22c-1895} & {Ms22b-1895} {Ms22a-1895}
If in the PROVIDENCE of GOD you have been given means, do not settle down with the thought that you need not engage in useful labor, that you have enough, and can eat, and drink, and be merry. Do not stand idle while others are struggling to obtain means for the cause. If you do less than your duty in giving help to the perishing, remember that your indolence is incurring guilt. Before it is forever too late, begin to reform. Invest less in worldly enterprises, and use your means in creating increased facilities for giving the THIRD ANGEL’S MESSAGE to the world. The time will soon come when NO MAN CAN BUY or SELL, SAVE HE who has the MARK OF THE BEAST. We have no time to lose. The end is near. But opportunity is still offered for your talent of means now buried in worldly possessions, to be transferred to the Lord’s work. {RH, May 27, 1902 par. 12} {Lt72-1902}
The WORK of the HOLY SPIRIT is to CONVINCE the world of sin, of RIGHTEOUSNESS and of JUDGMENT. The world can only be warned by seeing those who believe the truth SANCTIFIED THROUGH THE TRUTH, acting upon HIGH and HOLY PRINCIPLES, showing in a high, elevated sense, the LINE of DEMARCATION between those who KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of GOD, and those who TRAMPLE them under their feet. The SANCTIFICATION of the SPIRIT signalizes the difference between those who have the SEAL of GOD, and those who keep a spurious rest-day. When the TEST comes, it will be clearly shown what the MARK OF THE BEAST is. It is the KEEPING of SUNDAY. Those who after having heard the TRUTH, continue to regard this day as holy, bear the signature of the man of sin, who thought to change times and laws. {BTS, December 1, 1903 par. 6} {Lt12-1900}
Brother and Sister Burden, we must now put on the whole armor of RIGHTEOUSNESS. We must be as true as steel to principle, standing steadfastly against every species of corruption. It is this steadfast adherence to principle that is to distinguish those who bear the SEAL of the LIVING GOD from those who have the MARK OF THE BEAST. {Lt26-1903}
The WORSHIPERS of GOD will be especially distinguished by their regard for the FOURTH COMMANDMENT—since this is the SIGN of HIS CREATIVE POWER and the WITNESS to HIS CLAIM upon man’s reverence and homage. The wicked will be distinguished by their efforts to tear down the CREATOR’S MEMORIAL, to exalt the institution of Rome. … {Lt119-1904} Revelation 15:2. {9T 16.2 1909}
Apparently the whole world is guilty of receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST. But the prophet sees a company who are not worshiping the beast, and who have not received his mark in their foreheads or in their hands. “Here is the PATIENCE of the SAINTS,” he declares; “here are they that KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of GOD, and the FAITH of JESUS.” {Ms92-1904}
Then Brother Simpson read to his hearers of “the man of sin,” who has arisen and has exalted a spurious rest day. In doing this, he has exalted himself above GOD, the CREATOR. The facts regarding this work were clearly presented by Brother Simpson, and the OBSERVANCE of SUNDAY was shown to be the MARK OF THE BEAST. {Lt356-1906}
The GREAT DECISION now to be made by every one is, whether he will receive the MARK OF THE BEAST and his image, or the SEAL of the LIVING and TRUE GOD. And now, when we are on the very borders of the ETERNAL WORLD, what can be of so much value to us as to be found LOYAL and TRUE to the GOD of HEAVEN? What is there that we should prize above HIS TRUTH and HIS LAW? What education can be given to the students in our schools that is so necessary as a knowledge of “what saith the SCRIPTURE?” {ST, March 22, 1910 par. 14} {6T 130.2 1901}